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词汇 mov
释义 mov.
A new equivalent circuit for the metal oxide varistor MOV in a low current region and a method of predicting its dynamic parameters are presented.
提出了 MOV的小电流区等值电路以及定量决定等值电路动态参数的方法。 cnki

It also shows that after fault clearing, even the system power flow is below the transient stability limits, the designed MOV can have unwanted conduction and may affect stability control adversely.
在暂态稳定试验中发现,即使在暂稳极限范围内,故障切除后,目前设计的限压器仍可能动作,影响稳定控制。 cnki

Under certain voltage, the worse the homogeneity of MOV's structure, the more inhomogeneous the distribution of electric current crossing the section of MOV.
在一定电压作用下 MOV之结构均匀性愈差,则其沿横截面之电流分布愈不均匀。 cnki

With this update we’re going to be supporting hardware accelerated, multi- core enhanced full screen video playback and you’ll be able to view any H.264 encoded video including MP4 and MOV.
我们将会支持硬件加速、多核增强型全屏视频回放,并将让你能够观看任何 H.264编码的视频,包括 MP4和 MOV。 infoq

According to the MOV reduction theory, the identity- based encryption scheme which is based on the bilinear map will lose the high efficiency of elliptic curve.
根据 MOV归约理论,采用双线性映射构造的基于身份加密方案使得该方案不具有椭圆曲线高效的优点。 dictall

Assemblers work principally at the same, low level of abstraction, even though it's somewhat easier to remember a mnemonic like MOV instead of its corresponding binary representation.
汇编程序大体上是一样的,低层次的抽象,即使记住像 MOV的助记符号而取代其相应的二进制表示要稍微容易。 ibm

During the test, the surface temperature on the hottest spot of the MOV must be monitored continuously.
测试过程中要连续监测 MOV表面最热点的温度。 flyboat365

If full credit for proper operation is taken, the operator stops the pump before he closes the MOV, and no interlock is then required.

It converts M4V videos to MOV format in high speed and great quality.
它能够快速和高质量将 M4V视频转换成 MOV格式。 maiyadi

Overvoltage protection level and maximum allowable energy dissipation of MOV are ascertained.
确定了过压保护的重要元件 MOV的过电压保护水平和最大允许能耗。 cnki

Previously, a typical protection circuit would include a relay, resettable fuse and MOV combination to protect against the above combination of threats.
以往来说,典型电路保护将继电器、可恢复式保险丝、与金属氧化物压敏电阻组合来保护防止损害。 cntronics

Soon, assemblers were invented to map machine instructions to human- readable and manageable mnemonics, such as ADD and MOV.
不久,发明了汇编程序,它能将机器指令转换成易读、易管理的助记符,如 ADD、 MOV等。 sxtcm

Soon, assembly language was invented. It maps machine instructions to human- readable mnemonics, such as ADD and MOV.
不久,汇编语言发明了,它是把机器指令变换成易于阅读的助记符,如 ADD、 MOV等。 rowking

Video formats such as MOV and AVI are supported.
同时也支持如 MOV和 AVI格式的视频文件; zzbaike




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