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MoussaviCOCA¹⁴³⁴¹⁷BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺⁴ 基本例句 穆萨维¹⁰⁰ After a presidential debate between Moussavi and Ahmadinejad riveted the nation, Moussavi's campaign caught fire in recent days, triggering massive street rallies in Tehran. 穆萨维和内贾德的辩论吸引了全国的注意,穆萨维的竞选活动在近日达到了高潮,在德黑兰引发了大量的街头集会。 yeeyan “ Our findings are consistent with earlier studies that have shown a high degree of association between depression and disability,” commented lead author Saba Moussavi of the WHO and colleagues. 经过计算,衡量基本生活质量的“全球平均健康指数”表明,沮丧是让人最难忍受的。 研究人员称,“此前的研究表明,沮丧与健康不佳之间有着很高的关联性,我们的研究也与此一致。” ebigear After Mr. Moussavi was denied entry by the police, mourners began chanting angry slogans, and the police charged with their batons, leaving many people bruised and bleeding. 穆萨维被警方阻拦后,参加悼念集会的人们开始高呼口号,随后警方动用警棍,致使多人受伤。 yeeyan Before the vote count ended, Moussavi issued a sharply worded letter urging the counting to stop because of“ blatant violations” and lashed out at what he indicated was an unfair process. 在选举计数完毕之前,穆萨维发表了一片措辞激烈的信,要求中止计数,因为选举过程中存在“无耻的违规”,并指责选举进程是不公平的。 yeeyan But while he extolled the result and the huge turnout, Moussavi and supporters in the Tehran streets are crying foul as street clashes have erupted in the aftermath of the polls. 但是当内贾德对选举结果和参选民众致谢时,穆萨维却和他的支持者涌向了德黑兰街头,高呼选举中存在舞弊。在选举后,爆发了街头冲突。 yeeyan Early afternoon rumors that the rally for Moussavi had been canceled yielded to the reality of violent confrontation. 午后有传言说,屈服于暴力对抗的现实,为穆萨维组织的示威运动已经被取消。 yeeyan Fearing a backlash, the authorities have so far refrained from arresting Mr Moussavi or Mr Karroubi. But they are laying the ground. 由于担心会招致对方的反击,当局者并没有对穆萨维和迈赫迪•卡鲁比进行逮捕,但是他们正在为此而做前期铺垫。 ecocn In fact, the initial quest to have Moussavi’s votes properly counted and Ahmadinejad unseated has shifted to a broader confrontation with the regime itself. 事实上,设法正确计数穆萨维选票并将内贾德拉下台的初衷已经转变为与政体本身的更广泛对抗。 yeeyan Iranian authorities pulled the plug on a popular Iran-based website for Moussavi supporters and blocked text messages. 伊朗官方关闭了伊朗一个著名的穆萨维支持者的网站,并封锁了短消息。 ebigear Observers believe the two sides could be supporters of Ahmadinejad on the one, and Moussavi on the other. 观察家认为,这两派是分别是内贾德和穆萨维的支持者。 yeeyan On their websites, Mr. Moussavi and Ayatollah Karroubi urged supporters to go ahead with the planned “ silent memorial”, despite being refused permission for the gathering by Iran's interior ministry. 穆萨维和卡鲁比在他们的网站上敦促支持者们照常举行“静默追悼会”,尽管这次集会没有被伊朗内政部批准。 ebigear People leaned out of windows and balconies to watch the throngs of protesters march, many of whom were Moussavi supporters and conducted largely noisy but peaceful demonstrations. 其他人探出窗口和阳台观看抗议游行的人群。 参与游行的人多为穆萨维的支持者,抗议的声音很大,但是组织却很和平。 yeeyan President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won the disputed election by a margin of two- to-one over Moussavi, his nearest rival, according to official results. 根据官方报道,在这场有争议的选举中,现任总统内贾德以三分之二的压倒性胜利击败了其劲敌穆萨维。 blog.sina.com.cn What officials have called an unprecedented voter turnout at the polls Friday had been expected to boost Moussavi's chances of winning the presidency. 人们认为,官方宣称的史无前例的投票人数应该增加了穆萨维当选总统的可能性。 yeeyan Yes, its leader, Mr. Moussavi, surely is less liberal than most of his followers. 是的,它的领导者,米尔.穆萨维,肯定比他的大多数追随者更少具有自由精神。 yeeyan Moussavi and Karroubi said the results were rigged and have called for the vote to be annulled. 穆萨维和卡鲁比说选举结果有舞弊,并呼吁选举结果无效。 blog.sina.com.cn Moussavi has also said he does not trust the Guardian Council. 穆萨维还说他根本不信任宪法监护委员会。 youtheme Moussavi said the results from “ untrustworthy monitors” reflects“the weakening of the pillars that constitute the sacred system” of Iran and“ the rule of authoritarianism and tyranny.” 穆萨维宣称,这些“不可信的监察者”得出的结果显示了伊朗“构成宗教体系支柱的脆弱性”以及当前政府的“独裁主义和暴政”。 yeeyan Moussavi was the main challenger among three candidates who had been vying to replace Ahmadinejad. 穆萨维被认为是三位候选人中的一位主要挑战者,有望取代内贾德成为总统。 yeeyan |