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词汇 Mosul
释义 Mo·sul 英məʊˈsuːl, ˈməʊsəl美moˈsul, ˈmosəlAHDmō-s›lʹ, mōʹsəl Economist³²⁴⁵

a city in northern Iraq on the Tigris across from the ruins of Nineveh伊拉克北部城市。来自阿拉伯语al-Mawsul,连接的,因其位于底格里斯河中转要道而得名。Anarchy and looting envelopedMosulyesterday.摩苏尔昨日进入无政府状态,市民四处抢掠。
It's not the first time U.S. soldiers have been targeted inMosul.美国士兵在摩苏尔被杀已不是第一次了。 A week after American forces formally handed security in Iraq's towns to the Iraqi authorities, insurgents killed dozens of people in a rash of bombs in Baghdad, Mosul and other northern towns.
在驻伊美军与伊拉克当局完成伊拉克城镇安全控制权的正式交接后,暴乱分子在巴格达,摩苏尔,以及其他一些北方城镇又制造了一系列炸弹袭击造成数十人死亡。 ecocn

The bombed houses outside Mosul were under the protection of the armed Kurdish fighters of the peshmerga.
摩苏尔城外发生爆炸的地区就是在库尔德人民兵组织“自由斗士”的控制下。 ecocn

The Iraqis have demonstrated considerable combat ability in several recent operations, including the expulsion of insurgent and militia forces from Basra and Mosul.
伊拉克部队在最近的战斗中展示了相当可观的作战能力,包括把反叛分子和武装分子从巴士拉和摩苏尔赶出去。 hxen

The numbers of cases are remaining stable in Basra, Baghdad, Dahuk, Mosul and Tikrit.
巴士拉、巴格达、杜胡克、摩苏尔和提克里特的病例数保持稳定不变。 who

As the Americans and their Iraqi army allies successfully hunt them down elsewhere in Iraq, many have gravitated to Mosul.
当美国人和其伊拉克军事盟友在伊拉克的其它地方成功追捕他们时,许多人逃到了摩苏尔。 ecocn

At present the insurgents carry out about ten attacks a day in his province, including car bombs and ambushes, mostly in the vicinity of Mosul.
现在反叛份子在他的省里每天进行大概十次攻击,包括汽车炸弹和伏击,绝大多数在摩苏尔附近。 ecocn

But security has improved. Correspondents now drive from Basra in the south to Mosul in the north on fairly safe roads.
不过眼下安全问题得到了改善:记者们可以在相当安全的公路上从南部的巴士拉驱车到北部的摩苏尔; ecocn

Chanting demonstrators massed in other cities, including Mosul and Nasiriya.
高呼着口号的示威者还聚集在摩苏尔和纳西里耶等其它城市。 voa365

Earlier this year the archbishop of the ancient Chaldean church was abducted in Mosul and murdered.
今年早些时候,古老的 Chaldean教堂大主教在摩苏尔被绑架并杀害。 ecocn

Elsewhere, in the northern city of Mosul, Iraqi military forces, backed by Coalition troops, are beginning a new phase of their campaign against al-Qaida in Iraq there.
另外,在北部城市摩苏尔,伊拉克军队在联军支援下打击伊拉克基地组织的战役进入新阶段。 ebigear

In Sinjar, west of Mosul, some Yazidis, who predominate there, say the Kurds want to force them to vote for the Kurdish list.
在 Sinjar,摩苏尔以西,一些 Yazidi人,他们在那儿占据人口多数,说库尔德人想强迫他们为库尔德候选名单投票。 ecocn

Iraq’s multiple fault- lines are especially visible—and occasionally bloody— in Nineveh and Mosul.
伊拉克的多重分裂在尼尼微与摩苏尔尤其明显——有时很血腥。 ecocn

More than half of its population lives in four mixed cities, Baghdad, Basra, Mosul and Kirkuk.
一半以上的人口都住在四个宗教混居的城市里:巴格达、巴士拉、摩苏尔和基尔库克。 ecocn

Mr Maliki is also interfering with senior appointments in the armed forces: the new divisional army commander in Mosul, for instance, is said to be a brother-in-law.
马利基先生也正在干涉军队的高级官员任命:例如,摩苏尔新的军队分区司令,据说是他妻子的兄弟。 ecocn

My moment came in Mosul.
我的这个“时候”就来自于摩苏尔。 yeeyan

Nineveh’s deputy governor, a Kurd, says that1,600 of his people in Mosul have died at the hands of insurgents since the American invasion— as have “ many more Arabs”.
尼尼微副省长,一名库尔德人,说自从美国人入侵,他自己在摩苏尔的人民有1600名死在叛乱分子手中——而“阿拉伯人则更多”。 ecocn

Only Sonangol, the Angolan owned company, was willing to bid on the two fields closest to the violence in Mosul.
只有安哥拉国家石油公司愿意投标承包离摩苏尔暴力活动猖獗区域最近的两个油田。 yeeyan

Other points along what is known as the “ trigger line” between Kurds and Arabs, especially in the Mosul area and its surrounding Nineveh province, are also dangerous.
其他的问题如在库尔德人和阿拉伯人之间的被称作触发线的地区,尤其时在摩苏尔和其周边的尼尼微省,同样比较危险。 ecocn

Ryan was just weeks away from coming home when he volunteered for a mission to Mosul from which he would never return.
瑞恩在不到几星期就要放假回家的时候自愿接受了一个去摩苏尔的任务,然而却有去无回。 hjenglish

The massacre of Falluja, Najaf, Haditha, Sadr City, Basra, Diyala, Mosul, Tal Afar, and every inch of our wounded land.
在费卢杰、纳杰夫、哈迪塞、萨德尔、巴士拉、迪亚拉、摩苏尔、塔拉法乃至我伤痕累累的祖国每一寸领土上发生的屠杀。 yeeyan

UNHCR Spokesman Ron Redmond says displaced families began returning to Mosul a little more than a week ago.
联合国难民事务高级专员罗瑞德蒙德声称和一周之前相比越来越多的流亡家庭开始返回摩苏尔。 yeeyan

While the security situation has been improving in some parts of Iraq, Mosul remains one of the country's most troubled areas where the Sunni insurgency is still strong.
尽管伊拉克的部分地区的安全局势有所改善,摩苏尔仍是该国最乱的地区之一,逊尼派叛军的势力仍很强大。 kekenet




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