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词汇 Muhammad
释义 Mu·ham·mad 英mʊˈhæmɪd, -ˈhɑːmɪd美mʊˈhæmɪd, -ˈhɑmɪdAHDm‹-hămʹĭd, -häʹmĭd Economist³¹⁰⁷

leader of Black Muslims who campaigned for independence for Black Americans 1897-1975the Arab prophet who, according to Islam, was the last messenger of Allah 570-632来自阿拉伯语muhammad,歌颂的,赞美的,来自mu-,表指向,hammad,歌颂,赞美。近义词 Mohammad穆罕默德Mahound古穆罕默德…Mahomet穆罕默德(伊斯兰教创始人…Mohammed穆罕默德(伊斯兰教创立人…
An ornate chandelier and dome lamps illuminate the interior of the Turkish-style Muhammad Ali mosque.
奢华的枝形烛台和穹顶的吊灯照亮了穆罕默德·阿里清真寺的内部。 yeeyan

The violent reaction of many Muslims earlier this year, after European newspapers published cartoons showing the prophet Muhammad, took months to ease.
今年早些时候,许多穆斯林对欧洲报纸发表穆罕默德先知的漫画反应激烈,几个月之后才缓和下来。 ecocn

“ Building Social Businesses,” a new book by Muhammad Yunus, famous for development of the Grameen Bank, emphasizes the potential for social business models to reduce poverty in developing countries.
“建立社会企业”,以发展乡村银行而著名的穆罕默德尤努斯在一部新书中提出,他强调社会商业模式的潜力,以减少发展中国家的贫困。 yeeyan

“ My dream is to be like these guys and work in a place that’s cool, ” Muhammad said.
“我的梦想就是能像这些人一样,在一个凉快的地方工作。”穆罕默德答道。 yeeyan

Early in his disease, Muhammad shied away from the spotlight.
在患病初期,穆罕默德远离了媒体的聚光灯。 yeeyan

For example, some people believe that if you read Coke's Arabic logo backwards, it says: “ No Muhammad, No Mecca”.
比如,一些人认为如果你倒着读可口可乐的阿拉伯语商标,其意思是“无穆罕默德,无麦加”。 yeeyan

He had brought the boy up as his own son, since Muhammad’s father had been killed by Israeli soldiers seven years ago.
自七年前,穆罕默德的父亲被以色列士兵杀害后,他就将这个男孩与自己的孩子一起抚养长大。 ecocn

I figured my father would tell me stuff just because he wanted to protect me, but Muhammad would tell it to me the way it was.
在我认为,同样对一个事物,爸爸对我那样说是出于保护我,但穆罕默德跟我这样说是因为它本身就这样。 yeeyan

In his new, zero- sum mode, Muhammad changed the direction of prayer from Jerusalem to Mecca.
在他新型的零和博弈模式中,穆罕默德将朝圣者从耶路撒冷转向了麦加。 yeeyan

IN MUCH of the world Muhammad Yunus is known as the genial pioneer of microcredit and the winner of the2005 Nobel peace prize.
世界上大部分人所熟知的穆罕默德.余努斯是小额信贷和蔼的倡导者以及2005年诺贝尔和平奖得主。 ecocn

Morocco’s King Muhammad VI began trying to break the logjam in2004, when he let Algerians visit his country without a visa.
2004年,摩洛哥国王穆罕默德六世试图打破僵局,他允许阿尔及利亚人不用签证就可以游览摩洛哥。 ecocn

My first novel, Mother of the Believers, about the birth of Islam from the perspective of Prophet Muhammad's wife Aisha, has been a success.

NOT for the first time, feelings in Pakistan have been hurt and censorship provoked by an overseas campaign to blaspheme the Prophet Muhammad.
巴基斯坦感情受到伤害,已经不是第一次了。海外一起亵渎先知穆罕默德的事件,引发了对互联网的审查。 ecocn

Public mixing is a natural part of life and was customary during the prophet Muhammad's time, Ghamdi told the paper.
公开交往是生命天性的一部分,也是先知穆罕默德时代的习俗,哈姆迪对这家报纸表示。 yeeyan

Some Muslim communities in East Africa revile dogs because they believe that canines ate the body of the Prophet Muhammad.
一些东非的穆斯林团体会辱骂狗,因为他们相信是它们吃了先知穆罕默德的尸体。 yeeyan

The Danish paper has been the target of attacks since2005 when it printed controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.
2005年,这份报纸刊登了有争议的先知穆罕默德的漫画,从那以来,它一直是恐怖攻击的目标。 putclub

The eldest, Fahd, who served as interior minister before he himself became king in1982, put his son, Prince Muhammad, in charge of the Eastern Province, the main oil- producing region.
这其中,先是担任内政部长,后又在1982年成为国王,年纪最长的法赫德,将他的儿子穆罕默德王子派去掌管拥有主要产油区的东部省份。 ecocn

WHEN a protest movement sprang up in Morocco on February20th King Muhammad VI chose to ignore it.
当一场抗议运动在2月20号出现,摩洛哥国王,穆罕默德六世选择了忽视。 ecocn

Muhammad Yunus I think is a classical example of social innovation.




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