

单词 moulin
释义 mou·lin 英muːˈlæŋ美muˈlæŋAHDm›-lă’“ 
And what will become of all history in the eighteenth hour, when the world itself, even the whole Moulin Joly, shall come to its end and be buried in universal ruin?
何况到了第十八小时的时候,整个芍丽磨坊都将毁灭,世界末日已临,还谈得上什么历史吗? putclub

For 100,000 francs, the wildly prolific Simenon agreed to write an entire novel while suspended in a glass cage outside the Moulin Rouge nightclub for72 hours.
西默农的创造力非常惊人。 他接受十万法郎的酬金,同意被装进玻璃笼,在红磨坊夜总会外面悬挂七十二小时,此间写出一部完整的长篇小说。 ecocn

Have you seen the movie Moulin Rouge?
你有没有看过电影《红磨坊》? dgdashan.com

The Moulin Lafitte has a bright pale golden colour with a green shine. This green shine announce the perfect acidity of the wine.
明亮的金黄色带有绿色光晕,暗示了这款酒有着完美的酸度。 blog.sina.com.cn

Then, I recommend a night tour called“ Moulin Rouge and Pairs by- night”.
我建议你参加一个叫做“夜之红磨坊与巴黎”的夜间之旅。 hotdic

This comedy drama from Jean Renoir chronicles the revival of Paris' most notorious dance as it tells the story of a theater producer who turns a humble washerwoman into a star at the Moulin Rouge.
曾经被法国人认为最恶名昭彰的舞蹈,看电视狂人雷诺怎麽让一群洗衣妇变成一群性感可爱的康康舞娘,打造亮眼华丽的红磨坊。 ntpc-film

We learned early in our trip that food service in France is slow, so we thought it polite to let her know we were going to the11 p. m. show at the Moulin Rouge.
开始旅游的时候我们就听说,法国的餐馆上菜比较慢,于是善意地提醒小姐我们还要赶在11点前到红磨坊看演出。 sunhomo

“ Moulin Rouge” director Baz Luhrmann was expected to be in charge of the wedding video.
《红磨坊》导演巴兹·鲁赫曼将负责婚礼摄影。 for68

A fragmented, pick’n’mix cinematic culture, represented on this list by highly referential films such as Kill Bill, Moulin Rouge! and Far from Heaven, is increasingly the norm, not the exception.
一个破碎式的,混合型的电影文化,由这个名单中高度指示性的影片所代表,例如《杀死比尔》,《红磨坊》,《陌路天堂》,这正逐步成为规范而非例外。 yeeyan

And then I was introduced to Leonard at Le Vieux Moulin, I think in the presence of Armand, in fact.
然后,一次在老磨坊时我被介绍给了莱纳德,我想事实上阿尔芒也在场的。 yeeyan

But also it could be the ultimate bassinet for the most moving love and the only Moulin Rouge.
但也就是这个地方,同样可以成为人间最为动人的爱情的摇篮,这独一无二的红磨坊。 iciba

Currently, Kidman takes the lead opposite Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge, the latest film from director Baz Luhrmann.
最近,在由贝兹路曼所执导的最新影片《红磨坊》中,由她担任女主角与伊旺·麦奎格出演对手戏。 bbs.education.163.com

For decades, French journalists would describe the Moulin Rouge event in elaborate detail, as if they had actually attended it.
几十年来,法国记者们常常煞费苦心地详细描述红磨坊事件,仿佛他们亲自参与了似的。 ecocn

Last year, he starred in the international hit musical Moulin Rouge, showing off a surprisingly strong voice on the film's top-selling soundtrack.
去年,他主演了国际性音乐片《红磨房》,在最畅销的本片的电影原声碟中展露了令人惊叹的好嗓子。 starwarsfans.cn

She won critical acclaim for her roles in the musical' Moulin Rouge' and the thriller'The Others, ' and is now widely tipped for a Best Actress Oscar next year.
她在音乐剧《红磨坊》和惊险片《其它》中扮演的角色赢得了关键的欢呼,现在广泛地被认为有望入围明年的奥斯卡最佳女演员。 tianya

We three all wanted to see the show at the Moulin Rouge; our guide immediately secured tickets and also offered to drive.
久闻红磨坊的演出别具一格,我们一行几人都想去看,跟导游一说,他立刻帮着联系买票,并且负责接送。 jukuu




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