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词汇 mullen
释义 mullen ˈmʌlən COCA²⁰⁹⁴⁹BNC³⁴⁰²⁹
A spokesman for U.S. Military Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen says the admiral has expressed his “deep disappointment” about the comments.

Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said China was “ absolutely critical” to the international effort to get North Korea to stand down.
参谋长联席会议的主席穆伦上将 Mike Mullen表示,在限制朝鲜的世界共同努力中,中国负有“绝对关键”的责任。 yeeyan

Speaking on NBC's Meet the Press program, Mullen downplayed the significance of documents alleging a connection between Pakistan's intelligence apparatus and Taliban forces in Afghanistan.

The top US military officer, Admiral Mike Mullen, is third, with President Barack Obama only in the fourth slot.
美军高级将领、海军上将迈克•马伦位居第三,美国现任总统贝拉克•奥巴马仅列第四。 iciba

“ Military actions have been on the table and remain on the table for curbing Iran's nuclear ambition,” Mullen said in an interview on NBC.

“ Today is about every man and women in uniform, regardless of how they identify themselves,” said Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Admiral Mike Mullen in a news conference on Tuesday.
“如今是事关每个服役的男人和女人,而不是他们如何定位自己。”在周四的一个新闻发布会上,联合主席参谋长 Mike Mullen上将这样说到。 yeeyan

Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Richard Holbrooke, the special envoy to the region, visited Pakistan this week.
参谋首长联席会议主席、海军上将麦克•马伦,和该地区特使理查德•霍尔布鲁克,于本周访问了巴基斯坦。 ecocn

Admiral Mullen said he has not seen details of the proposal, but is encouraged that an Afghan leader offered the idea as a way to increase border security.
马伦将军说,他还没有看到建议的细节,但是由一名阿富汗领导人提出这个方案,作为加强边界安全的途径,这使他感到振奋。 ebigear

At dinner, Admiral Mullen repeated the long- held view that the Taliban leadership is hiding in the province of Baluchistan.
宴会上,海军上将马伦重申长期以来的观点,塔利班组织的头目藏身于俾路支斯坦省。 ecocn

At a late afternoon news conference with Mullen at the Pentagon, Chen repeatedly emphasized U.S. military superiority over China.
在下午晚些时候与马伦联合出席记者会时,陈又一次强调美国军事实力对中国的优势。 yeeyan

Barack Obama nominated General Martin Dempsey to be the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to replace Admiral Mike Mullen, whose term expires at the end of September.
巴拉克.奥巴马提名马丁.登普西 Martin Dempsey将军作为下一任参谋长联席会议主席,接替将于9月底期满的海军将领麦克.马伦 Mike Mullen。 ecocn

But Mullen emphasized the administration has a new strategy in place in Afghanistan, and is moving forward.
但是,马伦强调,政府对阿富汗已经有了一个新战略,并且正在推进这个计划。 ebigear

But Mullen said the US would first try“ hail and query” and if that failed, direct the ship to a port where the country would be required to inspect the vessel.
但麦克.墨伦却表示,美国方面将会在“示意和询问”未果的情况向再将船只引导至港口,并要求港口所属国家对该船进行检查。 yeeyan

During an appearance on NBC's Today program, Mullen was asked if the United States has the ability to respond to a growing number of threats abroad, including North Korea.
在国家广播公司的“今天”节目上,马伦被问道,美国是否有能力对国外越来越多的威胁作出反应,其中包括北韩的威胁。 ebigear

However, Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, told reporters in Washington that the US would“ not be deterred from flying in international airspace”.
然而,美国参谋长联席会议主席 Mike Mullen上将在呈交给华盛顿的报告中称“没什么能阻止美国在国际空域中的飞行行为”。 yeeyan

In fact, Mullen was explicit in his testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee in April that he opposed DADT.
事实上,四月在参议院委员会面前,马伦在他的证词里明确发对“不问不说”政策。 yeeyan

Its recipient, Admiral Mike Mullen, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says he did not take it seriously.
它的接收人,海军将领,也是当时的参谋长联席会议主席麦克•穆伦说他并未重视这一事件。 ecocn

Last month Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, accused China of “ myopia” for not putting more pressure on North Korea.
上月,美国参谋长联席会议主席、海军上将迈克•马伦 Mike Mullen曾批评中国“短视”,不肯向朝鲜施加更大压力。

Now the head of the American armed forces, Admiral Mike Mullen, has said that coalition air strikes against Libyan ground troops have reduced their capability by more than30%.
目前,美国军队总司令迈克•马伦 Mike Mullen海军上将表示,联军对利比亚地面部队的空袭已经将他们的力量削弱了超过30%。 hxen

On December 8th Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of America’s joint chiefs of staff, accused China of failing to use its clout.
8日,美军参谋长联席会议主席迈克.马伦上将指责中国在朝鲜问题上没有负起应有的责任。 ecocn

Speaking in Congress, Admiral Mullen said ultimately it was for the president to decide the acceptable level of risk America should take.
在国会发表讲话时,麦克•马伦上将称,最终应该由奥巴马总统来决定美国能够接受的危险水平。 hxen

Tomorrow, Mullen’s last day in China, Kirby said, the chairman will visit naval facilities and units at the Zhoushan Naval Base.
柯比说,明天马伦主席在中国的最后一天,主席将访问舟山海军基地的海军设施和装备。 yeeyan

While in Washington, Chen is meeting with Gates and Mullen, as well as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and National Security Adviser Tom Donilon.
访问华盛顿期间,陈不仅会见了盖茨和马伦,而且还见到了国务卿希拉里克林顿和国家安全顾问汤姆唐尼伦。 yeeyan

Mullen says “ one key aspect” of the U.S. strategy is to improve relations with Pakistan so that officials there will crack down on al- Qaida and other related groups.
马伦说,美国战略的一个关健部分就是改善同巴基斯坦的关系,促使巴基斯坦的官员打击基地组织以及其他相关的团体。 voa365

Mullen says “ one key aspect” of the U.S. strategy is to improve relations with Pakistan so that officials there will crack down on al- Qaida and other related groups.

Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made clear the drop in support is worrisome.
美军参谋长联席会议主席马伦明确表示,支持率的下降令人担忧。 ebigear

Mullen’s trip has included visits to Chinese army units, facilities and bases.
马伦的行程包括参观中国军队装备、军事设施和军事基地。 yeeyan

Mullen and Chen released a list of six measures to build cooperation between their two countries, including joint exercises, training in disaster relief and various exchanges and visits.
马伦和陈还宣布了两国加深合作的六项措施,其中包括联合演习、培训救灾以及各种交流和互访等。 yeeyan

Mullen said the United States recognizes the challenges U.S. forces must overcome in Afghanistan, adding that he believes America's strategy can succeed.
马伦说,美国意识到美军在阿富汗必须克服的挑战。他还补充说,他相信美国的战略可以取得成功。 voanews

Mullen said he and Chen had very frank discussions on the issue, focusing on freedom of navigation.
马伦说,他与陈在这个问题上进行了非常坦诚的讨论,终点讨论了航海自由。 yeeyan

Mullen said the president listened extensively to the commanders.
马伦说,奥巴马广泛地听取了指挥官们的建议。 iciba

Mullen said Washington is also concerned about developments in Chinese missile technology, its activities in the cyber world, and its military satellite capabilities.
马伦表示,华府也在密切关注中国导弹技术的发展,网络空间的虚拟活动以及其军用卫星的性能。 yeeyan




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