

单词 mugged
释义 mugged 英mʌgd美mʌgd 高COCA⁴⁰⁸³⁰BNC⁴²⁴³³Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
名词 mug:
the quantity that can be held in a muga person who is gullible and easy to take advantage ofthe human face `kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is Britishwith handle and usually cylindrical
verb.hold up
同义词 robassault,stealhold up,purse-snatch,stick up Basically I was mugged, really.
一句话,我被抢劫了,真的。 remword

I’m afraid to wait for a bus or a cab, because I might get mugged while I’m waiting or choke from the pollution.
我还害怕等公交车或出租车,因为等车的时候我很可能被抢劫,或是被汽车尾气给熏死。 yeeyan

Sometimes people even get mugged in the center of the Manhattan, in their own flats.
有时,人们就是在曼哈顿的市中心,在他们自己的家里都会遭到袭击。 iciba

The cameraman and sound recordist were mugged on their last day in Pittsburgh.
摄影师和录音师在匹兹堡的最后一天遭到了持枪劫掠。 nciku

The victim's friends claim they were mugged by two dark- skinned kids from the nearby projects, but some witnesses allege the three white men were alone at the scene.
受害者的朋友声称他们遭到两个从附近建筑工地出来的深肤色少年的袭击,但一些目击者坚称除了这三个白人男子,当时街上没有其他人。 ecocn

Well, the other day , a101 years old woman was mugged at home and had her purse stolen.
前几天,一位101岁高龄的老太太在家遭劫她的钱包被贼偷了。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ They told my Facebook friends that I had been mugged, and that I was in a hotel and that I needed money, ” she says.
“他们告诉我在 Facebook的朋友,我被抢了,呆在一家旅馆里,急需用钱,”她说。 yeeyan

After he and two accomplices allegedly mugged a couple in Columbus, Ohio, police say he found the woman's ID in her purse, then showed up at her door with a simple proposal: How about a date?
他和两名同伙被指控在俄亥俄州哥伦比亚市抢劫一对夫妇。警方说,斯蒂芬在被劫妻子的钱包中发现一名女士的 ID,接着在出现在她门前微笑着邀约:来跟我约会? yeeyan

But the prime minister— a Eurosceptic who has been mugged by reality— bears part of the blame.
但我们的首相——他也是疑欧派一分子,但受到现实的重击——应当负部分责任。 ecocn

George is a real victim of frequency illusion. He got mugged last week and is convinced crime is rampant, after reading about a mugging in Oxford and London.
乔治真是频率幻觉的受害者。上周他遭遇行凶抢劫,并在看到报道牛津和伦敦抢劫的新闻之后,他就坚信现在犯罪猖獗。 www.bbtime.com.cn

He was mugged from behind and forced into a dark room.

He mugged displeasure at the suggestion.

I have never been mugged or physically molested in any way, possibly because of my large build.

I head for the sound of children and am instantly mugged by10 or so five-year olds.
我朝有孩子声音的地方走去,立即被10来个5岁儿童包围了。 yeeyan

I was mugged the other night on West Broadway.
那晚我在西百老汇被抢的。 engxue

In 2007 research funded by Silverjet, a now-defunct airline, found that flying from Heathrow was more stressful than being mugged.
2007年,一项由一家现在已经消失了的公司,银捷航空公司赞助的研究表明,乘坐希思罗机场的飞机比被抢劫时还要紧张。 ecocn

In Algeria, he got really sick, and in South Africa, he was mugged, the AFP reports.
法新社报道说,他在阿尔及利亚是病得很重,在南非是遭到抢劫。 yeeyan

It was the best work of my life, and it was mugged by kernel list politics.
它是我一生中最好的作品,它被内核列表策略抢走了。 ibm

Many schools, particularly in the capital, already warn their students not to wear their ties and blazers to and from school to avoid being mugged.
许多学校,尤其是伦敦的学校,警告学生为免遭抢劫不要穿牛津鞋和颜色亮丽的运动夹克往返学校。 yeeyan

Now when surfing the internet it's all too easy to get into the wrong areas and get mugged for your personal information.
现在当你在上网时,很容易就进入不良网站,个人信息被恶意盗取。 blog.sina.com.cn

Part4: Turow recounts the story of getting mugged and how it changed his thoughts about eye- witness testimony.
第四部分:特罗重述了被抢劫的经过以及它是如何改变他对目击证词的看法的。 yeeyan

The next day I saw his picture in the Daily News, beneath a caption stating that he had been“ mugged”.
第二天我在《每日新闻》上看到了他的照片。上面的标题写着他被“抢劫了”。 yeeyan

Their anonymity protects them from harassment, but the experience of Lord Hill of Oareford, the education minister, mugged while walking home, is a sad tale of ministerial office today.
他们的那种大众造型,使他们避免了很多尴尬的场面,但是,近日教育部长希尔勋爵在步行回家途中遭遇抢劫的事情,却成了政府部门的一段伤心的往事。 yeeyan




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