

单词 moved on
释义 moved on短语⁶⁰⁶¹
The original members may have moved on, but that does not mean the community itself can not thrive under new membership.
最初的社区成员可能不在了,但这并不意味着在新的成员组成下社区不能再恢复活力。 ibm

Back with the backpackers, the talk had moved on to why one should spend time on extended trips such as this.
我回到两位背包客身边,这时他们的话题是怎样在一次像这样的长途旅行中消磨时间。 yeeyan

He just smiled, invited me to write him about my feelings, and moved on to the next handshake.
他只是笑了笑,欢迎我把自己的感受写下来寄给他,然后又和下一个人握手。 yeeyan

Probably not, life moved on and so did they.
很可能不会,生活在前行,他们也在前进。 yeeyan

Quickly, we moved on to the reds.
很快,我们开始了品尝红酒。 yeeyan

Scheduled for completion by 2013, projects like these just might be a harbinger of things to come: a China that’s moved on from making our flags and fireworks to our major bridges and buildings.
大桥预计将在2013年完成。像这样的项目可能是即将来临事情的预兆:一个中国,从为我们制造的国旗和烟花爆竹开始,发展到帮助我们建造主要桥梁和建筑物。 yeeyan

So we made that decision and moved on.

They have moved on and have left their parents behind.
他们不停地向前,而把父母抛在了后面。 putclub




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