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词汇 mothma
释义 mothmaCOCA¹⁰⁶³⁰⁵
A stern, stately woman, Mon Mothma was the Supreme Commander of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
威严、高贵的蒙·莫思玛是共和国重建同盟的最高指挥官。 starwarschina

After the Rebel victory at Endor, Mothma was faced with the challenge of transforming a militarized Rebellion into a fully functional government.
起义军在恩多战役中获胜后,莫思玛面临着把一支起义军转变为一个全职能政府的挑战。 starwarsfans

Among the politicians that can be spotted in the Galactic Senate is Mon Mothma.
在银河议会的政治家中我们可以认出蒙·莫思玛。 starwarschina

For the delivery of the Verpine and the B-wings to the Rebellion, Ackbar was promoted to Admiral by Mon Mothma.
随着韦尔派恩人和 B翼的加入,蒙·莫思玛晋升阿克巴为上将。

Kyle drew the attention of no less than Mon Mothma, leader of the Alliance.
他甚至吸引了像蒙·莫思玛这样的同盟领袖的注意。 starwarschina

When she was old enough, Mothma joined the Galactic Senate, becoming the youngest Senator in the council to date.
长大后,莫思玛进入银河议会,成为议会有史以来最年轻的议员。 starwarsfans

When the Emperor decided to arrest Mothma, Organa informed her, and she managed to escape just minutes before the Imperial Security Bureau arrived.
皇帝决定逮捕莫思玛后,奥加纳立即通知她。莫思玛就在帝国安全局的人到达前几分钟逃脱。 starwarsfans

Although her role in unifying the separate resistance groups into the Rebel Alliance is unquestioned, Mothma credits Bail Organa for envisioning the structure of the organization.
虽然把分散的抵抗小组统一为义军同盟无疑应主要归功于莫思玛,但她称赞贝尔·奥加纳设想了组织结构。 starwarsfans

At this time, Mon Mothma was number one on the Empire's Most Wanted List.
这时,蒙·莫思玛是帝国的头号通缉犯。 starwarsfans

Bel Iblis stubbornly waited for the day when Mon Mothma would show her true colors and make a bid for dictatorial powers.

Bel Iblis was wary of Mon Mothma's power and influence.

Despite being political rivals, Mon Mothma credits Bail Organa for envisioning the structure of the Rebel Alliance.
尽管他们是政治上的竞争对手,蒙·莫思玛还是对贝尔·奥加纳关于义军同盟组织结构的设想表示赞同。 starwarschina

In a series of meetings at Cantham House, Organa and Mothma devised and developed a plan for the Rebel Alliance.
在坎塔姆楼召开了一系列会议后,奥加纳和莫思玛设计并发展出了建立义军同盟的蓝图。 starwarsfans

Mon Calamari Jedi healer named Cilghal was able to cleanse Mothma's body of the artificial contagion, and Mothma soon recovered.
一个叫茜尔加尔的蒙卡拉马里绝地医师清除了莫思玛体内的人造疾病。莫思玛很快就康复了。 starwarsfans

Mon Mothma had a very brief appearance in Return of the Jedi, during the Alliance briefing room sequence.
在《绝地归来》的盟军简报室镜头里,蒙·莫思玛只出现了一小会儿。 starwarsfans

Once the Alliance was truly formed, Mothma wrote the“ Declaration of Rebellion.”
同盟一旦真正成立,莫思玛就写了《起义宣言》。 starwarsfans

Organa's cynicism and realism often clashed with the youthful idealism of Chandrilan Senator Mon Mothma.
奥加纳的犬儒主义和现实主义经常同钱德里拉议员蒙·莫思玛年轻的理想主义情结发生冲突。 starwarschina

The two Senators were often opponents on the Senate floor, as Mothma's youthful idealism clashed with Organa's realism and cynicism.
这两位议员经常是议会讲台上的对手,因为莫思玛年轻的理想主义与奥加纳的现实主义和犬儒主义格格不入。 starwarsfans

Though Sena had great love and respect for the man, she knew he would never willingly approach Mon Mothma to request membership in the New Republic.

When the Republic finally crumbled, Mothma went underground, joining the political cells, forming what was to become the Rebel Alliance.
共和国最终崩溃后,莫思玛转入地下,加入这些政治小组,组建了后来成为义军同盟的组织。 starwarsfans

While Organa helped secretly supply the Alliance, he still played the role of political opponent to Mon Mothma.
奥加纳一方面秘密资助同盟,另一方面继续扮演蒙·莫思玛的政治对手。 starwarsfans

Mothma instated a policy in that every two years members of the Alliance would vote on her continued command.
莫思玛实行了一条政策,即同盟成员每两年将对她是否留任举行投票。 starwarsfans

Mothma coolly dismissed Bel Iblis from the operation, and informed him that the Rebel Alliance would no longer need his support.
莫思玛冷漠地解除了贝尔·伊布利斯的职务,告诉他义军同盟再也不需要他的支持了。 tncnf

Mothma, and her Advisory Council became supreme rulers of the Alliance.
莫思玛和她的咨询委员会成为同盟的最高领导人。 starwarsfans

Mothma pressed for military action that would endanger Bel Iblis' troops, and the Corellian believed her to be making a mistake based on flawed intelligence.
莫思玛迫切要求的这场军事行动会给贝尔·伊布利斯的军队造成危害。这位科雷利亚人相信她跟据错误的情报作出了错误的决定。 tncnf

Mothma realized that a separate, impartial authority was needed to make the big decisions of the Alliance, and she was that person.
但莫思玛认识到,同盟需要一个独立的、中立的权威来作出重大决定,而这个人只能是她。 starwarschina

Mothma was an influential loyalist Senator in the final days of the Galactic Republic.
在银河共和国末期,莫思玛是一位很有影响力的忠诚者议员。 starwarsfans

Mothma's life was threatened not only by Imperial agents, but by overly- suspicious resistance groups as well.
莫思玛的生命不仅受到帝国特工的威胁,还受到疑心过重的抵抗小组的威胁。 starwarsfans




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