

单词 mowed
释义 mow·ed 英məud美məud 高COCA⁴⁰⁹⁰⁴BNC⁵⁹⁴⁴⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
vt. & vi. 刈,割

cut grass etc.

a loft in a barn where hay is stored
cut with a blade or mower;

mow the grass

make a sad face and thrust out one's lower lip;

mop and mow

The girl pouted

用作动词 v.
~+副词mow down割掉; 屠杀
mow down v.+adv.

摧毁,屠杀 destroy; kill people in large numbers

mow-ed如|被…的⇒v.割草|麦等刈³⁹;扫射¹¹;扮鬼脸n.草堆¹⁷;谷物堆¹¹;鬼脸¹⁷v.割;收割;刈倒;扫除;扫杀;扫平;摧毁;皱眉头;刈草;修剪;收入干草棚;做怪脸;割草;收割庄稼n.干草堆;干草堆积处;麦秆堆;谷堆;皱眉;怪脸abbr.建筑工程部=Ministry of Works近义词 cut切shave刮mop拖把clip夹住trim修剪pout噘嘴shear修剪prune修剪crop农作物cut down削减haymow干草棚hayloft干草棚scythe长柄的大镰刀…
S+~+AThe men are mowing.人们正在割草。
S+~+ n./pron.Everyone was mowing their lawns.大家都在刈自家草坪上的草。
The man was mowing field.小伙子们正在收割庄稼。


mow有两种过去分词形式mown或mowed。mown可作定语或构成被动结构, mowed只能用在被动结构中。


用作动词You mustmowdown the long grass in the big field.我们必须把大田里的深草割掉。
She's been nagging at him tomowthe lawn.她一直在催他去割草坪的杂草。
In summer wemowour lawn once a week.夏天我们一周给草坪刈草一次。
The soldiers weremowndown by enemy gunfire.士兵大批大批地被敌军炮火打死。 A robotic sheep mowed lawns, and robotic flags raised and lowered automatically.
此外还有会修剪草坪的“机器羊”和能够自动升降的机器人旗帜。 ebigear

It is difficult to find rest when the housework is never finished, the yard needs to be mowed, or the garage needs to be organized.
院子需要修剪,车库需要整理,永无止尽的家务会使得休息的获得变得非常困难。 yeeyan

The smell of newly mowed hay will conjure up different emotions in someone who spent idyllic childhood summers in the country and someone who was forced to work long hours on a farm.
新割干草的味道对那些在乡村度过田园诗样的夏季的人与那些被迫在农场上长时间按劳动的人会激发出不同的情绪来。 yeeyan

“ But I’d wanted to get the yards mowed today, ” he replied, obviously disappointed.
“可我本来想今天割院子里的草的,”父亲带着很失望的语气说。 putclub

“ But I’d wanted to get the yards mowed today,” he replied, obviously disappointed.
母亲回答说。 “可我本来想今天割院子里的草的,”父亲带着很失望的语气说。 putclub

A moment later, her terrible screams broke off as the train mowed her down.
一瞬间,火车碾过詹妮,骇人的惨叫声戛然而止。 yeeyan

After the funeral, he was a constant presence. He made sure that food filled the cupboards, the bills were paid, and the lawn was mowed.
葬礼后,他就经常出现:确保厨子里有食物、账单付清、草坪清理好。 yeeyan

But one day last month, feeling frustrated when her phone refused to ring, she varied the routine: “I said, I’m going to get outside, and I mowed the front and back yards” for exercise.
有一天,由于始终没有接到面试电话,她感到异常沮丧,于是她改变了运动方式:“我把前院后院的草坪都修剪了一番,就当作是锻炼身体。” yeeyan

Freshly baked bread topped the list of Britain's favorite smells, said a survey of4000 Britons, followed by clean sheets and freshly mowed grass, the Daily Telegraph reported.
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,调研机构onepoll对4000名英国人做了一项调查,发现受访者最喜欢的气味是新鲜烤面包味,其次是洁净的床单和新割的草坪散发的味道。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

His war machine had mowed down resistance in most of Europe.

I put a Town Center, some Outposts, and some units in that area and set up a killing zone that automatically mowed down the attacking force time after time with little effort on my part.

I worried every day about being mowed down by a bus, since they don’t stop at lights.
我每天都担心被汽车给刮了,由于他们红灯也不会停车。 yeeyan

It’s a fair point, and I wonder how long it will be before someone installs a low-frequency hum to the bikes to prevent pedestrians from being mowed down.
这是个很客观的观点,而我想着,还得多久人们才能给自行车装一个低频的铃声来防止刹车事故。 yeeyan

Leave the yard un- mowed for a weekend and get out on the town.
周末离开还没割完草的院子出城玩一玩。 yeeyan

One day on my way home from work, I was saddened to see that the highway department had mowed the ditches and the pretty blue flowers were gone.
有一天下班回家,我发现高速公路部门已经刈过沟渠上的草了,那些可爱的蓝色花儿已无踪影,我很伤心。 ebigear

Soldiers and security forces with automatic rifles mowed down protesters carrying iron bars and rocks. They cut off electricity and communications.
装备着自动步枪的安全部队和军人向拿着铁棍和石头的抗议者疯狂扫射,并切断了电力和通讯。 ecocn

The world will not end if the grass doesn't get mowed this weekend.
如果周末草没有被割掉,这也并不是世界末日。 yeeyan

They made it look like the guy threw a grenade at them and mowed him down. I was on the Stryker and wasn’t on the ground when it took place.
他们把事故现场弄得像那个人扔了手榴弹才把他放倒了一样, 出事儿的时候我在斯特里克不在现场。 yeeyan

They mowed the field so as to provide the cattle with fodder.

Thy body is white like the lilies of the field that the mower hath never mowed.
你的身体白得就像,从未有人收割过的野百合。 yeeyan

When you’re older, you will remember the fun, not the freshly mowed yard.
当你老了时,你就会记得这件趣事,而不是新割了草的院子。 yeeyan

You can be grateful that your son is learning to read, for your health, for the neighbor who waved as she mowed her lawn.
孩子们慢慢地学会读书识字,你一定很感动。 你身体健康,少不了你的邻居修剪了土地上的草。 yeeyan




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