

单词 move across
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In some large airports the time required to move across the airport is nontrivial.
在一些大的飞机场,穿过飞机场所需要的时间是一定得。 csdn

It can move across land at night, reaching water no other fish species has colonised.
它能在夜间穿过陆地到达没有其他鱼种繁殖的水域。 yeeyan

Some can move across the ground at200 miles an hour.
有些一小时可以在地面横越两百里。 kekenet

Soviet infantrymen move across snow- covered hills around Stalingrad, on their advance to lift the German siege of the city in early1943.
1943年初,苏军步兵穿过斯大林格勒周围大雪覆盖的山丘,向市区进发,以解除德军对斯大林格勒的围困。 yeeyan

That agreement allows nationals of both countries to freely move across the border and own property.
根据这项协定,两国国民可以自由跨越边境并且购置资产。 hxen

Then it will slowly rise on a sunbeam and move across the stars.
然后,它将会在太阳光的驱动下,飞越星际。 yeeyan

Wisconsin’s Republican governor, Scott Walker, welcomed the Illinois tax hike gleefully, inviting businesses to move across the border.
威斯康星洲共和党州长斯科特沃克 Scott Walker对伊利诺伊州赋税的增加非常欢迎,鼓励企业跨越州界到威斯康星洲做生意。 ecocn




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