

单词 mosquito repellent
释义 mosquito repellent məsˈki:təurɪˈpelənt 短语⁷³⁷⁴⁰
Experts suggested families with babies and pregnant women ditch the coil and use physical methods such as a mosquito net instead. Electric or liquid mosquito repellent is said to be acceptable.
专家提示有婴幼儿或孕妇的家庭避免使用蚊香,最好采用蚊帐等物理方法防蚊,也可使用电蚊香片或液体蚊香。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Personal items such as soap, toothbrush, feminine hygiene supplies, infant supplies, towels, toilet paper, mosquito repellent.

The first known mosquito repellent was used by ancient Egyptians.
第一个为人所知的驱虫剂是由古埃及人所使用的。 tingroom

THE hotel provides free mosquito repellent and closes its pool bar before dusk to prevent guests from contracting malaria.
这里的酒店会提供免费的驱蚊剂,而且在傍晚前关闭游泳池酒吧以防止客人染上疟疾。 ecocn

There is no relief from them, especially because in Azerbaijan and Russia you cannot buy mosquito repellent.
从它们那里真是无法获得片刻的安宁,尤其是在俄国和阿塞拜疆,买不到驱虫油。 blog.sina.com.cn

Up to600 hours package mosquito repellent effect, made from plant extracts, natural safe and effective!
长达600小时包驱蚊效力,采用植物萃取精华制成,纯天然安全有效! jzbaba.com

What they have been looking for is mosquito repellent.
他们所寻寻觅觅的就是驱虫剂。 tingroom

Mosquito repellent lamp;
驱蚊灯; globalimporter




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