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mud 英mʌd美mʌdAHDmŭd 基本双解英英词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.泥¹;泥浆¹⁶;诽谤¹vt.弄脏²;抹泥
n.名词 U泥,烂泥very wet earth in a sticky mass Noun: water soaked soil; soft wet earthslanderous remarks or charges Verb: soil with mud, muck, or mire;The child mucked up his shirt while playing ball in the garden plaster with mud来自Proto-Germanic*mud,淤泥,泥浆,来自PIE*smeu,meu,湿的,脏的,泥泞的。最终词源 可能同mucus,muggy. 用作名词 n. 动词+~clean the mud擦去泥巴介词+~in the mud在泥里with mud带着泥 用作名词n.sb's name is mud〈非正〉声名狼藉sb is unpopular and spoken about with disapproval after causing trouble throw〔fling, sling〕 mud at企图破坏某人的名声try to damage sb's reputation 非常记忆mu母〖拼音〗+d狗〖编码dog〗⇒母亲的狗甩了我一身泥近义词 mire泥沼muck垃圾dirt污垢clay黏土slime烂泥grime污垢filth污秽sludge泥泞muck up弄脏slush软泥油灰 用作名词(n.Mud caked on his shoes.烂泥粘在他的鞋上。 After the rain, the roads were covered inmud.雨后路上全是泥浆。Pmud-bath泥浴Pmudfishn.泥鱼Pmudsilln.底基Pmud-walln.土墙Pmuddlern.搅拌棒Pmudguardn.挡泥板Pmud-therapy泥土疗法Pmudslingingn.揭发隐私Pmudslingern.揭发隐私者Pmuddleheadeda.混乱的糊涂的醉的Pmuddilyad.尽是泥浑身是泥污浊地Pmuddinessn.沾满污泥混乱糊涂浑浊Pmudholen.澄泥箱出泥渣孔淤泥清理孔Pmuddya.泥泞的浑浊的模糊的vt.使污浊使沾上泥污Pmuddlevt.混合使微醉使咬字不清晰vi.胡乱对付n.困惑混浊状态
动词79%,名词21% 用作名词My car's stuck in themud, and it won't budge.我的车陷入泥中,一动也不动。 He removed themudfrom his shoes.他去掉鞋上的泥。 As the bus passed, it spatteredmudon my clothes.公共汽车开过时溅了我一身泥。 The heavy wheels churned the earth intomud.笨重的车轮将大地碾成了泥浆。 The boy churned the earth intomud.这男孩把泥土拌成泥浆。 She often threwmudat her colleagues.她经常诽谤她的同事。 Don't flingmudat him just because you don't like him.不要因为你不喜欢他就诽谤他。用作及物动词His clothes were daubed withmud.他的衣服被泥浆弄脏了。 Rolling over in themud, she would make herself all muddy and dirty.然后再在泥沼中尽情的翻滚,非得把自己弄脏才停止。noun.wet dirt 同义词 clay,muck,silt,sludge,slushmire,ooze,slab cementnoun gluing, binding material adhesive,binder,birdlime,bond,concrete,epoxy,glue,grout,gum,gunk,lime,lute,mortar,mucilage,paste,plaster,putty,rubber cement,sand,sealant,size,solder,stickum,tar claynoun workable earth material adobe,argil,argillaceous earth,bole,brick,china material,clunch,earth,kaolin,loam,loess,marl,mud,porcelain material,pottery,slip,terra cotta,till,wacke coffeenoun hot beverage made from beans of a tree battery acid,brew,caffeine,café,café au lait,café noir,cappuccino,decaf,decoction,demitasse,espresso,forty weight,hot stuff,ink,jamocha,java,joe,mocha,mud,perk,varnish remover defamationnoun libel, slander aspersion,backbiting,backstabbing,belittlement,black eye,calumny,character assassination,cheap shot,denigration,depreciation,detraction,dirt,dirty laundry,disparagement,dump,dynamite,hit,knock,lie,low-down dirty,mud,obloquy,opprobrium,scorcher,slam,slap in face,slime,slur,smear,tale,traducement,vilification dirtnoun grime, impurity crud,dreck,dregs,excrement,feculence,filth,filthiness,gook,ground,gunk,mire,muck,mud,rottenness,scuz,sleaze,slime,smudge,smut,soil,stain,tarnish earthnoun ground, soil alluvium,clay,clod,coast,compost,deposit,dirt,dry land,dust,fill,glebe,gravel,humus,land,loam,marl,mold,muck,mud,peat moss,sand,shore,sod,subsoil,surface,terra firma,terrain,terrane,topsoil,turf The perchlorates in the mud then sucked moisture out of the air until there was enough water for them to dissolve a process known as deliquescence. 