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muerteIMDB²²⁶⁵⁰ 基本例句 🌏死;消逝 Mexico’s Catholic bishops have denounced Santa Muerte as a satanic cult that promotes violence. 墨西哥天主教会主教曾谴责死圣是一种崇尚暴力的恶魔崇拜。 ecocn David Romo, the priest at the One and Only National Sanctuary of Santa Muerte—thus called because there are two rivals— insists the image originated in Italy during bubonic plague. 而独一无二死圣国家教堂以此命名是因为还有两家同类竞争教堂的神父 David Romo则坚持认为死圣的肖像来源于黑死病肆虐时期的意大利。 ecocn Last March the army destroyed some30 Santa Muerte altars in the northern state of Nuevo Laredo, saying they were linked to drug traffickers. 去年3月,政府军捣毁了北部 Nuevo Laredo州的约30座死圣祭坛,并宣称其与毒贩有牵连。 ecocn Santa Muerte has become a good business. 死圣已成为了一个不错的行当。 ecocn Santa Muerte is even more accommodating: she accepts offerings of beer and tequila, and is thought by believers to protect criminals and the law- abiding alike and to be amenable to all petitions. 死圣则更是入乡随俗,她接受着人们供奉的啤酒和龙舌兰酒,信徒们认为她能同时保护罪犯和守法者,并能实现任何祈求。 ecocn You will accompany Manuel Muerte for a day in Berlin, learning the fundamentals of misdirection. 你将在柏林陪伴他一天,学习他的基本理论和错引方法。00137 |