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词汇 motley
释义 mot·ley 英ˈmɒtliː美ˈmɑtliAHDmŏtʹlē

a collection containing a variety of sorts of things;

a great assortment of cars was on display

he had a variety of disorders

a veritable smorgasbord of religions

a garment made of motley especially a court jester's costumea multicolored woolen fabric woven of mixed threads in 14th to 17th century England
consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds;

an arrangement of assorted spring flowers

assorted sizes

miscellaneous accessories

a mixed program of baroque and contemporary music

a motley crew

sundry sciences commonly known as social

having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly;

a jester dressed in motley

the painted desert

a particolored dress

a piebald horse

pied daisies

make something more diverse and varied;

Vary the menu

make motley; color with different colors缩写自盎格鲁法语motteley,混杂的,可能来自mote,尘埃,微粒。即像尘埃一样的,引申词义混杂的,杂色的。a man of motley小丑put on the motley作科打诨wear the motley作科打诨
GRE红宝书mot = mote微粒, ley-各种微粒混合-混杂的源于: medleyn 集成曲; 混合物
mote 微粒 + ley 音:粒
mot =mote 微粒+ley→各种微粒混合→混杂的;
GRE难词记忆motley→mostly adv.大部分→我国大部分地区都是各民族混居的词根记忆mot= mote微粒+ ley → 各种微粒混合 ⇒混杂的近义词 vary改变many许多的pied斑驳的mixed混合的several若干mixture混合variety多样calico白棉布diverse不同的mixed bag杂集painted描画的piebald花斑的miscellany杂集multicolor多色assortment杂烩disparate不同的miscellanea杂集potpourri混杂物parti-color杂色varied各种各样的dissimilar不同的variegated杂色的sundry各种各样的various各种各样的multicolour多色的varicolored杂色的assorted各种各样的multicolored多色的particolored杂色的diversified多样化的heterogeneous异种的multicoloured多色的multi-colored多彩的multi-colour多色印刷multi-coloured五彩的miscellaneous多方面的smorgasbord瑞式自助餐multi-color复合彩色的variegate 使 … 多样化…salmagundi意大利冷菜拼盘…contrasting动词contrast的现…particoloured杂色的斑驳的…varicoloured杂色的, 五颜六色的,各…

用作形容词They are wearing amotleycollection of old clothes.他们穿着各式各样的旧衣服。
The people she'd invited were a prettymotleycrew.她请的人相当杂。
The room was soon filled with amotleyassemblage.不多一会儿,屋子里便挤满了形形色色的来开会的人。adj.mixed, varied
同义词 disparate,kaleidoscopicassorted,conglomerate,dappled,diversified,mingled,mixed,mottled,rainbow,variegateddiscrepant,dissimilar,heterogeneous,indiscriminate,miscellaneous,multicolor,multicolored,multiform,multihued,polychromatic,prismatic,unlike,varicolored,various,versicolor
反义词 singleunflecked,homogenous,like,same,similar,uniform,unmixed,unvaried
assortedadjective various
checkeredadjective patterned
colorfuladjective brilliant, intensely hued
complexadjective involved, intricate
conglomerateadjective composite
dappledadjective mottled, freckled
brindle,brindled,checkered,discolored,flecked,motley,multicolor,multicolored,multihued,parti-colored,piebald,pied,speckled,spotted,stippled,varicolored,variegated,versicolor,versicolored A motley population of Europeans, mostly itinerant traders, sprang up, living often in tension with the indigenous tribes dwelling nearby.
各色欧洲人,大多数是巡回的商人出现于此,与附近的本地部落接触密切。 yeeyan

And let's have a quick look at our company's motley lineup of worker bees and their hardware.
接下来,让我们快速地查看一下公司里忙碌地工蜂们及他们的硬件。 infoq

Are such motley enterprises a barometer of British business in recession?
这样混杂的小公司们是否是衰退中的英国商业晴雨表呢? ecocn

It all marks a huge improvement on the ragtag troops with motley weapons who patrolled here three years ago.
与三年前在此巡逻的装备混杂的平民部队相比,一切已有了巨大的改进。 ecocn

The younger boy had already run off towards a motley collection of mud brick houses nearby; but the eldest was still there, muttering darkly, chest out, showing that he wasn't intimidated.
小男孩已经朝附近杂色斑驳的泥砖屋子逃去,但大男孩还在原地,挺着胸嘟嘟囔囔,表示他不害怕。 yeeyan

