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词汇 Moving process
释义 Moving process
Themoving processof submarine supercavitation vehicle after high-speed launching was investigated by computational fluid dynamics .摘要采用计算流体力学的方法研究了超空泡水下航行体在高速发射以后的运动规律。
The process of pith browning showed no difference from themoving processof Bx in the branches, the distribution of Bx preceded the pith browning.松枝髓部褐变过程和松材线虫在松枝中扩散过程相一致,松材线虫扩散分布先行于髓部褐变;
The result reflects the practical status of themoving processo f the crystallizer and provides basis fo r the coming installation and maintenanc e.其结果反映了结晶器运动过程的实际状况,为结晶器下次的维修和安装提供了依据。
The most important thing during themoving processof biped walking robot is that plan of steps and control of balance.Generally it ignored the effect of external force.双足机器人在移动过程中最重要为步伐的规划与平衡的控制,一般都会忽略外部力量的影响,而降低了机构移动时的稳定性。
Is that not ignoring the fact there are Chinese residents with teams in both MZ Country and China?Are the teams to be vetted before thismoving process, or will China have multiple teams moved ov …这段话是否应该这样理解:中国已经加入了国际版,那么许多在MZ国联合国里注册的中国玩家是否会转移到中国区?




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