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Mos·ley 英ˈməʊzliː美ˈmozliAHDmōzʹlē 高Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺⁵ 基本例句 莫斯利姓氏 A few MPs went with him, along with one Ulster Unionist, but in the end, no Conservatives, though Macmillan had briefly been part of the Mosley circle. 一些国会议员与他同行,以及一个北爱尔兰统一,但最终,没有保守党,尽管麦克米兰曾短暂成为了莫斯利圈的一部分。 img22.vikecn.com Motor racing chief Max Mosley denies involvement in a “ sick Nazi orgy” and insists his interest in sado-masochistic sex is“ perfectly harmless”. 国际汽联主席莫斯利 Max Mosley否认卷入“病态的纳粹狂欢”,并坚持称其钟爱的性虐待行为是“完全无害的”。 yeeyan Motor- racing boss Max Mosley was filmed taking part in role- playing games with prostitutes in2008, but this was later ruled a breach of his privacy by a judge. 赛车老板马克斯·莫斯里在2008年被拍到和妓女们一起玩角色扮演游戏,而这事儿随后却被一位法官判为该报触犯了莫斯里的隐私权。 yeeyan The News of the World said it was justified in publishing the story because of Mosley's public role. 《世界新闻报》称其对莫斯利的报道是合理的,因为莫斯利承担着公众人物的角色。 yeeyan “ I believe the right person to head that team would be Jean Todt, ” Mosley wrote. “我认为最好的继任者人选就是托德,”莫斯利在信中写道。 ferrari-china.com “ I must emphasise he Todt would not in any way be a motor industry candidate, ” Mosley wrote, insisting the62-year-old Frenchman also “ would have no special relationship” with his former employers. “我必须强调托德在任何方面都不会成为汽车制造业的候选人,”莫斯利写道,坚持认为这个62岁的法国人不会对他的前东家有任何特殊的关系。 www.f1-zone.net “ I'm sure then he Max Mosley will take his holiday and not stand for re-election. He would have no reason to stay, ” said the Briton. 伯尼说:“我确认那是莫斯利会开始他的假期,并且不会在继续竞选连任。他没有理由留任。” f1-zone.net “ This is more about getting caught and trying to limit the damage” than any admission of guilt, Mosley told CNN. 莫斯里告诉 CNN,“这根本就是被抓了个正着。 他们还在试图挽回损失,你别想他们会认罪。” yeeyan “Bottom- spanking, whip fantasy and role play scenarios are an interest Mr Mosley accepts he has had since quite a young age, ” Price told the court. 普赖斯向法庭解释说,“打屁股、抽打身体和情景角色扮演都是莫斯利先生从年轻时代就开始喜好的。” yeeyan “It is true that until now we have supported Max Mosley, but once disconnected from his position we can take our decision freely, ” Gracia said. 格雷西亚说:“我们现在一直支持着莫斯利是事实,但一旦他离开这个岗位,我们可以自由发表我们的想法了。” www.f1-zone.net A recent British parliamentary inquiry had considered and rejected Mr Mosley’s suggestion. 最近的英国议会调查考虑并拒绝了莫斯利的建议。 ecocn An all- out assault on the governing body would almost certainly encourage Mosley to stand again. 理事机构的全面攻击,几乎肯定会激励莫斯利再次站出来选举。 ferrari-china.com But speaking about the upcoming appeal today, FIA president Max Mosley downplayed the potential threat to Raikkonen's title. 但是当谈及即将到来的上诉,国际汽联主席莫斯利认为这不会威胁到莱库宁总冠军的头衔。 bbs.hellof1.com But the68-year-old son of Britain's 1930s Fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley stood by his interest in sado- masochism and told a London court judge that role- play added to the atmosphere. 但是这个二十世纪三十年代法西斯领导人奥斯瓦德·莫斯利 Oswald Mosley的儿子仍坚持其性虐的个人兴趣。他告诉伦敦高等法院法官说,较色扮演可以增加情趣。 yeeyan FIA president Max Mosley says he has informed the FOTA teams that the governing body is ready for talks to resolve the bitter row between them. 国际汽联主席莫斯利称,他已经通知 FOTA的各支队伍,理事会已经准备好用谈判的方式来解决他们之间的问题。 ferrari-china.com FIA President Max Mosley is also keeping busy writing to the teams to outline his plans for cost cutting, launching the concept of KERS and backing the use of moveable aerodynamic devices. 国际汽联主席莫斯利也忙碌着,他写信与各个车队沟通,向他们略述了他的计划,包括削减成本、推动 KERS概念和支持可动式气动套件的使用。 yeeyan FIA President Mosley, who was caught in the scandal of Nazi role-playing with prostitutes, has sued a British paper, the News of the World, for publishing the details. 国际汽车联合会主席莫斯利正深陷召妓并扮演纳粹施虐的丑闻,他已于4日起诉率先报道此事的英国《世界新闻报》。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Following the announcement of the closure Mosley said on Thursday he was suspicious of Murdoch's motives. 在宣布该报纸关闭后,莫斯里却在周四说自己十分怀疑默多克的动机。 yeeyan Lawyers for Mosley told the court that News of the World was guilty of“a gross and indefensible intrusion of his private life”. 莫斯利的律师向法庭陈述说,《世界新闻报》“显而易见且毫无疑问的干涉了莫斯利的私生活。” yeeyan Mr Mosley argued that this “ ambush” breached his right to privacy, under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. 莫斯利争论说,依据欧洲人权公约的第八条,媒体的“伏击”损害了他的隐私权。 ecocn Price said the story had been driven entirely by Mosley's family name and the paper's pursuit of“ sexual titillation”. 普赖斯说,报道完全倒向于莫斯利家族与赤裸裸的“性冲动”。 yeeyan You arrested Oswald Mosley, Mrs Mosley and20,000 British fascists. There was no investigation or due process. 比如说英国,曾经未经调查,也未按照法定程序,便逮捕了奥斯瓦德·莫斯利、他妻子以及20000名英籍法西斯主义者,然后监禁在你们的集中营里。 yeeyan Mosley faced pressure to quit his job after the story was published in March along with a series of lurid photographs and video footage on the newspaper's website. 三月份莫斯利的性虐丑闻被公布,与此同时在世界新闻报的网站上还刊登了一系列骇人的照片和视频片段。 yeeyan Mosley, president of Formula One's governing body the International Automobile Federation FIA, defended his behaviour while launching a landmark legal action against a British tabloid newspaper. 莫斯利是国际一级方程式的管理机关 FIA国际汽车联合会的主席。当他对某英国小报提起里程碑式的法律诉讼时,他为自己的行为进行了辩解。 yeeyan Mosley also addressed the question of whether or not McLaren have the right to appeal the decision, given that they did not protest the results of the Brazilian Grand Prix. 莫斯利同时也谈到迈克拉伦车队是否有权利对决定提出上诉的质疑,他表示他们并不反对巴西站的结果。 bbs.hellof1.com Mosley remains confident that the dispute will be resolved and the split averted. 莫斯利仍然相信分裂将会被避免,这一争端也会得到解决。 ferrari-china.com Mosley said Todt's executive experience as CEO of Ferrari was a crucial advantage, and added that the Frenchman was fully versed in the FIA's road safety and environmental campaigns. 莫斯利认为托德在法拉利做 CEO的经验是他的至关重要的优势,值得一说的是法国人对于 FIA道路安全以及周边环境都很熟悉。 ferrari-china.com Mosley was known by casual fight fans years before Floyd was. 莫斯利被大众拳迷所熟悉的时间要早于梅威瑟。 boxingcn |