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词汇 MSI
释义 MSICOCA¹¹²⁶⁵⁸BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
An MSI exec recently told Engadget it will have one of the first Oak Trail tablets on the market, a10.1-inch model.
微星最近的消息称将有一台10寸的基于Oak Trail的平板发售。 yeeyan

Optionally, you can use the VSC to view the contents of the MSI file.
也可以使用 VSC查看 MSI文件的内容。 ibm

The kernel now also has MSI interrupt support.
内核现在也已经具有了 MSI中断支持。

The Windows Installer Package MSI which was used extensively for applications became the main deployment technology for Visual Studio Packages.
而更广泛地用于应用程序安装的 Windows安装包 MSI,则成为针对 Visual Studio包的主要部署技术。 infoq

After you have created a package from an MSI file, you have a template that you can use to create packages from scratch.
从 MSI文件创建包之后,便有了一个模板,可用于从头开始创建包。 ibm

Besides coming in a MSI package, there are some licensing restrictions developer need to consider.
除了一个 MSI包以外,还有开发者需要仔细阅读的一些协议限制。 infoq

Both VSI and MSI format files comprise complete packages for distribution.
VSI和 MSI格式的文件中都包含了完整的分发包。 infoq

For example, in some environments it may be best to deploy the CCRLocalClient. Msi client.
例如,在某些环境中,可能最好部署 CCRLocalClient. Msi客户端。 ibm

MSDN article titled“ Visual Studio Extension Deployment” gives detailed explanations of what VSIX and MSI can and cannot do.
MSDN上名为“ Visual Studio扩展部署”的文章对 VSIX和 MSI能做的和不能做的做了详细的说明。 infoq

Package management involves identifying the installer that you made and creating the Lotus Symphony definition distribution package from an MSI file.
包管理包括识别创建的安装程序和从 MSI文件创建 Lotus Symphony定义发布包。 ibm

Rather than relying on physical interrupt pins to be associated with a guest, MSI transforms interrupts into messages that are more easily virtualized scaling to thousands of individual interrupts.
MSI将中断转换为更容易虚拟化的消息缩放为数千个独立中断,而不是依赖将被关联到一个客户机的物理中断 pin。 ibm

Run the Veritas Discover application, which specifies the details of the MSI package that you want to create as shown in figure9.
运行 Veritas Discover应用程序,指定要创建的 MSI包的详细信息,如图9所示。 ibm

The next option is to offer a MSI package.
下一个选择就是提供一个 MSI安装包。 infoq

The VSIX can be installed from the local hard drive like VSI and MSI.
我们可以从本地硬盘中像 VSI和 MSI的方式安装 VSIX。 infoq

This feature also ties in with multi- package transactions by allowing a chained MSI to join an existing transaction.
这个特性和多包事务也结合在一起,其通过让一个连锁的 MSI结合到一个存在的事务中来实现。 infoq

This is very similar to RPM packages, or even Windows. msi files.
这点和 RPM包甚至是 Windows的. msi文件很像。 yeeyan

This selection launches a wizard that allows you to select the MSI file that you created.
这样选择后,将启动一个向导,通过该向导可选择创建的 MSI文件。 ibm

Unable to open MSI file. Installation cannot continue.
无法打开 MSI文件,安装程序无法继续。 iciba

VSIX supports double-click install just like VSI and MSI.
VSIX支持双击安装,就像 VSI和 MSI一样。 infoq

Windows2003 Support Tools Launch the file SUPTOOLS. MSI and perform a default install.
Windows2003支持工具启动文件 SUPTOOLS. MSI并执行一个默认安装。 ibm

You can package the software from scratch, but it is easier to build the distribution package from a definition file or from an MSI file.
虽然可以从头开始打包软件,但是更容易的方法是从一个定义文件或 MSI文件构建发布包。 ibm

You remove the service by using a Windows Installer. msi file.
通过使用 Windows安装程序. msi文件中删除服务。

MSI is ideal for I/ O virtualization, as it allows isolation of interrupt sources as opposed to physical pins that must be multiplexed or routed through software.
MSI是理想的 I/ O虚拟化技术,因为它支持多个中断源的隔离而不是必须通过软件多路传输或路由的物理 pin。 ibm




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