

单词 Mostar
释义 Mo·star 英ˈmɔːˌstɑː美ˈmɔˌstɑrAHDmôʹst\\adieʒr' 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
A crescent in stone, the humpbacked bridge at Mostar spans the Neretva River in Yugoslavia's Bosnia- Hercegovina Republic.
在南斯拉夫的波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那共和国的莫斯塔尔市,一座如新月般的石砌弓形桥横跨了聂雷托巴河。 ngpod

Even in this part of the world there are stronger contenders Sarajevo to Mostar; Belgrade to Montenegro.
就是在世界上同一地区,也有更强的竞争者,如萨拉热窝到莫斯塔尔的路线,贝尔格莱德到黑山的路线等。 yeeyan

In an18- month siege, much of Mostar is destroyed—including its cherished 16th- century bridge.
在长达18个月的包围后,莫斯塔的很多地方被摧毁——包括16世纪建造的珍贵桥梁。 www.picturechina.com.cn

One local man accosted me as I took a picture of the frontline, and insisted on showing me the bars and restaurants of Mostar.
当我在观看分界线的照片时,一个本地人过来和我搭讪,使劲向我介绍莫而斯塔的酒吧和餐馆。 yeeyan

The next day, I traveled south to Mostar population105,000, the chief city in the region of Herzegovina.
第二天,我到南方的莫斯塔尔继续旅行。莫斯塔尔有十万五千人口,是黑塞哥维那地区的首府。 yeeyan

This conflict forged another marked difference we saw cycling to Mostar in Bosnia; family homes stood next to bullet-ridden, burnt out shells of houses.
这场冲突也造就了另外一种显著的不同,在骑往波西尼亚莫斯塔的途中我们看到了许多民居旁至今还矗立着弹痕累累的战争废墟。 yeeyan




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