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词汇 mpc
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abbr.多媒体个人电脑=Multimedia PC
And, as the MPC has emphasised, it is the total stock of asset purchases rather than the monthly flow that determines the extent of the monetary stimulus and its overall impact on the economy.
第三,正如货币政策委员会所强调的那样,这样做完全是为了储存资产,并不是判断货币刺激方案实行情况和其对经济整体影响的月资金流动。 ecocn

FOR many years the job of the Bank of England’s monetary- policy committee MPC seemed straightforward.
许多年以来,英国央行货币政策委员会 MPC的工作看起来都是如此简单明了。 ecocn

IN NOVEMBER2003 the Bank of England’s monetary- policy committee MPC raised interest rates by 0.25%, the first increase in almost four years.
2003年11月,英格兰银行的货币政策委员会 MPC将利率上调了0.25个百分点,这是四年来的首次加息。 ecocn

The polarisation of household finances that makes the impact of a rate rise so uncertain also helps to explain why some MPC members feel the need to act.
使加息影响不确定的家庭财务的两极分化,也有助于解释为什么一些 MPC成员认为有必要采取行动。 ecocn

“ Overall, this is as clear a signal as we could have expected that the MPC is braced to cut Bank Rate soon and in size, ” Walker said.
沃克表示:“总的来说,这是清晰的信号,我们可以预计货币政策委员会做好尽快适当减息的准备了。” yeeyan

“The more the government does, the more the MPC can’t do,” says Geoffrey Dicks, an economist at the Royal Bank of Scotland.
苏格兰皇家银行的经济学家 Geoffrey Dicks说,“政府干得越多, MPC越没得干”。 ecocn

Adam Posen was the only member of the Bank of England’s nine- strong monetary- policy committee MPC who voted for a second dose of QE, according to the minutes of its meeting this month.
亚当-布森是英格兰银行的货币政策委员会的九名委员之一,在本月的委员会会议上只有他投票主张施行第二轮的量化宽松政策。 ecocn

As The Economist went to press on April7th the MPC was expected to keep its benchmark rate at0.5%—but a quarter-point incre a se seems likely as soon as next month.
就像经济学人将要在4月7日刊出的人们预期 MPC会将基准利率控制在0.5%—但似乎下个月就要上调四分之一个百分点。 ecocn

Because both the FPC and the MPC rely on a monetary- transmission mechanism that operates through banks, it isn’t clear that inflation- targeting and liquidity maintenance can be so neatly separated.
因为 FPC和 MPC都依赖于银行之间运行的货币传递机制,要把通胀目标和维持流动性分开并不容易。 yeeyan

But the MPC thinks, for its part, that the overall effect of rate cuts on the economy is positive, not least because they benefit firms as well as indebted households.
但是货币政策委员会 MPC认为,就其本身而言,此次降息对经济的总的影响是正面的,不仅企业会因降息而受益,负债家庭也能同时受益。 ecocn

Echoing the arguments of Bank governor Sir Mervyn King at last week's Inflation Report press briefing, MPC members stressed that the UK is highly exposed to the continuing turmoil in the eurozone.
MPC成员们强调说英国很可能受到欧元区持续动荡的影响,这是对行长梅尔文·金爵士在上周的《通货膨胀报告》新闻发布会上论调的回应。 yeeyan

If spending suffers unduly, “ the MPC would be able to deal with it, ” he says.
他说,如果遭受过度消费,“货币政策委员会将能够处理”。 ecocn

In August the bank’s monetary- policy committee MPC forecast that consumer- price inflation would fall back to its official2% target, but only after a period of economic weakness had drawn its sting.
8月份英格兰银行的货币政策委员会 MPC曾预测,消费价格上涨将跌回2%的官方目标,但仅仅一段时间的经济疲软已经触及它的痛处。 ecocn

In order to ensure that the economy does not slide into a prolonged depression, we urge the MPC to reduce interest rates to almost zero in the next few months.
为避免经济下滑到长期萧条中去,我们强烈要求货币政策委员在未来的几个月间将利率降低到接近零。 yeeyan

It is about the marginal propensity to consume MPC, which is the extra consumption generated by a dollar of extra income.
而是与边际消费倾向 MPC有关,即收入每增加一美元带来的相应消费增量。 yeeyan

Let's hope Blanchflower's views are listened to by ministers and civil servants more than his ideas on interest rates were by his colleagues on the MPC.
在此,我希望大臣和公务员们能多听听他关于就业方面的观点,而不是只关心他在货币政策委员会同事们关于利率的话。 yeeyan

One issue the MPC faces is what securities it should buy.
货币政策委员会面对的一个问题是,该买哪一种有价证券。 ecocn

Peter Harrison, chief executive of MPC, a fund manager, says that American pension funds have analysed their liabilities.
基金经理, MPC的首席主管 Peter Harrison说道美国的养老金基金已经研究了他们的债务。 ecocn

Quantitative easing is not yet fully effective and there is a strong case for raising the proportion of private sector assets that the MPC purchases.
定量宽松政策还没有完全发挥效力,有充分的理由增加货币政策委员会采购的私营企业资产比例。 yeeyan

Some of his colleagues on the MPC see things differently.
而他在货币政策委员会的一些同事看法不同。 ecocn

Such forecasts have, in the past, been regarded as a decent guide to the future intentions of the Monetary Policy Committee MPC.
如果在过去,这样的预报会被认为是货币政策委员会对未来趋势所作的恰当指导。 yeeyan

That seemed to hint that the number of dissenting votes had increased at this month’s MPC meeting.
似乎是在暗示反对票的数目在本月委员会会议上又增多了。 ecocn

The timing and speed of policy changes will not be set by market expectations but by how the MPC sees the balance of risks, he said.
他又说到,政策转变的时机和速度不是由市场预期决定,而是取决于货币政策委员会如何看待风险的平衡。 ecocn

Under this scenario, the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee MPC would favor an increase in interest rates, while the FPC would want to loosen monetary conditions.
在这种情况下,英格兰银行货币政策委员会 MPC将会倾向于提高利率,而 FPC则希望放松银根。 yeeyan




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