

单词 motioned
释义 mo·tion·ed 英'məʊʃn美'moʊʃn COCA²⁰⁰⁶⁵BNC²²²⁷⁷
vt. 示意

direct sb by a motion or gesture


the act, manner, or state of moving




a suggestion formally put before a meeting

the use of movements especially of the hands to communicate familiar or prearranged signalsa natural event that involves a change in the position or location of somethinga change of position that does not entail a change of location;

the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise

movement is a sign of life

an impatient move of his hand

gastrointestinal motility

a state of change;

they were in a state of steady motion

a formal proposal for action made to a deliberative assembly for discussion and vote;

he made a motion to adjourn

she called for the question

the act of changing location from one place to another;

police controlled the motion of the crowd

the movement of people from the farms to the cities

his move put him directly in my path

an optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object;

the cinema relies on apparent motion

the succession of flashing lights gave an illusion of movement

show, express or direct through movement;

He gestured his desire to leave

motion, move, movement


1.movement一般指具体动作; motion则主要指抽象的、与静对立的“动”,不管是自己在动还是受外力而动。motion还可指位置的移动,也可指条件的改变或一系列运动的各个过程。多用于哲学或自然科学文献中。例如:

We study the laws of motion.我们研究运动的规律。
If a thing is in motion, it is not at rest.如果一个物体在运动,它就不是处于静止状态。



The detectives are watching his every move.警探在注视着他的一举一动。
Their next move on their tour will be from Dover to London.他们旅行的下一步将是从多佛去伦敦。
When the hostess made a move from the table, all the guests arose and followed her to the drawing room.当女主人离开餐桌时,所有的客人都起立跟着她来到客厅。
The next move is yours.下一步棋该你走了。motion,move,movement





用作动词 v.
~+副词motion quietly暗暗示意motion sb away用手势示意某人离开motion sb in用手势示意某人进来~+介词motion to向…打手势,向…点头motion sb to a seat用手势示意某人就座用作名词 n.动词+~accept a motion接受提议adopt a motion采用提议negative a motion否决动议propose a motion提出提案withdraw a motion撤回动议形容词+~absolute motion绝对运动accelerated motion加速运动mechanical motion机械运动relative motion相对运动retarded motion减速运动variable motion变速运动名词+~straight line motion直线运动urgency motion紧急动议~+名词motion picture电影介词+~in motion在开动,在运转,在运动中的body in motion运动中的物体of one's own motion自愿地,自动地on a motion根据提议
motion away v.+adv.

示意…离开 ask sb to go away by gesture

motion sb awayHe motioned me away.他打手势示意我离开。
When the doorman motioned them away, they took no notice.当门卫示意让他们离开时,他们没注意。
motion into v.+prep.

示意某人进入 direct sb by gesture to go into

motion sb into sthHe motioned me into the room.他示意我进屋。
She motioned the man into the car.她示意那个男人上车。
motion to v.+prep.

示意某人… ask sb to do sth by a gesture

motion to sbHe motioned to the waiter.他向侍者示意。motion to sb to-vHe motioned to me to be silent.他打手势叫我别出声。
The guide motioned to me to come nearer.向导打手势让我走近一些。motion sb to sthHe motioned me to a seat.他示意我坐下。近义词 gesturen. action反义词 rest剩余的部分inaction不活动motionlessnessmotionless的名…
S+~+ n./pron. +to- vHe opened the door and motioned me to come in.他打开门让我进去。
The teacher motioned the boy to study.老师示意那个孩子去学习。
He motioned me to be silent.他示意我安静。
He motioned me to enter.他示意我进去。
She was motioned to open the door.示意她去开门。
He was motioned to sit down.示意他坐下。用作名词n.The object is no longer in cyclical motion.这物体已不再循环运动。
He has set the engine in motion.他已经开动发动机。
He always accompanied his speech with motions.他讲演时总是伴以手势。
He made a motion at me.他向我做了一个手势。
I support the motion.我赞成这项动议。
The conference adopted a motion.会议通过了一项提议。

motion作名词的意思是“动作”“姿势”,转化为动词意思是“以…姿势向人示意”。用作不及物动词时,与副词away, in或介词to, into等连用。用作及物动词时,常接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,可用于被动结构。

