释义 |
multisignature 基本例句 多重签名 Group encryption and decryption, group signatures such asmultisignatureetc.团体式加密、解密,团体式签名如多重签名等。 A new sequentialmultisignaturescheme based on discrete logarithm problem without the mentioned problem is proposed.给出了一种新的离散对数有序多重数字签名方案。 In 1995, Delos and Quisquaterpresented a signature scheme with bounded life-span, It can only used finite times and can not be used tocontrol the ability ofmultisignature.1995年,Delos和QuisquateHM首次提出了一个签名方案; 在该方案中,签名者能且只能签发固定数目的消息,而且不能控制多重签名次数。 This paper studies the security properties of signatures for endorsement in business, designs a random ordermultisignaturescheme based on discrete logarithms.研究了商务活动中票据背书转让签名的特点,设计了随机有序多重签名协议,它的安全性基于离散对数的困难性。 Read and analysis for the advanced research papers: Fast exponentiation computation,multisignature, proxy signature, threshold signature,group signature, identification authentications, visitor control, multisecret sharing.阅读并讨论专题论文:快速指数运算、多重签名、代理签名、门限签名、群签名、身份认证、访问控制、多秘密共享。 Cryptanalysis of a proxymultisignaturescheme一种代理多重数字签名方案的安全性分析 |