

单词 multiplicities
释义 mul·ti·plic·i·ty 英ˌmʌltɪ'plɪsəti美ˌmʌltɪ'plɪsəti COCA¹⁵⁹⁵⁰⁵BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
the property of being multiplea large numberisotopic multiplicity同位素多重性…fission multiplicity detector裂变倍增探测器…transfer RNA multiplicity转移核糖核酸多样性…multiplicity of infection复合感染, 多重性感…multiplicity reactivation多次感染复活作用…multiplicity of zero零点的阶,零点的重数…enzyme multiplicity酶的多样性address multiplicity factor多址因数spectral multiplicity光谱重度multiplicity factor多重性因数spin multiplicity自旋多重性multiplicity of root根的阶,根的相重数…
近义词 range范围array一系列variety多样multitude大量wealthU财富assortment杂烩collection收集numerosity众多diversity多样性numerousness多数

用作名词India also has amultiplicityof languages.同时印度也是一个多语言的国家。
They found amultiplicityof errors in the article.他们在文章中发现了许多错误。
A true study of history is sure to be ofmultiplicity.真正的历史研究必须是多元化的。
We are forced to use amultiplicityof separate detector arrays.我们不得不用多个分离的检测器。 The total energies, spin multiplicities, charge distribution, bond orders, the front molecular orbital compositions and orbital energies have been obtained.
得到了它们的基态能量,基态自旋多重度,分子轨道组成与能级,电荷分布与键序。 cnki

The rule is that the multiplicities“ cross over” once the associative table is introduced, as indicated in Figure12.
规则是,一旦引入了关联表,复合度就“交叉”,如图12所示。 ibm

A one-to-one association is one in which the maximums of each of its multiplicities are one.
一对一关联就是它的每个复合度的最大值都是1的这么一种关系。 ibm

Globalization leads to the multiplicities of politics and culture.
全球化导致政治文化的多元化。 cnki

Here, you'll focus on one-to-one and one-to- many multiplicities, which you'll handle as a single case.
这里你将集中于一对一和一对多的多重性,你将把它们作为单一的用例处理。 ibm

In the second chapter, we characterize the relations between locations and multiplicities of zeros of a sequence of real-rooted polynomials defined by a three-term recurrence relation.

Notice the application of multiplicities in Figure11.
看一下图11中应用程序的复合度。 ibm

Recently experiments found that multiplicities of final state particles in high energy reactions and their masses satisfy a simple universal experienced formula.
最近实验上发现高能粒子反应末态强子多重数与其质量之间满足简单普适经验公式。 cnki

The result shows that electronic spin multiplicities have little effect on structures of clusters.
结果表明:自旋多重度对结构的影响不大; jamp.scu.edu.cn

This is, of course, unsustainable by definition, for the inherent inefficiency of the economic system eventually creates unnecessary multiplicities, waste and pollution.
这当然是不可持续性的,因为目前经济体制中固有的低效率倾向,最终会导致不必要的重复、浪费和污染。 zmcn

You'll note that I don't show the reverse multiplicities in Figure5.4.
可能你注意到,在图5.4中,我没有显示反向的一对多关系。 cnblogs




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