

单词 arrhythmia
释义 ar·rhyth·mi·a 英əˈrɪðmiːə美əˈrɪðmiəAHDə-rĭY“mē-ə 高COCA³³⁴³⁴BNC⁵⁴²³⁸iWeb¹⁷⁶⁹⁴

an abnormal rate of muscle contractions in the heartauricular arrhythmia心房紊乱心律…arrhythmia detector心律失常检出器…continuous arrhythmia持续性心律失常…arrhythmia monitor心律失常监护仪…severe arrhythmia严重心律失常…respiratory arrhythmia呼吸性心律失常,呼吸…arrhythmia of pulse参伍不调arrhythmia cordis医 心律失常…atrial arrhythmia房性心律不齐,心房紊…sinus arrhythmia窦性心律失常…juvenile arrhythmia医 青年期心律失…perpetual arrhythmia永久性心律失常,持续…cardiac arrhythmia心律紊乱ventricular arrhythmia心室紊乱心律…nodal arrhythmia结性心律失常…drug for cardiac arrhythmia抗心律紊乱药…
词根记忆a-不|无r…者=errhythm-节奏-ia症⇒n.心律不齐⁸⁷;节律失调¹³n.医心律失常;心律不整;医心律不齐⁸⁷;无节律性;脉律不齐;心率失常;心率不齐;节律不齐;近义词 cardiac arrhythmia心律紊乱

用作名词The doctor found that he was born witharrhythmia.医生发现他天生心律不齐。 Along with being a risk factor for coronary artery disease, obesity may increase your risk of developing an arrhythmia.
肥胖会增加患有冠心病的危险,由此导致心律失常。 yeeyan

Over- the- counter cough and cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine and certain prescription drugs may contribute to arrhythmia development.
成分中含有伪麻黄碱的非处方类感冒药,及一部分处方药都具有致心律失常作用。 yeeyan

There might be some precipitating factors producing some additional damage to the heart or triggering a fatal cardiac arrhythmia.
可能由于一时附加某种诱因损伤心脏或加重心肌缺血,迅速触发致死性心律失常。 iciba

At follow-up of50 months,47 patients56% had reached a composite end point including death, heart transplantation, hospitalization for heart failure, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction and stroke.
在随访的50个月中,47名患者56%到达复合终点,这包括死亡、心脏移植、心衰后住院、心率失常、心梗及中风。 iciba

But EBM cannot antagonize the arrhythmia induced by adrenaline in rabbits.
但不能对抗肾上腺素诱发的家兔心律失常。 iciba

Conclusion Stable arrhythmia animal model can be mede by using guinea pigs, which can be used to study on triggered arrhythmia and develop the antiarrhythmic drugs.
结论选用豚鼠可建立稳定的心律失常模型,此模型在探究触发所致的心律失常以及抗心律失常药物研究开发中有一定意义。 iciba

Conclusion There was direct relation between the arrhythmia and palpitation.
结论心律失常和心悸的发作有直接关系。 cnki

He was also receiving diltiazem for cardiac arrhythmia.
他还接受了地尔硫卓治疗心律不齐。 iciba

How often should I be screened for heart disease or other complications of an arrhythmia?
我应该隔多长时间检查心脏病和其他并发症一次? yeeyan

If your heart occasionally races, which could indicate arrhythmia, or otherwise draws attention to itself, Dr. Nattel said, consult a doctor.
一旦你发现心脏偶尔有心律不齐或者其他问题,奈特尔博士说,你应该去看医生。 yeeyan

If your heart arrhythmia persists for more than a few minutes or is accompanied by fainting, shortness of breath, or chest pain, seek emergency medical help immediately.
如果你发现自己心律失常持续超过几分钟而且觉得要晕倒、气短或是胸闷胸痛,速叫急救。 yeeyan

In addition, episodes of low blood sugar hypoglycemia can trigger an arrhythmia.
另外,时而的低血糖发作也可能引起心律失常。 yeeyan

In addition, your cardiologist can use the electrodes to stimulate your heart to beat at rates that may trigger— or halt— an arrhythmia.
另外,心脏专科医生也可以通过电极刺激心脏,以此引发或消除异常心律; yeeyan

It involves removing the aneurysm that's causing your arrhythmia. By removing the source of the abnormal impulses, the arrhythmia often can be eliminated.
手术会除去这个室壁瘤,也就消除了导致心律失常的病根,心律往往就会恢复正常。 yeeyan

Narrowed heart arteries, heart attack, abnormal valves, prior heart surgery, cardiomyopathy and other heart damage are risk factors for almost any kind of arrhythmia.
冠脉狭窄、心梗、心瓣膜病、手术史、心肌病和其他心脏损伤是绝大多数心律失常的危险因素。 yeeyan

Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of “ Fulvning Granule” in the treatment of arrhythmia of qi- yin deficiency.
目的观察复律宁冲剂治疗气阴两虚型心律失常的临床疗效。 iciba

Objective: To analyses the incidence and the mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmia in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy DCM.
目的:分析扩张型心肌病 DCM患者的各种心律失常的发生率及机制。 iciba

Objective:The effects of rehabilitation on benign ventricular arrhythmiaBVA were observed.
目的:观察康复治疗对良性室性心律失常的疗效。 iciba

Possible effects range from minor changes in heartbeat to an increase in the risk of abnormal heart rhythms arrhythmia that might be life- threatening such as ventricular fibrillation.
可能产生的影响从轻微改变心跳率到增加不正常心脏节率心率不齐的危险,这可能对生命有威胁例如心室纤维颤动。 who

Sometimes, controlling the rate of an arrhythmia that's causing heart failure can improve your heart's function.
有时,控制心率能够改善心律失常患者的心功能。 yeeyan

The coroner's report listed as Elvis' cause of death coronary arrhythmia; Jackson was rushed to the hospital after suffering cardiac arrest.
验尸官的报告上标明埃尔维斯是死于严重的心率失常;而杰克逊,恰好也是在心脏停跳后被送往医院急救的。 yeeyan

The results of a feasibility study have been published online in Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, a journal of the American Heart Association.
关于可行性研究的结果已经在线发表于《循环:心律失常与电生理》,美国心脏学会杂志之一。 dxy

The signals create images of your heart that can help your doctor determine the cause of your heart arrhythmia.
通过检测信号就可以对心脏成像并帮助医生推测病因。 yeeyan

They believe VA, which could have many underlying causes, may be triggered by intense exercise or that endurance sports could promote the arrhythmia along with genetic or environmental factors.
室性心律失常可能有很多潜在原因,他们相信高强度的锻炼或者耐力运动可能同遗传或环境因素一起促发心律失常。 dxy

Ventricular fibrillation VF is one type of arrhythmia that is deadly.
室颤是一种致命的心律失常。 yeeyan

Write down any symptoms you're experiencing, including any that may seem unrelated to heart arrhythmia.
写下所有你感觉到的症状,哪怕你觉得它与心率失常无关。 yeeyan




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