

单词 mulgan
释义 mulgan
“The greens share a lot of the ideas of the left, ” says Mulgan, “ but they are not in coalition with it, they are suspicious of it.”
“环保组织和左派有很多相同的看法,”摩根说,“不过他们并未和左派联合,他们不信任左派。” yeeyan

But Aurelia George Mulgan, a Japan specialist at the Australian Defense Force Academy at the University of New South Wales, said the recent U.S- Japan activity“ smacks of a new containment policy.”
不过澳大利亚新南威尔士大学国防军事学院的日本问题专家沃拉丽亚乔治摩根说:近期的日美活动有“新遏制政策”的意味。 yeeyan

But there is not enough philanthropic capital around to create a big enough market for the bonds, so the true test is to attract for-profit capital, says Mr Mulgan.
但是,并没有足够的慈善资本为这种债券支撑起市场,所以,务实的做法就是去吸引营利性资本,杰夫马尔根说。 yeeyan




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