And he needed the psychological skills to manage his literally motley crew.
同时他需要心理学技巧来管理他的形形色色的的船员。 yeeyan

As well as a motley mix of policies, the party has deployed volunteer patrols in Prague that dispensed advice to citizens but also shooed away homeless people and drug addicts.
在发布多项政策的同时,他们也部署志愿者在布拉格巡逻,不仅听取市民意见,还驱赶了流浪汉和瘾君子。 ecocn

At Eastwatch someone had sewn him a motley cloak of beaver pelts, sheepskins, and rabbit fur.
在东海望有人用海狸皮,绵羊皮,和野兔皮给他缝了一间杂色花衣。 cndkc

Berkshire Hathaway, American Express, and Coca- Cola are Motley Fool Inside Value recommendations.
伯克希尔.哈撒播,美国运通和可口可乐公司推荐了这本傻瓜式的书籍。 yeeyan

Coca- Cola is a Motley Fool Income Investor pick.
可口可乐公司是一个傻瓜式收入的投资选择。 yeeyan

Each deposited a motley assortment of plants from botanical gardens in Europe, South Africa and Argentina.
每只船都在此放下从欧洲,南非和阿根廷植物园带来的五花八门的植物品种。 yeeyan

Ford Motor is a Motley Fool Stock Advisor choice.
福特汽车公司是《傻瓜投资顾问》的一个选择。 yeeyan

From a motley collection of enthusiastic racers and specialist designers, a cottage industry has arisen that is unrivalled around the globe.
由于该国既有狂热的赛车手,也有专业的设计师,因此家庭式手工业逐渐成熟,在世界上也是无可比拟的。 ecocn

Joined by a motley coalition of activists, including Salafist splinters and Muslim Brotherhood fractions, the activists have increasingly targeted the generals as obstacles to change.
萨拉菲斯特组织与穆斯林兄弟会的一些成员都加入了政治积极分子的阵营,他们又把伊斯兰教领袖划入了妨碍他们变革的敌人阵营。 ecocn

Nothing could be more bizarre and at the same time more motley than this troop.
没有什么比这种队伍更奇特和光怪陆离的了。 ebigear

On Saturday night a motley crew of actors, novelists, comedians, and TV personalities will pass through the intense security which surrounds Highgrove to party with the Prince.
出席周六晚上生日聚会的嘉宾形形色色,有电影演员、小说家、戏剧演员和电视明星,他们将通过严密的安检进入海格洛夫庄园为查尔斯王子庆生。 yeeyan

Once democracy was restored, these politicians abandoned the policy, to varying degrees, leaving Pakistan’s districts in a motley state of disarray.
一旦民主得到重建,这些政客便抛弃了这种政策,使得巴基斯坦各地区陷入杂乱无章的状态。 ecocn

Teeming, crumbling and motley in the extreme, it is a structure to attract or repel the people of Hong Kong, like the Spaceport Cantina in the original “ Star Wars”.
它极度的热闹,破碎与混杂,这是一个吸引或者排斥着香港人的建筑,就像是《星球大战》里的发射场小酒吧。 topsage

The series, which started with“A Game of Thrones” in1996, is like a sprawling and panoramic19th- century novel turned out in fantasy motley, more Balzac and Dickens than Tolkien.
“冰与火之歌”的第一卷“权力的游戏”于1996年出版,整个系列就像一部披着魔幻外衣的19世纪宏篇巨著,将展现19世纪全貌的画卷慢慢铺展开来。 yeeyan

The truth is: “ There’s no harm in voluntary eye crossing,” says W. Walker Motley, an assistant professor of ophthalmology at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.
真相在此: “自己模仿着玩的斗鸡眼是无害的。”辛辛那提大学医学院的眼科学副教授 W•沃克•默特里说。

These tiny outcroppings of British authority— dependencies and overseas territories— are a motley crew.
这些小型的岛屿纷繁混杂——包括了英国的附属国和海外附属地——但都是在英国主权管辖之内。 ecocn

We were a very motley crowd of people who took the bus every day that summer33 years ago.
33年的前的那个夏季,每天我们混迹在各色人中等待公车的到来。 yeeyan

YOKOSHIBAHIKARI, Japan— A motley group of unlikely farmers descended on the countryside here one recent Sunday, fresh towels around their necks, shiny boots on their feet.
上周日,在日本横芝光町一群看起来不像农民的人出现在了田间,他们头上带着干净整洁的毛巾,脚上的皮靴还闪闪发光。 yeeyan




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