

单词 moving down
释义 moving down短语³²¹⁷⁸
The order shifts as one would expect in a bullish stock market with newer IPOs moving up in the ranking less adjustment and older IPOs moving downmore adjustment.
涨幅名次有所变动,正如人们在牛市时期所预计的那样,较晚 IPO上市的新股涨幅排名上移调整较少,而较早 IPO上市的新股涨幅排名下移调整较大。 forbeschina

As he was descending, he saw a red light and then a green light attached to the back of a large black cloud moving down the road.
正当他下坡的时候,他看到一堆又大又黑的黑云上系了一个红灯和一个绿灯,正在路上走着。 ecocn

The sensation of moving down a tunnel could be due to long- buried birth memories suddenly retrieved.
那种到走到地道中的感觉可能是因为被长期隐藏的出生时的记忆被激活。 yeeyan

The third is again the reciprocity principle; by“ moving down”, you are seen as having done him a favour!
第三仍然是互惠原理,通过“降级”,看起来你是在帮他的忙。 yeeyan

The country shows signs of moving down the same path that Brazil started down15 years ago.
这个国家现在在重复着巴西15年前的路径。 yeeyan

Users initially look at the top left and upper portion of the page before moving down and to the right.
用户浏览网页时,首先观察网页的左上部和上层部分,之后再往下阅读,浏览右边的内容。 nowamagic

With the high cost of petrol, consumers are moving down to smaller SUVs or even to cars, both parts of the market where Ford is not so strong.
由于高额的汽油价,消费者倾向于购买小号的运动型多功能车或小轿车,而在这些领域福特并不擅长。 ecocn




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