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释义 MRSA 英ˌemɑːres'eɪ美ˌemɑːres'eɪ ●○○○○高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
abbr.耐甲氧西林金葡菌=methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
A high percentage of hospital- acquired infections are caused by highly resistant bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA.
有很大比例的医院感染是由耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌 MRSA等高度耐药细菌引起的。 who

According to SELF contributor Maryn McKenna, author of Superbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA, we should at the very least be cautious and aware.
根据《悦己》的供稿人、《超级细菌: MRSA的致命威胁》的作者玛丽安·麦克基纳,我们起码应该小心谨慎。 yeeyan

At least one outbreak of a different strain of MRSA has been traced to the eating of contaminated food by a hospital patient with a weakened immune system.
现在至少有一个 MRSA另一变种的病例被证明是由于一个免疫系统脆弱的住院病人食用了被污染的食物。 ecocn

For strains of infectious bacteria like MRSA, that could be huge.
对于像 MRSA这样的传染性细菌,其品种数是非常巨大的。

Harris and his colleagues report analyses of63 isolates of a strain of MRSA, all collected in hospitals around the world.
哈里斯和他的同事分析了63例孤立的 MRSA菌株,这些菌种都是从世界各地的医院采集而来的。 yeeyan

He said the emergence of“ superbugs” such as methicillin- resistant staphylococcus aureus MRSA is causing the growing problem of hospital- acquired infections.
他还说道,像耐药性葡萄球菌 MRSA这种“超级病菌”的出现,是医院感染问题增加的原因。 yeeyan

Human cases of NT- MRSA are extremely rare in Canada but could become more common if the infection spreads among the pig population.
人类 NT- MRSA病例在加拿大尚极为罕见,但可能因感染在猪群中的蔓延而变得更为常见。 ecocn

I would like to know how many people will die of heart attacks, meningitis, MRSA and delayed cancer treatment while health politicians play Whitehall games with flu.
我很想知道,就在卫生官员还在政府官邸里打流感牌的时候,多少人将死于心脏病、脑膜炎、院内感染 MRSA和癌症延误治疗。 yeeyan

In a few samples, the team found Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, also known as MRSA, which can lead to severe infections, even on the surface of the skin.
在一些样品中,研究小组发现耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌,即 MRSA,它能够导致严重的感染,即使是在皮肤表层。 yeeyan

In America the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention says that around94,000 people get serious MRSA infections each year and19,000 of them die.
据美国疾病预防控制中心统计,每年大约有9.4万人患有严重的 MRSA感染,其中1.9万人死亡。 yeeyan

In the new study researchers tested five cannabinoid marijuana ingredients against the superbug MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
在这次新研究中,研究者们测试了大麻中五种化学成分对超级细菌 MRSA,即甲氧西林耐药金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制作用。 yeeyan

It is already experiencing a large increase in the number of infections caused by new strains of MRSA that are emerging from places other than hospitals and nursing homes.
它已经经历了一次由 MRSA新菌种引起的感染的激增,而这些新菌种出现于医院和养老院以外的地方。 ecocn

Like the MRSA panic of last summer, this year's superbug frenzy, too, will die down.
就像去年夏天 MRSA引起的恐慌一样,今年因超级细菌导致的慌乱也将会平息。 yeeyan

Most of the children infected with MRSA were treated with the antibiotic of choice, a powerful drug called vancomycin that's reserved for the most serious infections, the study says.
研究显示,大部分感染 MRSA的儿童都被使用一种极强的叫做万古霉素的药物进行治疗。 yeeyan

NT- MRSA has already been detected in Denmark, France and Singapore.
NT- MRSA已经在丹麦,法国和新加坡被发现。 ecocn

Rates of certain bacterial infections, including MRSA, have been reduced with the use of specific antibiotics and improved hygiene.
包括耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌 MRSA在内的某些细菌感染等级随着使用特殊的抗生素而被降低,从而发展了卫生学。 yeeyan

Right now, we have reasonable antibiotics to treat MRSA.
现在,我们有合理治疗 MRSA的抗生素。 who

The best-known is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, known as MRSA.
最有名的耐药菌是耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌,俗称 MRSA。 yeeyan

The most widespread cause of hospital infections, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is one such example.
耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌 MRSA是导致医院感染的最普遍的原因中的一例。 ecocn

The pair plotted the infections on a map, and found that the distribution of NT- MRSA cases coincided with the locations of pig and cattle farms.
两人画了一张感染病例分布地图,并发现 NT- MRSA病例的分布圈养猪和牛的农场的分布相吻合。 ecocn

The researchers decoded the entire genetic instruction book, or genome, of each sample. All the isolates are variations of a MRSA strain known as sequence type239, or STm9.
研究者解码了每株样品的全部基因库或基因组,发现它们全是 MRSA菌株的变种,被称作 STm9型的新菌株。 yeeyan

The tests were conducted using microbes such as MRSA Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus taken from hospital patients.
整个研究采用的是来自院内病人的 MRSA耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌。 yeeyan

They compared35 people with NT- MRSA with76 people carrying other strains of the superbug.
他们研究比较了35 位 NT- MRSA携带者和76位其他菌株超级病毒的携带者。 ecocn

Those who carried NT- MRSA were12 times more likely to have come into contact with pigs and20 times more likely to have come into contact with cattle.
那些携带 NT- MRSA的人比其他人有高约12倍的可能性曾经接触过生猪及高约20倍的可能性曾接触过牛。 ecocn

When she wrote about MRSA for SELF, her inbox exploded with women who had somehow been affected by this potentially fatal bug.
当她为《悦己》杂志写作关于 MRSA的文章时,她的邮件箱爆满,来信者都是曾经某种程度上被这种可能致命的细菌所感染的妇女。 yeeyan

Within a few days of scraping his leg in a scooter accident in2009, nine-year-old Brock Wade was in hospital fighting for his life with a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA infection.
九岁的 Brock Wade在2009年的一次摩托车事故中腿部被擦伤,在住院治疗的头几天中,因耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌 MRSA感染而生命垂危。 who

MRSA killed some 19,000 people in America and1,600 people in Britain in2005, the latest year for which figures are available.
最新的统计数字是2005年的,在这一年里 MRSA在美国导致了超过19000人死亡,并导致了英国1600人死亡。 ecocn




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