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词汇 Mugabe
释义 Mu·ga·be 英mʊˈgɑːbiː美mʊˈgɑbiAHDm‹-gäʹbē 高Economist¹²⁶⁵⁵
And everyone knows that an economic rescue package will not be available if Mr Mugabe and his friends are still running the show.
每个人都知道只要穆加贝总统和他的那些朋友们仍然在台上的话,解救经济的一揽子计划是不可能有的。 ecocn

FOR the first time in28 years of increasingly reckless and vile rule, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe looks as if he may go. But only may.
在罗伯特•穆加贝鲁莽而又无耻地统治津巴布韦长达28年来,这是头一次他可能要下台,但也仅仅是可能。 ecocn

MORE than a month after Robert Mugabe agreed to share power with Morgan Tsvangirai, the pair have yet to start governing together to rescue Zimbabwe from its rapidly deepening misery.
罗伯特•穆加贝同意与茨万吉拉伊分享政权已一月有余,但这两位仁兄还没有联手施政,着手拯救苦难日益加深的津巴布韦。 ecocn

Mr. Mugabe noted that the agreement contains elements that neither he nor the opposition liked.
穆加贝指出,这份协议中包含一些他和反对派都不喜欢的内容。 kekenet

Mr. Mugabe Wednesday threatened to form a Cabinet without the opposition after being heckled the day before during the opening of parliament.
穆加贝星期三威胁要组成将反对党排除在外的内阁。之前一天,他在议会开会时遭到质询。 ebigear

Or slapping sanctions on Robert Mugabe, with no African present?
对罗伯特•穆加贝施加制裁,却没有非洲人出席; ecocn

The rest of the region will have to be equally robust if Mr Mugabe is to be coaxed into negotiating with the MDC and its leader.
如果穆加贝先生被哄到谈判桌前和 MDC及其领导人谈判的话,这片区域的其它国家毫无疑问将干劲十足。 ecocn

The state controlled daily, The Herald, quoted the army chief of staff, Major General Martin Chedondo, as saying that all soldiers should vote for President Mugabe or quit the army.
津巴布韦政府控制的日报先驱报援引军队总参谋长切东多少将的话说,军人都应当投票支持穆加贝总统,否则就应该退出军队。 ebigear

But if his neighbours begin truly to isolate Mr Mugabe, he will find it harder to survive, whatever the result of a one- man election contest.
但是如果他的邻居们开始明确孤立穆加贝先生,那么无论这次一个人的选举结果如何,他都将发现自己很难生存。 ecocn

Earlier the opening session of discussions about the new constitution had to be abandoned after supporters of President Mugabe disrupted it, dancing and singing revolutionary songs.
此前,由于总统穆加贝的支持者用舞蹈和演唱革命歌曲进行扰乱,不得不放弃了关于新宪法的公开讨论会议。 kekenet

He recently ventured as far as Zimbabwe to embrace Robert Mugabe.
最近他竟到津巴布韦来笼络罗伯特•穆加贝。 ecocn

He seems to want the awful Robert Mugabe ousted in Zimbabwe, though his pronouncements have varied.
他似乎想让在津巴布韦的罗伯特•穆加贝被推翻,尽管他的言论有所变化。 ecocn

It should call on its members not to recognise Mr Mugabe as president or his party as the government.
它应该呼吁其成员国不承认穆加贝先生的总统地位和他的政党领导的政府。 ecocn

Next time, despite all the tricks Mr Mugabe and his party are sure to play, they could well lose again.
但是下一次,尽管穆加贝和他的政党肯定会耍花招,但是他们很可能会再次输掉。 ecocn

Others say this will not stop Mr. Mugabe's campaign of violence and that he will carry on until the MDC has disappeared altogether.
其他人说,这样做不会停止穆加贝的暴力活动,而且暴力活动还会继续,直到争取民主变革运动全部消失。 ebigear

President Mugabe appeared relaxed when he appeared on state television saying good-bye to a group of election observers from the African Union.
穆加贝总统在国家电视台露面、对一群来自非洲联盟的选举观察员说再见的时候,他显得很放松。 kekenet

So does Mugabe, even at 85, have the capacity to change?
那么,已经85岁高龄的穆加贝还有能力改变吗? yeeyan

So far, Mr Mugabe and his circle have not seemed to care what the world thinks.
迄今为止,穆加贝先生和他的团队似乎还没有注意到整个世界的想法。 ecocn

The only African leader who appears with any regularity on our TV screens is the snarling psychopath Robert Mugabe, spreading his message of dysfunction and despair.
经常出现在我们电视屏幕上的唯一一个的非洲领导人是精神病患者罗伯特•穆加贝,他咆哮着传递着失效和绝望的信息。 yeeyan

The only person who profits from these divisions is Mr Mugabe himself.
只有一个人从这些分歧中受益,那就是穆加贝先生。 ecocn

Then you have in Zimbabwe the first election under Robert Mugabe a year ago.
还有一年前的津巴布韦,在总统罗伯特·穆加贝统治下的首次大选。 hxen

Under a power- sharing deal, Robert Mugabe remains president, but more than half the cabinet posts are shared among opposition parties.
根据权力分享的协议,罗伯特.穆加贝仍任总统,但是内阁中一半以上的职位将由反对党占据。 ecocn

Unfortunately, he looks unlikely to win, even if Mr Mugabe were to give him a fair chance of doing so.
不幸地是,看起来即使穆加贝先生给他一个公平的机会来竞选,他赢的可能性也非常小。 ecocn

With no opposition, Mr Mugabe won85% of the vote in the runoff, but many were forced to vote for him.
由于没有对手,穆加贝先生在最后一轮选举中赢得了85%的投票,但是许多都是被迫投给他的。 ecocn

Mugabe and Tsvangirai, along with all ministers, gathered in the resort town of Victoria Falls to decide on how to improve government services in the next100 days.
穆加贝和茨万吉拉伊以及所有的部长们聚集在维多利亚瀑布的渡假小镇上讨论决定如何在之后的100天内改善政府的服务水平。 yeeyan

Mugabe knows he cannot go it alone.
穆加贝明白他不能一意孤行。 ebigear




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