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MTTCOCA¹²⁰⁷³⁴ 基本例句 abbr.磁带引头=magnetic tape terminal The changes of T lymphocyte proliferation in thymus and spleen were detected by MTT test. 采用 MTT法检测胸腺及脾脏 T淋巴细胞增殖功能; iciba The proliferation ability was investigated by cell growth curve and MTT detection. 通过细胞生长曲线及 MTT检测,观察细胞的生长状态。 jukuu VSMC proliferation was measured by tetrazolium salt MTT method. 采用四唑盐比色法 MTT测量细胞增殖。 cnki Compared with LAK cells, the cytotoxicity in vitro by MTT assays and the anti- tumor effects on Sh0 bering mice in vivo of CDC cells were tested respectively. 与 LAK细胞作对比,分别用 MTT法测定其体外细胞毒活性及对 Sh0荷瘤鼠的体内抗肿瘤作用。 iciba Conclusion: MTT assay is an easy and quick method for drug sensitivity test in vitro and it provides experimental basis for individual chemotherapy. 结论:研究表明 MTT法是一种简便、快捷的肿瘤细胞体外药敏试验方法,为临床实施个体化疗提供了实验依据。 cnki Methods All the extracts were obtained by the technology of solvent-refining, and MTT method was used to test the cytotoxicity of the extracts on breast cancer of MCF-7 cells. 方法采用系统溶剂法从树舌灵芝得到一系列提取物,运用 MTT法研究了各提取物对体外培养的人乳癌 MCF-7细胞增殖的影响。 chemyq Methods The inhibitory rate of cell growth was tested by MTT method and trypan blue stain assay in the various conditions. 方法分别采用台盼蓝拒染法和 MTT比色法,在不同条件下测定细胞增殖的抑制率。 cnki Methods The cytotoxicity of daunorubicin DNR was assayed by MTT method. 方法采用甲基四唑蓝法 MTT测定柔红霉素 DNR的细胞毒性; iciba Methods: The photodynamic cytotoxicity of human ovarian cancer cell3AO in different laser wavelength, energy and chlorophyll derivative CPD4 concentration were studied by MTT colorimetric assay. 方法:应用MTT比色分析法分析不同的激光波长、能量和叶绿素衍生物 CPD4浓度对人卵巢癌3AO细胞的光动力杀伤效应。 iciba Methods: The effect of Chinese herds medicine on the growth of cell was observed by MTT, apoptosis and cell cycle evaluated by PI staining and Flow Cytometry assay. 方法:采用 MTT方法观察生长抑制作用、 PI荧光染色法、流式细胞术分析法观察对细胞周期、细胞凋亡的影响。 cnki Methods: Human ovarian cancer cell line COC1 was cultured in medium containing ATRA in different concentrations in vitro. Cell proliferation inhibition was tested by MTT assay. 方法:选用人卵巢癌细胞株 COC1进行体外培养,以不同浓度的 ATRA处理 COC1细胞, 四甲基偶氮唑蓝 MTT比色法检测细胞增殖抑制情况; iciba Methods: The MTT methods was applied to examine the growth inhibition of human breast cancer cell line MCF-7 treated with vinorelbine, and choose the dose of vinorelbine to use. 方法:采用 MTT法检测长春瑞滨对人乳腺癌 MCF-7细胞生长抑制作用,选择相应的长春瑞滨浓度用于联合外照射的实验。 cnki Methods:Human uterine leiomyoma cells were treated with mifepristone at different concentrations and the growth of the cells was analyzed by plotting cell growth curve and MTT assay. 方法:采用绘制细胞生长曲线和 MTT法检测了解不同浓度米非司酮对体外培养子宫肌瘤细胞生长的影响。 cnki Methods and Materials: To test cell cycle retardation, apoptosis and cell survival rate induced by radioactive rays by the methods of flow cytometry and MTT method. 方法采用流式细胞术和 MTT法分别检测放射或放射联合泰素诱导的细胞周期阻滞、凋亡及其细胞存活率。 cnki Methods Cell growth curves, cell proliferation, cell cycle and apoptosis of human lung cancer cell line GLC82 were detected by the MTT method and flow cytometry FCM. 方法选用人肺癌细胞株 GLC82,运用细胞培养法、 MTT法、流式细胞术 FCM检测细胞生长曲线、细胞增殖、细胞周期和细胞凋亡。 cnki Methods Proliferative activity of splenolymphocytes was observed to study the component and dose of polysaccharides compound with MTT method. 方法采用MTT法测定小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖活性来探索复合多糖的配伍及剂量的组成; cnki Methods T lymphoid subgroups and the percentage of NK cells were detected by the use of indirect immunofluorescence method the function of NK cells was detected by MTT. 方法采用间接免疫荧光法检测白血病患者 T淋巴细胞亚群、 NK细胞百分数, MTT法检测 NK细胞杀伤活性。 cnki Methods MTT, CFU- L and indirect immune fluorescence were used in18 patients with acute leukemias. 方法应用 MTT、 CFU- L及间接免疫荧光法对18例急性白血病进行观察。 cnki Objective To analyze the difference among the cell survival probability S results, which were measured and calculated with microscope, flow cytometry and MTT methods respectively. 目的分析倒置显微镜计数、流式细胞仪及 MTT等三种方法检测放射线照射后细胞存活率 S结果间的差异。 cnki Objective To assess the feasibility of using MTT assay for detecting the apoptosis of osteosarcoma cells following chemotherapy. 目的研究 MTT染色法用于检测与区分化疗后活的与凋亡的骨肉瘤细胞可行性。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net Objective: To investigate whether different organic solvents and the color of drugs tested can interfere the result of the MTT assay. 目的:探讨 MTT实验中不同溶剂对细胞的生长抑制作用和受试物颜色对实验结果的影响。 dictall Results The CBV, CBF, MTT and PS of meningiomas were significantly higher than those of contralateral normal brain tissue in each groups. 结果各组脑膜瘤的脑血容量 CBV、脑血流量 CBF、平均通过时间 MTT及血管表面通透性 PS均明显高于对侧脑组织。 cnki The optimized MTT method was a rapid, simple, convenient, and sensitive quantitative assay to evaluate the viability of Candida albicans and other yeast or yeast- like fungi. 结果提示优化的 MTT方法可以快速、简便、灵敏和定量地分析白念珠菌及某些致病性酵母菌和酵母样真菌的活力。 cnki With the CT perfusion2-body tumor software, the parameters of CT perfusion including blood volume BV, blood flow BF, mean transit time MTT and permeability surface PS were analyzed. 使用随机 CT灌注2体部软件包分析和测定肺病灶的血容积 BV、血流量 BF、平均通过时间 MTT和表面通透性 PS的数值。 cnki MTT was employed to assess the susceptibility of mouse NIH3T3 cells to human natural antibody and complement mediated ly-sis. MTT法分析小鼠 NIH3T3细胞对人天然抗体和补体介导的细胞裂解作用的敏感性。 iciba |