泥中的高氯酸盐于是吸收空气中的湿气,直到有足够的水使其溶解这个过程叫作“潮解”。 ecocn A“ big ball of mud” is hard to test because it does not do a single, easily identifiable function. 一个“大泥球”是难以测试的,因为它不是只实现一个简单的易于识别的功能。 ibm As someone who has had his share of falls due to steep hills, creeks and mud, I can appreciate the added traction. 因为曾有人由于陡峭的山坡、小河和泥浆而摔过,我能体会到增加这种磨擦力的好处。 yeeyan Back in the lab, they cultured microbes from that mud. 回到实验室,他们在泥土中培养出微生物。 yeeyan Because the mud is expensive and could be harmful to ocean life, it is recycled back to the ship during drilling. 因为这种泥浆较贵,而且对海洋生物有害,所以在钻探过程中,这种泥浆被回收到船上。 yeeyan His boots were dabbled with mud. 他的靴子溅满污泥。《21世纪大英汉词典》 I dirty my trousers when I step on the mud. 我一脚擩在烂泥里, 把裤子弄脏了。《新英汉大辞典》 I climbed over fences and trudged through mud that stuck to my shoes. 我还翻越过围墙,并且在粘住鞋子的泥浆里艰难跋涉。 yeeyan My car was stuck in the mud. 我的汽车陷在泥里不能动弹。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Next we venture back outside to the ruins of a mud- brick house, pulverized by bombs. I find fragments of an artillery shell, a prayer cap. 接下来,我们又冒险回到外面一处被炸弹炸得支离破碎的泥砖房废墟中,我发现一些炮弹壳,和一顶祈祷帽。 yeeyan Nothing could be as horrific as that, and if you have to fight a war somewhere, you might prefer the sky to the mud. 没有什么可以比你必须在某个地方打仗更令人恐惧的了,你也许更希望选择天空而不是泥地作为战场。 yeeyan One can step on them not drowning in the mud. 你可以踩在他们上面而不会陷入泥中。 yeeyan Snowball Earth or Mud- ball Earth? “雪球地球”还是“泥球地球”? yeeyan Some material came from the outside world in Yellow Mud Street, but I think my depiction of the internal world also appears in this early work. 在《黄泥街》中,还是有一些东西是来自外部世界,但是我想,我对内在世界的描述也在这部早期的作品中出现了。 yeeyan The shape and materials of these mud- brick dwellings help them remain cool in summer and warm in winter. 这些泥砖住所的形状和材料,使得那里的居民在夏季保存凉快和在冬季保持温暖。 yeeyan The situation has become so dire that there are reports of people eating mud cakes in some slums. 现在情况已经变得十分糟糕,以致有消息说,有些贫民窟的人在用泥饼充饥。 www.voanews.com.cn The technology was helped by the density of houses and other buildings, made of mud brick so that they showed up somewhat clearly. 这种技术利用了显现房屋和其他由泥砖建成的建筑的密度特性,因此可以显现很清晰的事物。 yeeyan The technology was helped by the density of houses and other buildings, made of mud brick so that they showed up somewhat clearly against the looser soil cover. 这种技术利用了显现房屋和其他由泥砖建成的建筑的密度特性,因此可以清晰的显现被松散的泥土覆盖的物体。 yeeyan Then we carried on in the worst conditions yet: low, tangled rainforest that blocked out the light, and mud up to our thighs. 那时我们还在最糟糕的环境里行进着:低矮、纷乱的雨林遮住了阳光,泥浆没至我们的大腿。 yeeyan There, by making it harder for anything to get out of the top, the junk will give the drilling mud a better chance in a second bout of arm wrestling. 在那里,垃圾弹使得任何东西要从顶部逃出来变得极为困难,在扳手腕的第二回合中,垃圾弹给钻井泥浆提供了一个更好的机会。 ecocn They daubed mud all over themselves. 他们用泥涂满全身。《21世纪大英汉词典》 With her nephew— “I’m allowed to live with him, ” she said— she set to work with a pick and a shovel, cracking stones and fashioning mud walls. 她带着侄子“我被允许同他一起生活,”她说。用一把锄头和一个铲子开始工作,他们打碎石头并建造了泥胚墙。 yeeyan Mud and snow kicked up, mottling our trousers as we sped on at an insanely giddy pace. 泥雪被踢飞,溅在我们的裤子上,我们达到了一种令人晕眩的疯狂速度。 ebigear Mud on salt. 泥在盐上。 yeeyan |