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词汇 Multiple births
释义 Multiple births
Young are usually born singly,multiple birthsbeing the exception, and the family life is fairly uniform on all types of planets.年轻人通常是单胎出生,多胎诞生是例外,而且在所有的行星上家庭生活是完全一致的。
Teratogenic and prone to producemultiple births, thus jeopardizing the safety of the uterus.子宫是女性特有的器官,是孕育生命的摇篮。
Multiple births Fluid, it is full of oral, then at three consecutive luck hypopharynx.多生津液,使其充满口腔,再分三口连续运气下咽。
The third was a register of all pregnancies of twins, triplets or othermultiple births.第三组对所有双胞胎,三胞胎等多胞胎的妊娠情况进行了登记。
Then there is the question ofmultiple births, when several embryos are implanted in the womb in the haphazard hope that one, two or more might “take”.于是,当多个晶胚被植入子宫,希望侥幸“收获”一胞胎、两胞胎或者多胞胎的时候,就有了多生的问题。
Others said that the risk inherent inmultiple birthswas too urgent to wait for the NHS to change its spending priorities.其它专家认为多胎妊娠的危险十分迫切,不能坐等国民医疗服务体系改变支出状况后再实行规定。




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