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MSEM 基本例句 =Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics 工程力学科学硕士¹⁰⁰ Comparing withMSEM, information disclosure system on GEM is much stricter. Information disclosed can reflect character of GEM and company listed.创业板市场的信息披露应比主板市场更严格,对需披露的信息的内容应能反映创业板市场及其上市公司的特点。 The calculating and experimental investigation of turbulent flow in diffusing long branch of theMSEMsystem of diesel engine are presented.摘要通过理论计算和试验研究,对模件式单排气总管简称MSEM系统扩压长支管的非定常流动特性进行了分析,理论计算和实测结果吻合较好。 A necessary and sufficient condition for the unbiasedness of Balanced LS Estimation is gained, and for the given L, t can be chosen to make theMSEMof the Balanced LS Estimation less than that of OLS Estimation.给出了平衡LS估计为无偏估计的充分必要条件;对于给定的L;适当地选择参数t可使平衡LS估计的均方误差矩阵小于OLS估计的均方误差矩阵. MSEMDominance of Estimators in Two Seemingly Unrelated Regressions半相依回归模型两步估计的均方误差占优性 MSEMComparisons in Estimating Two Seemingly Unrelated Regressions2SUR回归模型系数估计的优良性比较 |