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词汇 mouthed
释义 mouth·ed 英maʊθ美maʊθ COCA³²³⁴⁹BNC³¹¹⁸⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

the opening on the face through which a person or animal can take food into the body, and speak to make sounds

U空话,无聊的话; 无礼的话

meaningless; impudent talk


person, speaker

vt. & vi. 嘴作出说〔唱〕…的动作 但不出声

move one's lips as if saying words but without making any sound

vt. & vi. 喃喃地说,心不在焉地说,言不由衷地说

say especially repeatedly and without understanding or sincerity

the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge;

he stuffed his mouth with candy

the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening;

she wiped lipstick from her mouth

an opening that resembles a mouth as of a cave or a gorge;

he rode into the mouth of the canyon

they built a fire at the mouth of the cave

the point where a stream issues into a larger body of water;

New York is at the mouth of the Hudson

a person conceived as a consumer of food;

he has four mouths to feed

a spokesperson as a lawyeran impudent or insolent rejoinder;

don't give me any of your sass

the opening of a jar or bottle;

the jar had a wide mouth

express in speech;

She talks a lot of nonsense

This depressed patient does not verbalize

articulate silently; form words with the lips only;

She mouthed a swear word

touch with the mouth

❌ He kissed her on mouth.

❌ He kissed her on his mouth.

✔️ He kissed her on the mouth.



❌ Don't try to talk with a mouth of food.

✔️ Don't try to talk with a mouthful of food.

mouth指“口,嘴”; 表示“一口,满口”,应该说mouthful。


❌ She stared at him, the mouth open.

❌ She stared at him, her mouth open.

✔️ She stared at him, mouth open.


❌ Three men came marching along, pipe in mouths and swords in hand.

✔️ Three men came marching along, pipe in mouth and sword in hand.


用作名词 n.
动词+~button up one's mouth保持沉默close one's mouth闭嘴fill one's mouth full填满嘴,堵住嘴give mouth to说出,讲出,透露have ten mouths to feed要养十口人keep one's mouth shut守口如瓶laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth失望,悲伤leave one's mouth open使嘴张开make one's mouthwater使人垂涎open one's mouth张嘴put words into sb's mouth教某人说些什么话screw up one's mouth撅起嘴shoot off one's mouth信口开河,夸夸其谈shut one's mouth闭嘴stop sb's mouth不让某人说话,用贿赂堵住某人的口take the bread out of one's mouth夺某人的饭碗wipe one's mouth擦嘴形容词+~beautiful mouth好看的嘴big mouth碎嘴子,说话冒失的人hungry mouths饥饿的人们pretty mouth好看的嘴small mouth小口sweet mouth甜蜜的嘴useless mouth只吃不做的人名词+~river mouth河口介词+~express by the mouth口头表达by way of mouth从口入by word of mouth口头的out of sb's mouth出自某人之口vessel with a small mouth口很小的容器with one mouth异口同声地from mouth to mouth一个传一个地pass from mouth to mouth被传播down in the mouth忧愁的人look down in the mouth显得很沮丧words in everybody's mouth众人的说法in the mouth of据说with full mouth大声地with open mouth大声地~+介词mouth of the river河口mouth with thick lips长着两片厚嘴唇的嘴用作动词 v.~+副词mouth silently嘴动而不出声地说mouth down吃下mouth off大发议论,自夸地说
用作名词n.all mouth

光说不干 say sth but do not have the courage to actually do

big mouth

嘴不严,多嘴 talk too much

by word of mouth

口头通知 inform sb by mouth

give mouth

说出口 start to say sth

keep one's mouth shut

保持沉默,一声不吭 reveal a secret, especially of dishonest or criminal activity

mouth down v.+adv.

吃下 eat down

mouth sth ⇔ downHe mouthed down a square of cheese.他吃了一块方干酪。
mouth off v.+adv.

