

单词 movie
释义 mov·ie 英ˈmuːviː美ˈmuviAHDm›“vē ★★★★☆常初中高四研I牛4COCA⁶⁴⁶BNC⁴⁰⁸⁶iWeb⁸¹⁵Economist⁷⁸⁷⁵



the cinema

a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement;

they went to a movie every Saturday night

the film was shot on location







名词短语moving picture动态图像的简化形式,20世纪初开始表示电影。
用作名词 n.
动词+~direct a movie导演电影enjoy a movie欣赏一部电影go to the movies去看电影like a movie喜欢电影make a movie制作电影produce a movie制片,拍摄电影see a movie看电影形容词+~bad movie坏电影,坏影片entertaining movie娱乐片good movie好电影,好影片instructive movie有教育意义的影片interesting movie有趣的电影popular movie大众电影,流行电影名词+~feature movie故事片,剧情片home movie家庭电影neighborhood movie邻近的电影院science fiction movie科幻电影war movie战争片介词+~at the movies看电影in a movie在影片中
词源解释名词短语moving picture动态图像的简化形式,20世纪初开始表示电影。
非常记忆move移动+i我 I⇒我看电影时从旁边的座位移到中间故事记忆抱着 Barbie芭比吃着 Cookie饼干看着 Movie电影mov运动+ie名词后缀→运动的图像⇒电影。小学英语速记分音节记忆:mo-vie词根记忆mov移动+ie近义词 pic照片film电影show证明cine电影video录像motion移动screen屏幕silver银币picture照片theatre戏院cinema电影院moving 移动的flick快速的轻打picture show画展pictures绘画作品documentary纪录片silver screen银幕moving picture电影motion picture电影screen-play电影剧本nickelodeon五分钱娱乐场…talkie〈非正式〉有声电影…Hollywood好莱坞美影业中心…
用作名词n.This movie really catches the flavor of New York.这部影片真正抓住了纽约的特色。
I have seen twomovies.我已经看了两部电影。
He is going to themovies.他打算去看电影。Pmoviesn.电影Pmoviedomn.电影界电影业Pmoviemakern.电影制作人Pmoviegoern.常看电影的人

用作名词Themoviewas over shortly before six.电影在六点钟不到就结束了。
Themoviehas been hyped up far beyond its worth.这部影片被吹得离了谱了。
His lastmoviewas a real turkey.他最後的那部影片一塌糊涂。noun.presentation of action on continuous film
同义词 cinema,feature,film,flick,motion picture,picture,show,videotapecelluloid,screenplay,talkiecine,cinematics,cinematograph,moving picture,photoplay,silent,silver screen,talking picture
matineenoun daytime performance
motion picturenoun film
cine,cinema,cinematics,cinematograph,feature film,film,flick,flicker,movie,moving picture,photodrama,photoplay,picture,picture show,silver screen,talkie,talking picture,videotape
moving picturenoun film
cinema,flick,motion picture,movie,picture,picture show,talkie
picturenoun motion picture, movie
cartoon,cinema,film,flick,motion picture,movie,moving picture,photoplay,picture show,show
shownoun entertainment event
act,appearance,burlesque,carnival,cinema,comedy,drama,entertainment,film,flick,motion picture,movie,pageant,picture,play,presentation,production,showing,spectacle
showsnoun entertainment event
appearances,arrays,displays,expos,expositions,fairs,fanfares,fireworks,grandstands,manifestations,occurrences,pageantry,pageants,panoplies,parades,pomp,presentations,programs,representations,shine,showboats,showings,sights,spectacles,splashes,views A movie like this is all style.
像这样的电影是全风格的。 yeeyan

And at a movie you have popcorn.
看一场电影,你会吃一桶爆米花。 yeeyan

We’ve decided to sex up the movie with some battles scenes.

You see it when we meet the hero of the movie for the first time, and the hero does something nice, like save a cat, that makes us like him and want to go on the journey with him.
当在电影中英雄首次出现的时候,我们会看到这样的场面,而且英雄总是会做一些令我们喜欢他的精彩之举,像救下一只猫,这使我们想和他一起经历冒险之旅。 hjenglish

“ I also worrythat without this impact, in the later part of the movie you might think the actor overacts in some scenes, ” Lee says.
“我也担心,失去了这部分效果,在电影后面的部分你就会认为演员在一些场景中的表演是夸张的,”李安说。 yeeyan

At the end of the movie, the big and muscular killer appeared again!
在电影的结尾,那个高大而且肌肉发达的凶手又出现了! ebigear

For example, whenever an application requires the user to enter search criteria, such as a movie title, a title or part of a title can be selected from a data pool.
例如,无论什么时候应用软件要求用户输入搜索条件,比如一个电影的名字,一个标题或者标题的一个部分都可以从数据池中选择。 ibm

Go to a movie they select.
去看他们选的一个电影。 yeeyan

He is the most sharply etched character in the movie.

I also like almost every movie he starred in.
我也喜欢他出演的每一部影片。 yeeyan

I guess this is a really popular movie.
我猜想这是一部很受欢迎的电影。 kekenet

I have to warn you this third and final movie is an example of why this research is not currently done, but it illustrates an important scientific point.

I really like every movie he directed.
我喜欢他指导的每一部影片。 yeeyan

In the example, add the genre of a movie as its own field.
在这个例子中,添加了电影风格作为内容类型的字段。 ibm

It is important to study successful screenwriters to learn the techniques and tricks of the trade that have helped some screenwriters write one hit movie after another.
向杰出剧作者学习的过程中,重要的是研究帮助他们屡屡创作出卖座电影的写作技巧和一些巧妙的商业策略。 yeeyan

It is the stuff of a Hollywood movie: a dreamworld that can be manipulated at will.
这是在一部好莱坞电影中发生的事,在那里梦境可以被随意操纵。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Many designers choose to use this streamlined design for everything from movie posters, to band posters, to ad posters.
许多设计师选择使用这种最新型的设计,从电影海报到乐队海报,再到广告海报。 yeeyan

Not yet, but I saw the movie.
还没有,但是我看过电影. tingvoa

The students come and if you watch the movie, you can talk about movies, afterwards in English.
学员们如果想看电影,便可以来参加这个活动,用英语交流看片的感受。 hjenglish

The movie will be directed by him.

This is a great movie.
这是一部很好的电影。 yeeyan

We were very excited to see our work in the movie.
在电影中看到我们的工作,我们感到非常兴奋。 who

We missed the start of the movie.

When she was filming for her movie, she would go to Sun Ye and Ye Eun after filming and cry in their arms.
当拍摄自己参演的电影时,她总是在拍摄结束后,找到先艺和誉恩并在她们怀里大哭一场。 iciba

Will the new movie be welcomed by its spectators or just raise another wave of disappointment?
那么这部新的电影将会受到观众欢迎,还是引起新一波的失望呢? yeeyan

You can talk to me on the plane while I watch the movie!
你可以在飞机上当我看电影的时候告诉我! www.chinadaily.com.cn




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