

单词 moustaches
释义 moustaches 英'məstɑːʃɪz美'məstɑːʃɪz COCA⁹⁶⁴⁵⁸BNC³⁴⁰²⁸Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
名词 moustache:
an unshaved growth of hair on the upper lipHe walked to the fireplace and adjusted hismoustachescarefully in the mirror over the chimney piece.他走到壁炉边,面对烟囱砖上挂着的那面镜子,小心翼翼整理他的胡须。as in.hair
同义词 eyebrow,fiber,fur,grass,haircut,hairstyle,mane,sideburn,strand,wig,woolbeard,bristle,cilium,coiffure,cowlick,cut,down,eyelash,feeler,filament,fluff,fringe,lock,mop,moustache,quill,ruff,shock,thatch,tress,tuft,vibrissa,villus,whiskersfrizzies,split ends Does this mean that French men seeking work with the Disney organization must shave off their moustaches too?
这是不是说法国人要想在迪斯尼工作就必须剃掉胡子才行? docin

“ Look, his moustache and his eyelashes are all white, ” said one of the strange, pretty, unfamiliar figures sitting by him, with fine moustaches and eyebrows.
“你瞧,他的胡髭和睫毛全是白的。”一个坐在雪橇里的长着细胡子、细眉毛、样子古怪而清秀的陌生人说。 tingroom

A big feather bobbing in his turban- fez, huge glasses askew, and his false moustaches flying!
一根大羽毛在他土耳其毡帽式的头巾上摇晃,斜带着一副巨大的眼镜,假胡子快飞了起来! ecocn

A very old man, bent but active, with white moustaches that bristled forward like those of a prawn, pushed open the swing door and went in.
一个年纪很老的人,虽然腰板挺不起来,动作却很矫捷,白色的胡子向前挺着,好像明虾的胡子一样,他推开了弹簧门,走了进去。 bab

And the engineering managers tended to have even bigger moustaches.
并且工程部们的管理者的胡子更多。 yeeyan

AT A sawmill in the misty hills of Michoacán in central Mexico, loggers sporting damp sombreros and droopy moustaches are working through a drizzle, hauling pine logs.
在墨西哥中部米却肯州多雾山区中的一个锯木厂,戴着潮湿的阔边帽、留着下垂的小胡子的伐木工在毛毛雨中工作,拖着松树原木。 ecocn

Because a man's moustaches come up after his hair.
因为人们先长头发后长胡须。 www.ha.xinhuanet.com

But then perhaps the more people who grow moustaches, the more accepted it will become.
但是后来,或许因为越来越多的人留了胡子,因此越来越多的人接受它也是迟早的事情。 ebigear

Finally, he noticed something that most of the other engineers had in common that he was lacking: they all had fairly prominent moustaches.
最终,他发现了一个其他工程师都有而他没有的东西:他们都有精心打理过的胡子。 yeeyan

In June Somalia’s Islamic militants ordered men in Mogadishu to grow their beards and trim their moustaches.
六月时索马里伊斯兰教激进分子命令摩加迪沙的男人留胡须和修剪上唇小胡子。 yeeyan

In June Somalia's Islamic militants ordered men in Mogadishu to grow their beards and trim their moustaches.
今年六月,索马里的伊斯兰激进分子就下令摩加迪沙的男子统统都要蓄腮须、剃唇须。 qou8

In many societies, beards and moustaches are even more ideologically charged than the question of what, if anything, sprouts from the top of male heads.
在许多国家,络腮胡和八字胡比起男人的头发如果有的话来说,更能引发意识形态上的争议。 qou8

It has ordered us to shave off all moustaches.
他命令所有的人都得把胡子刮干净。 http://www.voa365.com

Look at her moustaches!
你们看看她嘴上的胡子! ebigear

Such disdain may have made the moustaches of the Pakistani Rangers bristle.
这种蔑视可能已经挑起了巴基斯坦巡逻兵的怒火。 ecocn

The man was twiddling with his moustaches.

The soldiers, tall and with flamboyant moustaches perform a highly choreographed display of foot stamping and high kicking before taunting each other with insulting gestures.
高大威武、蓄有美髭的士兵表演踢正步、高摆腿,所有的动作都经过精心编排,极为规范。 hjenglish

With celebrities, sports stars, actors and actresses donning milk moustaches, it would seem that milk is the perfect food.
对于名人,运动明星和做牛奶胡子的演员来说,牛奶似乎的确是完美的食物。 yeeyan




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