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词汇 arnoldo
释义 arnoldo
He has relied on an unholy alliance with Arnoldo Alemán, a disgraced former president sentenced for corruption who leads one wing of the Liberal party.
奥尔特加总统已开始对同声名狼藉的前总统阿莱曼自由党一翼的领导人,曾因腐败问题被判刑之间的罪恶联盟寄予厚望。 ecocn

He has yet to gain the backing of Arnoldo Alemán, a former president convicted of corruption who seems determined to stand.
他也获得了前总统 Arnoldo Alemán的支持,后者虽因腐败被判罪但斗志犹在。 ecocn

In another blow to the rule of law in Nicaragua, the Supreme Court quashed a20- year jail sentence for corruption against Arnoldo Alemán, a former president, freeing him from house arrest.
尼加拉瓜发生了另一起对法规的挑战。最高法院撤消了对前总统阿诺尔多•阿莱曼 Arnoldo Alemán贪污案作出的20年有期徒刑的判决,把他从软禁中解放出来。 ecocn

In four days following the arrest on July11th of Arnoldo Rueda, a senior gang operative, the outfit strafed police stations and killed16 agents.
7月11日,联邦探员逮捕了“家族”集团首脑阿诺德•路易达•麦地那。 就在四天之内,此组织使用机枪疯狂扫射警察局,16名探员丧生。 ecocn

Progress is slow, partly because two- fifths of the group’s members are illiterate, and partly because of resistance to change, admits ArnoldoÑanculef, the group’s leader.
组织的领导阿诺尔-南柯尔夫承认,进展是缓慢的,一部分是由于2/5的协会成员没有受过教育,另一部分原因是一些成员对于转变的抵制态度。 ecocn




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