用作名词The object is no longer inmotion.该物体已不处於运动状态.
Parts of the film were shown again in slowmotion.影片的一些部分以慢动作重放。
He made amotionwith his hand to make me sit down.他招手示意要我坐下。
Hismotionwas rejected.他的提议遭到了拒绝。
The meeting carried themotionby a large majority.会议以多数通过了这项提议。用作动词He opened the door andmotionedme to come in.他打开了门,招手让我进去。
Hemotionedto the waiter.他向侍者示意。
Hemotionedto the notes stacked on the table.他用手指指堆在旧上的那堆钞票。
Hemotionedto the waiter.他向侍者示意。 She next motioned to dismiss his petition because, under Kansas law, he had no standing to file it— he was a sperm donor and nothing more.
哈林顿随后提出,驳回亨德里克斯的请求,因为根据堪萨斯的法律,他没有权利提出这一请求——他只是一个精子捐献者而已。 yeeyan

The air with which the latter pulled out each chair, and the wave of the hand with which he motioned them to be seated, were worth several dollars in themselves.
领班拉出每一把椅子时所表现的神态,请他们入座时做的挥手姿式,这些本身就要值几块钱的。 xddhy

The policeman motioned the people away from the area of the accident.

Then the captain of the guard motioned me towards the entrance of the pavilion.
侍卫首领便示意我进那楼阁里去。 yeeyan

“ Driving” motioned the monkey.
“驾驶”示意猴子。 joke521.com

“ Pods, ” Kurt said, and motioned toward Tom and Lucy.
“舱,”库尔特说,然后走向汤姆和露西。 tianya

Finally, the ways motioned above build the graphs of the sketches and the photos based on the premise of signing nodes.
最后,由于上述两种方法均以特征点提取为前提,构建画像和照片的图。 fabiao

He motioned with his thin arm, his glasses flashing in the mid- afternoon sun.
他挥舞着自己瘦弱的手臂,眼镜的镜片在午后的阳光里闪闪发光。 yeeyan

He motioned and one of his men produced a nylon case.
他示意着手下一人取出个尼龙包。 yeeyan

He motioned the young men and his family away from his bedside; with the other bony claw he hung fast to the Don.
他示意年轻人和他的家人从他床边离开;用另一只骨瘦如柴的爪子挂住堂。 blog.sina.com.cn

He motioned to the memorial, which sits over the remains of the battleship sunk by the Japanese in the Pearl Harbor attack.
他走近纪念馆,里面陈列着在珍珠港空袭中被日本人击沉的战舰残骸。 yeeyan

He motioned me in.
他做手势要我进去。 hotdic

He motioned the man in, all the while talking.
他边说话边打手势让这人进来。 xilu

He motioned us inside the room.
他示意我们进去。 studioclassroom.net

Henry motioned with his hand for Stephen to come closer.
亨利动了动手,示意斯蒂芬靠近一些。 joyen

I then motioned to an agent who had come downstairs and the three of us moved Keith up the stairs and out of the house.
有一个特工走到楼下来,我向他示意,然后我们三个人抬着基斯上了台阶,走出房门。 yeeyan

I motioned him to a seat.
我以手势示意他就座。 iciba

Immediately sensing something was wrong, Jim motioned me to his office behind him.
吉姆立马觉得有什么事不对劲,示意我进他身后的办公室。 ecocn

Ricks motioned to them, and five of the guys trotted over.
里克斯向他们示意,五个男生一路小跑过来。 yeeyan

She motioned as if she were going to charge; the SEAL lowered his sights and shot her once in the calf.
她的动作好像是要冲锋一样;海豹队员降低视线并击中了她的小腿。 yeeyan

She motioned to the waiter.

She motioned me to enter.
她以手势叫我进去。 hotdic

Still smiling, the man opened the door of his house and motioned to me.
那男人依旧笑着,打开房门向我招手。 unsv

Sue pulled the shade down, and motioned Behrman into the other room.
苏放下窗帘,示意贝尔曼去另一个房间。 ebigear

The director motioned to me to come forward.

The elder man motioned that I should sit in it.

Wilson with a spoon, he held up one finger and motioned me to come nearer.
威尔逊夫人喂他吃了两勺后,他举起一根手指,示意我靠近。 yeeyan

With a theatrical gesture, he motioned the team to gather round him.
他用一个戏剧表演般的手势示意大家围在他身边。 rtucn




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