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词汇 MTK
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Fix the classpath and restart MTK to continue with this project.
更改类路径并重现启动 MTK,以便继续处理这个项目。 ibm

The compatibility mode removes the intermediate user defined features UDF that were previously created by MTK to provide the missing functionality, thereby improving MTK performance.
兼容性模式消除了中间用户定义的特性 UDF,这些特性是 MTK为了提供缺失的功能而创建的,因此提高了 MTK性能。 ibm

The performance of MTK can be improved if you use an input script which only contains DDL for tables.
如果使用只包含表的 DDL的输入脚本,可以提高 MTK的性能。 ibm

After you unzip the project on a machine on the second network, MTK can deploy the database objects and data on the remote system.
当在另一个网络中的机器上解压该项目之后, MTK可以在远程系统上部署数据库对象和数据。 ibm

Again, MTK handles this automatically.
同样, MTK可以自动处理这种映射。 ibm

Along the top, you will see that MTK has5 tabs.
在顶端,您将看到 MTK有5 个标签页。 ibm

Because earlier versions of the DB2 LUW did not have global variable support, MTK had to support it using an alternative method.
由于早期版本的 DB2 LUW没有全局变量支持, MTK必须使用一种替代方法来支持它。 ibm

Create a new MTK project.
创建一个新的 MTK项目。 ibm

Currently translations of statements containing the range partitioning clause are supported only when these statements are provided in an input file using the import option in the MTK.
目前,对包含范围分区子句的语句的转换,只有当使用 MTK中的导入选项在一个输入文件中提供这些语句时才受支持。 ibm

Detailed answers provided in the FAQ should help you with the most common issues that arise when using the MTK.
FAQ中提供的详细的回答应该有助于解决在使用 MTK的过程中碰到的大多数常见问题。 ibm

If this method is not suitable in your situation, you may want to try it anyway and use the scripts generated by MTK as a starting point.
如果这种方法不适合您的情况,不管怎样,您应该试一试,使用 MTK生成的脚本作为敲门砖。 ibm

Make sure that your system CLASSPATH contains the source JDBC driver before using MTK for extraction from a source database.
在使用 MTK从源数据库提取源对象之前,应确保系统 CLASSPATH包含源 JDBC驱动程序。 ibm

Once connected, MTK can automatically extract the database objects tables, views, and indexes, for example and the data inside the tables.
连接到源数据库之后, MTK可以自动提取数据库对象例如表、视图和索引和表中的数据。 ibm

Only the scripts to perform this action are generated based on the information MTK has gathered from the input scripts and the options you selected in the prior step.
这一步只是根据 MTK从输入脚本和上一步选定的选项中收集的信息,来生成执行上述动作的脚本。 ibm

Oracle triggers offer some features that IDS does not support, and thus MTK does not support their translation.
Oracle触发器还提供了一些 IDS不支持的特性,因此 MTK不支持对它们的转换。 ibm

Previous versions of MTK truncated the source database identifiers that were greater than the target DB2 database product limitations and generated unique identifiers.
对于长度大于目标 DB2数据库产品限制的源数据库标识符,之前版本的 MTK会截短它,并生成惟一的标识符。 ibm

Save your project and exit MTK.
这时可以保存项目,退出 MTK。 ibm

The CLI invokes MTK from the command line using a configuration file and arguments.
CLI从命令行通过使用一个配置文件和一些参数来调用 MTK。 ibm

The following table shows the source and target database combinations that MTK currently supports.
下面的表展示了 MTK目前支持的源数据库与目标数据库的组合。 ibm

These FAQ have been compiled from various user queries that the MTK development team has received.
这些 FAQ汇编了 MTK开发小组收到的各种用户疑问。 ibm

This is how MTK becomes aware of the structure of the source database.
这样, MTK就知道源数据库的结构。 ibm

This is the step where MTK parses the input script you provided in the previous step.
在这一步中, MTK将解析上一步中提供的输入脚本。 ibm

This script will later be parsed by the MTK to generate an internal XML representation of the source database's schema.
MTK将解析这个脚本,生成源数据库的模式的一个内部 XML表示。 ibm

This tool replaces the MTK functionality with a greatly simplified workflow.
这个工具取代了 MTK的功能,并且极大地简化了工作流程。 ibm

Users are strongly encouraged to go through the FAQ in the MTK documentation before sending any queries to the MTK development team.
我们非常鼓励用户在发送疑问到 MTK开发小组之前,先查看一下 MTK文档中的 FAQ。 ibm

Your goal is to get MTK to parse the input script with as few errors as possible about the basic table structures of the source database.
您的目标是让 MTK解析输入脚本,使源数据库基表的结构的错误尽可能地少。 ibm

MTK allows you to connect directly to your source database.
MTK允许直接连接到源数据库。 ibm

MTK supports the majority of PL/ SQL exception statements.
MTK支持大部分 PL/ SQL异常语句。 ibm




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