大发议论,自夸地说 speak strongly or as if one knew more than anyone else

mouth offHe was mouthing off about the high price of fish.他就鱼价的飞涨大发议论。近义词 openingentrancen. aperture
用作名词n.Don't speak with your mouth full.嘴里塞满东西时不要讲话。
Open your mouth wider, please.请把嘴张大点儿。
We speak with our mouths.我们用口讲话。
A fall of rock blocked the mouth of the cave.一块石头落下来把洞口全堵住了。
His villa is situated at the mouth of a river.他的别墅位于河口。
I don't want any mouth from you!你别给我多嘴!
Every time I open my mouth he contradicts me.我一说话他就反对。
We must keep down the number of useless mouths.我们必须减少吃闲饭的人。
The news spread rapidly from mouth to mouth.消息很快就传开了。
He is the mouth of the House in its relations with the crown.他是议会对皇室的发言人。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe new teacher is mouthing in order to show that he is very wise and great.这位新老师在装腔作势地讲话以表明他聪明而伟大。
Where does this creek mouth?这条小河流入哪里?
S+~+ n./pron.The actor mouthed the words of the recorded song.演员不出声地唱着那首已经事先录好音的歌曲。
He was silently mouthing curses.他不出声地咒骂。
He was mouthing the usual platitudes about the need for more compassion.他言不由衷地说些需要更加同情之类的老一套话。

mouth的基本意思是人或动物的“口”“嘴巴”,还可喻指“口状物”,如河口,山谷口,洞穴口,容器口,喷口,钳口,乐器等吹口,炮口等,且常由of引起的短语作后置定语修饰非生命物体之“口”, mouth引申还可表示“说话”,往往都带有贬义。






用作名词Hermouthis her best feature.她的嘴是她容貌上最好看的部分。
The dying animal was found foaming at themouth.那只将死的动物被发现口吐白沫。
Seeing that we are confused about her attitude, she had to givemouthto her doubts.看到我们对她的态度表示不解,她只得说出心里的疑惑。
The sand has silted up themouthof the river.泥沙已把河口堵住了。用作动词The nursemouthedthe word “quiet”.护士以口形默示“安静”。
I dislike lecturers whomouththeir speeches.我不喜欢夸夸其谈的演讲者。
He crept into the corner,mouthingcurses.他悄悄地移到角落,嘴里喃喃地诅咒着。as in.bitten
同义词 eatengnawedmangled,masticatednibbledtasted
bittenadjective chewed
eatengnawedmangled,masticatednibbledtasted Doubtless open- mouthed themselves, Pitman and Durban— along with a film crew from the BBC Natural History unit— watched as one seal, swept into the water by the orca, swam towards the humpbacks.
当一头被杀人鲸扫入水中的海豹游向座头鲸时,皮特曼和德班一定是和来自 BBC自然博物组的摄影师们一起目瞪口呆地看着。 yeeyan

During an open- mouthed kiss, a man passes a bit of testosterone to his partner.
接吻时,男性可以传递少量的睾丸激素给她的伴侣。 yeeyan

If you’re unsure of whether to laugh or kick the smart mouthed kid out of your office, you’re not alone.
遇到这种情况,并不是只有你一个人会不知道是该笑还是该把这个说话如此放肆的小家伙踢出办公室。 yeeyan

IT COULD be a dream or a nightmare: a wild- mouthed talk-show host running for Congress and winning.
白日做梦也好,一场梦魇也罢,一个大嘴巴脱口秀主持人跑去参加议会竞选竟然还能成功。 ecocn

“ I used to stare at them in restaurants, open- mouthed until my little brother said'Er, Andrea, don't do that, '” she says, emitting a short burst of self-mocking laughter.
“我经常在饭店里张着嘴,呆呆的看着他们,直到我哥哥说‘别这样,安德丽亚!’”她一边说,一边自嘲的笑了起来。 yeeyan

“ We know you did it, ” Detective Clark told her, white- mouthed with fury.
“我们知道是你干的,”克拉克探长对她说,气得嘴都歪了。 yeeyan

A mealy- mouthed statement said the Crown Prosecution Service had asked for more information about the case and that the Met itself had taken more legal advice.
一份不直率的声明中说,皇家检察署问了关于这宗案件的详细信息,大都会它自己已采取符合本身的更多的法律意见。 ecocn

As Rooney left the field, he mouthed the words“12 men” into the TV camera.
当鲁尼离开球场时,他向着摄像机说“第12名球员”。 yeeyan

Fill containers or wide- mouthed bottles or something of the sort with beer about a quarter to half way up. Then bury these in your garden.
在广口瓶或其它类似容器中倒入四分之一至一半的啤酒,然后埋在你的花园里。 yeeyan

His was as Irish a face as could be found in the length and breadth of the homeland he had left so long ago— round, high colored, short nosed, wide mouthed and belligerent.
他那张纯粹爱尔兰型的脸,同他已离别多年的故乡的那些脸一模一样,是圆圆的、深色的、短鼻子,宽嘴巴,满脸好战的神情。 kekenet

Hold your tongue, you foul- mouthed thief, you!

