

单词 msci
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Although significant fund outflows started only in late January, the MSCI EM has lagged behind rich- country indices since last autumn.
虽然直到一月底才有大规模的资金流出, MSCI的新兴市场指数从去年秋季以来就落后于发达国家指数。 ecocn

They were handsomely rewarded, with the MSCI Emerging Markets index MSCI EM returning79% in 2009 and 19% in 2010, compared with31% and12% for shares globally.
这些资金收获颇丰—— MSCI新兴市场指数在2009年回报率高达79%,2010年则为19%,同期全球股市总体回报率分别为31%和12%。 ecocn

MSCI is in the process of launching a benchmark for such exotica called the “ frontier market” index.
MSCI正在酝酿设立一个覆盖这些异域国家的标杆指数,称作“未开拓市场”指数。 yeeyan

MSCI, the index compiler, will announce whether it intends to upgrade South Korea to developed market status this month.
指数编纂公司摩根士丹利资本国际 MSCI本月将宣布它是否打算将韩国升级至发达市场指数中。 dict




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