

单词 mr justice
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England’s senior libel judge, Mr Justice Eady, ruled that to defend this description, Mr Singh must prove that the chiropractors were not just deluded, but knowingly peddling false remedies.
英格兰高级法官, Eady法官判决 Singh先生必须证明脊椎指压疗法不仅仅具有欺骗性,而且这些医师还故意的宣扬这种错误的疗法。 ecocn

But she was stopped by the judge, Mr Justice Bean, who told her: “ Please stop. You are here to answer questions from counsel.”
然而法官贝恩制止了她的举动,他说“请不要这样,你来这里是为了回答律师的问题的。” yeeyan

He had hoped that the European Convention on Human Rights might allow him to claim that right, but Mr Justice Burton, judging the case, felt otherwise.
他本来希望欧洲人权公约将允许他行使选举权,但是主管案件的伯顿法官可不这么想。 ecocn

Lord Judge, sitting with Lord Justice Goldring and Mr Justice McCombe, explained the case, which had been brought to trial three previous times, concerned“ very serious criminal activity”.
主法官和旁边一同坐着的的法官第一上诉法庭法官共同解释了此案件:考虑到这是“过于严重的刑事行为”,这个案件在此之前已经被审理三次。 yeeyan

Those were the words of an English High Court judge, Mr Justice Burton, on November3rd as he ruled that green beliefs deserve the same protection in the workplace as religious convictions.
英国最高法院的法官伯顿在11月3号发表了上诉讲话,当时他规定在办公室里这种绿色的信仰应该与宗教信仰是受到同样的保护。 ecocn

Mr Justice Williams described her as a“ loving mother” and accepted there was low risk of her re- offending but said she needed help to address her mental health issues.
法官威廉形容她是一个“可爱的母亲”,觉得她重新犯罪的可能性很低,但他认为她在处理自己精神方面问题时需要帮助。 yeeyan

Mr Justice Williams gave her a three-year supervision order at Cardiff Crown Court. She had been cleared of murder.
法官威廉在加地夫刑事法庭上判给她一项为期三年的监管令,并令她清洗了谋杀罪名。 yeeyan




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