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词汇 Mulao
释义 Mulao
Peoples that have lived in the province since ancient times include the Han,Yao,Miao,Buyi,Dong,Tujia,Yi,Gelao,Shui,Hui,Bai,Zhuang,She,Mongols,Mulao,Qiang and so on.自从古时候就有人在这儿居住,其中包括:汉族,瑶族,苗族,布依族,侗族,土家族,彝族,仡佬族,水族,回族,白族,壮族,畲族,蒙古族,仫佬族,羌族等。
In the historical development ofMulaopeople, “Dong” had the function of offering sacrifices to ancestors, cohering clansman, assimilating different races, administrating the society, etc.在仫佬人漫长的历史进程中,“冬”具有祭祀祖先、凝聚族人、容纳异族、管理社会等功能。
Most of the residents for Han, and Hui, Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan, Korean, Miao, Zhuang, Yi, Dong, She, white, Tujia, Xibe, Togo,Mulao, Ewenki, and Daur, and other 18 ethnic brothers.居民大多数为汉族,还有回、满、蒙古、藏、朝鲜、苗、壮、彝、侗、畲、白、土家、锡伯、东乡、仫佬、鄂温克、达斡尔等18个兄弟民族。
While most Zhuang communities concentrate in a compact area in Guangxi, the others are scattered over places shared by other ethnic groups such as Han, Yao, Miao, Dong,Mulao, Maonan and Shui.壮族也有自己的文字:古壮字和壮语拼音文字简称壮文。
The Yin-Surnamed Clan ofMulaoEthnic Group and Its Marriage Circle仫佬族银姓宗族及其婚姻圈
Distribution of HLA-A,B,C,DR and DQ Antigens inMulaoNationality in Guangxi Area广西仫佬族HLA-A、B、C、DR和DQ抗原的分布




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