I mouthed“ Mom” and shrugged my shoulders.
我作出“妈妈”的口型,耸耸肩。 yeeyan

Individual voices are brave. But Russia's intelligentsia, which could be much freer than in the bad old days, is still mealy- mouthed.
个人的勇敢执言仍不鲜见。虽然享有远较昔日充分的自由,俄罗斯知识分子仍显缄默。 ecocn

It has been dry- mouthed terror, and, one suspects, a familiar thought: what can the state and central banks do to help?
有人怀疑,这会引出一个似曾相识的问题,也是让人口干的恐惧,那就是:国家和中央银行能做什么呢? ecocn

Many Americans may know Kazakhstan from the2006 movie Borat. The film erroneously painted the country as a far-off land that produces foul- mouthed goofballs like the star of the movie.
很多美国人可能在2006年就通过电影波拉特认识哈萨克斯坦.这部电影错误的把这个国家描绘成一个专出如电影里的明星那样的满口脏话的傻瓜的遥远地方. yeeyan

Modern large- mouthed snakes, such as boas and anacondas, can eat large prey because their jaw joints are positioned well behind their skulls, allowing the snakes to open their mouths very wide.
现代阔口蛇,像蟒蛇和水蟒,能吃大的猎物是因为它们的颌关节恰位于头骨的后面,能使蛇的嘴张得非常宽。 yeeyan

Sex is probably the most popular pastime in the history of life on Earth— which makes it all the more ridiculous that so many of us have such a mealy- mouthed way of talking about it.
性也许是地球上有史以来最流行的消遣方式了-在谈论它的时候,我们中的很多人都用各种各样的谐称来代替它。 yeeyan

Some were his constituents, in camouflage caps and T-shirts, gape- mouthed among the gilt and marble, come to talk to him about the problems of Marsh Fork Elementary School or their uncle’s black lung.
一些是他的选民,戴着迷彩帽,穿着T恤,瞠目于参议员的金碧辉煌,他们是来找他谈马什福克小学或者他们叔叔的黑肺之类的问题。 ecocn

The laid-off executive had broadly bad- mouthed her former employer in what she saw as casual conversations.
这位失业的管理人士在她所认为的非正式对话中对前雇主大放厥词。 hjenglish

There has been only one documented case of someone becoming infected with HIV through kissing; a result of exposure to infected blood during open- mouthed kissing.
目前已知的只有一起通过接吻感染 HIV病毒的病例;是由湿吻时接触了受 HIV病毒感染的血液而引起的。 yeeyan

There is one strong upside, however: this mealy- mouthed statement leaves the door open for dialogue.
然而,声明有着非常积极的一面:这份话语委婉的的声明为对话打开了方便之门。 ecocn

There are few heroic qualities to be found in the ample figure of the foul- mouthed family man.
在这个满口污言秽语的家族中,英雄的品质几乎很难找到。 yeeyan

They leaned against4203- RD and worked through their rote of tender gestures: hand-holding, modest- mouthed kisses, a giddy lowering to the ground, me an awkward weight following them down.
他们倚靠在4203- RD上,一板一眼地做起那套温柔把式:拉手、深浅有度的亲吻、晕晕忽忽地往地上滑,我这个糟糕的重负则跟着他们倒地。 yeeyan

When disturbed, larger members of the species stand up open mouthed and let out a large hiss.
当受到骚扰时,会有更多的壁虎直立起来,张开嘴,发出嘶嘶的声音。 yeeyan

Without withdrawing his hand, he mouthed a threat at Teacher Fei, who lifted his arms as if surrendering and stood up to leave.
男孩没有停手,而是对范老师发出威吓的声音,范老师举起双手做出投降的样子,然后起身离开了。 yeeyan




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