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词汇 Mousavi
释义 MousaviCOCA⁵¹⁵²²BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
The council may be preparing for a modest revision of the results, giving Mr Mousavi a few more votes, probably in a few days’ time.
可能也就在数天时间内,委员会就已经做好了对选票数量稍微进行调整的准备,象征性地给穆萨维增加些许选票。 ecocn

“Even though it is bad for their mental health, Mousavi's supporters spend hours on the Internet, ” he said.
虽然这将不利于他们的心理健康,穆萨维的支持者却花费数小时在互联网上。 yeeyan

“Mr Mousavi, do you know there are seats here for you and your friends who were the cause of this plot?” he said.
穆萨维先生,你是否知道被告席上应有你和你的朋友的一席之地? 因为是你们导致了这一切。 yeeyan

But Mousavi will be better.
但是穆萨维会做得更好。 yeeyan

Clashes and mass arrests were reported on university campuses of those supporting Mousavi.
据报道,在支持穆萨维的大学校园里,发生冲突和大规模逮捕。 yeeyan

Diplomatic sources said this was not a major shift, suggesting Khamenei had merely warned Mousavi that he should proceed with his fraud complaints carefully, using only“ legal” means available to him.
外交人士说,这并不是重大转变,这意味着哈梅内伊只是警告穆萨维,他应该着手对他的欺诈的投诉行为作认真的处理,只能使用“合法的”方式。 yeeyan

Hardliners are increasingly calling for Mousavi to be put on trial along with hundreds of the regime's opponents.
强硬派要求将穆萨维与其他数百名现政府的反对者一起进行审判的呼声逐渐高涨。 yeeyan

Iranian state television said he had told the guardian council, the clerical body that oversees elections, to examine Mousavi's claims of widespread vote- rigging.
伊朗国家电视台称,他已经让监督选举的文职机构——宪法监护委员会调查穆萨维所声称的大范围选举作假。 yeeyan

It had been the planned venue for a rally of Mousavi supporters, but those supporting the incumbent president arrived first.
这里原本是穆萨维支持者计划举行集会的地点,但被现任总统的支持者捷足先登。 yeeyan

Many brought green ropes or strings, which they tied together to form a giant chain in Mousavi's signature color.
许多人带来了绿色的绳和线,捆绑在一起形成一个穆萨维签名颜色的巨大的链条。 yeeyan

Many defendants had spent weeks in jail without access to lawyers, Mousavi said yesterday.
穆萨维昨天说,许多被告人已被囚禁数周,却无法接触律师。 yeeyan

Mr Mousavi has timed his comments to encourage a new round of anti- government protests that are expected next week.
穆萨维先生在这时说这番话旨在激励有望在下周发起的新一轮的反政府抗议。 ecocn

Social networking sites used by Mousavi's supporters had talked of fears that the rally would be attacked by militias they claimed were loyal to Ahmadinejad.
穆萨维的支持者所使用的社交网站,已谈到他们担心集会会受到声称忠于内贾德的民兵的攻击。 yeeyan

The strongest evidence appears to be some surprising regional results and the speed of the official announcement, triggered by Mousavi's declaration that he was the winner before the polls closed.
最有力的证据似乎是让人吃惊的区域结果和官方公布选举结果的速度,穆萨维指出在投票计数未果时就公布内贾德获胜。 yeeyan

The move fleshes out Mousavi's plans to establish an organisation, short of a party, that would be able to function legally within the current political framework.
这是一个近似而又不同于政党的政治组织,它可以在现有的政治框架中发挥作用,充实了穆萨维的原有计划。 yeeyan

The regime surely did not fear Mousavi, who is a pretty tame sort of reformer, or even his formidable wife.
这个制度肯定没有使得穆萨维害怕,他是一个相当温和改革家,甚至他那位令人生畏的妻子。 yeeyan

The same call for people to stay off the streets was made by Mousavi yesterday, but tens if not hundreds of thousands joined a seemingly spontaneous protest which had been banned by the regime.
穆萨维昨天作出了同样的呼吁,要求人民不要上街。不然会上几十万人上街集会,不过还是有几万人参加了自发的、已经遭到政府禁止的抗议活动。 yeeyan

Then there are those who dismiss Mousavi as a member of the clerical establishment whose differences from Ahmadinejad are merely cosmetic.
还有一些人蔑视穆萨维为宗教集团中的一员,他和艾哈迈迪内贾德的区别都只是表面上的。 yeeyan

There have been no official indictments against Mousavi.
他说。穆萨维至今还未受到正式控告。 yeeyan

Why didn't the government provide enough ballot papers in big cities where Mousavi had a huge number of supporters?
为什么政府不在穆萨维拥有大量支持者的大城市提供足够的选票? yeeyan

Witnesses and video footage meanwhile showed a long column of pro- Mousavi supporters filing through a part of north Tehran.
目击者和摄像机镜头都看见排成一长队的穆萨维支持者在德黑兰北部行进。 yeeyan

Young supporters of Mousavi urged people to carry black candles with green ribbons to show solidarity with victims of the recent unrest, their website said.
他们的网站上说,年轻的穆萨维支持者敦促人民拿着系有绿带的黑蜡烛来显示与最近的骚乱受害者的团结。 yeeyan

Mousavi, we support you!
穆萨维,我们支持你! yeeyan

Mousavi demanded the elections be annulled.
穆萨维要求取消选举结果。 yeeyan

Mousavi had attempted to cancel the rally after receiving warnings that militias responsible for policing it would be equipped with live ammunition.
穆萨维收到警告说将有荷枪实弹的民兵负责集会治安,随后他曾试图取消集会。 yeeyan

Mousavi is something entirely different: he stands for the resuscitation of the popular dream that sustained the Khomeini revolution.
穆萨维则是根本相反:他代表了那个维持了霍梅尼革命的群众梦想的复苏。 yeeyan

Mousavi said the organisation's goal will be to “ defend the rights and votes of citizens that were crushed in the election”.
穆萨维称,组织的目标将会是“保卫公民在大选中被摧毁的权利与选票”。 yeeyan

Mousavi urged his supporters to stay away from the square“to protect lives” and avoid being attacked by supporters and militias supporting Ahmadinejad.
穆萨维力劝他的支持者远离广场以“保护生命”,避免遭受支持内贾德的群众和民兵的攻击。 yeeyan




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