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mqmCOCA²²⁸⁸³⁴BNC⁵¹⁷⁹⁴ 基本例句 Master of the Queen's Music 奎因斯音乐硕士 And it emphasizes mainly process control, which provides effective theoretical approaches for MQM of armored vehicles. 主要强调了以过程控制为主,为提高装甲车辆维修质量管理提供了有效的理论指导方法。 cnki In part, the MQM walked out in opposition to a planned hike in the oil price. 统一民族运动党退席的部分原因是因为该党反对一场有预谋的石油涨价。 ecocn Indeed, one of the PPP’s coalition partners, Altaf Hussain, leader of the Karachi-based Muttahida Qaumi Movement MQM, seemed to call for one. PPP的合作伙伴之一总部位于卡拉奇的主要政党巴基斯坦统一民族运动党的领袖阿尔塔夫•侯赛因,就制造了一个谣言。 ecocn The dominant political party in Karachi, the Muttahida Quami Movement MQM, sides with the Mohajirs, the city's largest ethnic group. 卡拉齐最大的族群是穆哈吉尔,它获得卡拉齐主要政党统一民族运动党的支持。 ecocn The loss of the MQM's support for the coalition opens up the possibility of its collapse. 失去统一民族运动党的支持意味着联合政府可能瓦解。 tingclass “ It seems there is no government in Karachi, ” said the MQM’s leader, Altaf Hussain, who lives in exile in London. “看来卡拉奇似乎没有政府”,流亡伦敦的统一民族运动党领导人阿尔塔夫•侯赛因说。 ecocn “ There’s a plan to snatch Karachi from the MQM,” says Haider Abbas Rizvi, an MQM member of the national parliament from Karachi. Haider Abbas Rizvi是来自卡拉齐的全国议会议员,他说:“存在一个要从统一民族运动党手中夺取卡拉齐的计划”。 ecocn After praising his ally, the MQM, General Musharraf said his“ heart was bleeding” for Karachi. 在赞扬了他的盟友 MQM后,穆沙拉夫将军称“他的心为卡拉奇流血“。 ecocn As bloodied corpses arrived at the city's main hospital, the MQM held a rally of its own. 随着滴血的尸体被送往市中心医院, MQM也组织了自己的集会。 ecocn Haider was a member of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, or MQM, which is part of the ruling political coalition in both Sindh province and the federal government. 海德尔是民族统一运动的成员。 这个党在信德省和巴基斯坦联邦政府都是执政政治联盟的组成部分。 www.voa365.com He belongs to the MQM, a coalition partner of the PPP in the federal and Sindh governments. 他属于统一民族运动派别,是巴基斯坦人民党在联邦政府和信德省政府中的盟友。 ecocn He is sure the assailants were from the MQM. 他很确定袭击者来自统一民族运动党。 ecocn He said that60 suspected assassins were in custody,26 of whom belonged to the MQM. 他说监禁中的60个杀人凶手中,有26个来自统一民族运动党。 ecocn If the MQM meant to deter General Musharraf's opponents with violence, it failed. 如果 MQM的目的是用暴力清除穆沙拉夫将军的反对者,毫无疑问它失败了。 ecocn In Sindh the MQM is for the reform, which gave it control of the rich cities of Karachi and Hyderabad, and the PPP is against it. 在信德, MQM支持改革,这使得他们可以控制卡拉奇市和海得拉巴这些富有的城市,而 PPP则反对改革。 ecocn It is the MQM versus the rest. 现状是统一民族运动党对抗其它党派。 topsage Microbiological Quality Management MQM is not only a matter of eliminating the risk of infections for people, but also of protecting products and equipment from contaminations. 微生物质量管理理念不仅仅重视消除人员感染的风险,同时也注重保护产品和生产设备免受微生物侵害。 l-oil On January2nd the PPP lost its majority in parliament when the second-biggest party in the government coalition, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement MQM, walked out. 该党在元月二日因联合政府第二大党统一民族运动党退席而失去了议会的大多数席位。 ecocn Opposition groups blamed the pro- Musharraf MQM party of organising the unrest, but it denied the claim. 反对组织谴责亲穆沙拉夫的 MQM党组织了这次动荡,但是对此 MQM党予以否认。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn The article analyzes the existent problem and the present situation of maintenance quality management MQM of armored vehicle. 首先,分析了装甲车辆维修质量管理的现状和存在的问题。 cnki The assassination in August of an MQM member of the provincial parliament, Raza Haider, led to three days of bloodshed in which at least80 people were killed, most of them Pushtuns. 八月份由于一名信德省议员被暗杀,在卡拉齐造成持续三天的流血冲突,至少80人被杀,其中大多是普什图人。 ecocn The MQM has threatened to quit the federal government, which could reduce it to a parliamentary minority. 统一民族运动党威胁要退出可能会将其降为议会少数派的联邦政府。 ecocn The MQM has some reason to worry about its future political strength. 统一民族运动党着实有些担心其将来的的政治优势。 ecocn The MQM controls Karachi and is one of the main partners in the ruling coalition. 统一民族运动党控制了卡拉奇,是执政联盟的主要合作者之一。 hxen The MQM spokesman Muhammad Anwar told the BBC they had no option but to quit the government. 统一民族运动党发言人 Muhammad Anwar告诉 BBC,他们没有别的办法,只能退出联合政府。 tingclass This sparked gun battles across Karachi between Pushtuns and Mohajirs—the MQM's community, comprising those, like General Musharraf, who relocated to Pakistan from other parts of British India. 这引爆了双方贯穿卡拉奇的枪战,并牵扯进从英属印度迁入巴基斯坦的移民,穆沙拉夫将军便是移民中的一员。 ecocn Two main parties are linked to the violence, the MQM and the Awami National Party, which represents mostly ethnic Pashtuns. 与暴力活动相关的主要有两个党派,分别是“统一民族运动党” MQM和人民民族党Awami National Party,他们代表了大部分 Pashtun族人。 tingclass Zardari said the pro-Musharraf Pakistan Muslim LeagueQ was unwelcome in a coalition, but the PPP wanted its junior partner in the last government, the Muttahida Qaumi MQM movement, to join. 扎利达里支持他们不欢迎巴基斯坦联盟党领袖派加入联合政府,但是希望在上届政府中的少数派伙伴,统一民族运动党 MQM加入。 yeeyan |