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MorphometricCOCA¹⁴³⁴⁷¹BNC⁵⁰⁰⁸⁷iWeb⁵⁴⁹⁹² 基本例句 形态测定的¹⁰⁰ Objective To obtain values of morphometric parameters in different cells and frequency distribution of morphometric parameters in total cells among normal lingual exfoliated cells. 获取正常人舌脱落细胞中不同细胞的形态计量学参数值及总体细胞形态计量学参数的频率分布图。 cnki Seven species including three polytypic species of the genus were compared and analyzed based on the geographic distribution, morphometric characters and chromosomes of bamboo grasshoppers in detail. 着重从地理分布、形态数量性状和染色体特征几个方面,对竹蝗属物种进行比较分析。 cnki Six morphometric parameters of75 cases with breast carcinoma,6 cases of benign breast tumors and11 cases of mammary dysplasia were analysed using micro- image analysis system. 利用显微图象分析技术对75例乳腺癌,6例乳腺良性肿瘤及11例乳腺结构不良进行了细胞形态定量研究。 cnki Summary of Background Data. Accurate measurement of morphometric parameters of pedicle isthmus is important for transpedicular procedures. 背景资料分析:对于经椎弓根操作,精确测量椎弓根峡部形态学参数很重要。 oaopdoc The study obtained the morphometric parameters of different cells and frequency distribution figures of morphometric parameters of total cells in normal lingual exfoliated cells. 获得了正常人舌脱落细胞中不同细胞的形态计量学参数及总体细胞形态计量学参数值的频率分布图。 cnki The morphometric studies on the left ventricular bands or false tendons was carried out in the hearts of men, oxen, pigs, sheep and dogs by using stereological method. 本文用成年人、牛、猪、羊和狗的心脏对左心室条束亦称假腱索进行了体视学研究。 cnki The anterior horn cells of spinal cords in lumbar enlargement were examined by using electron microscopical and morphometric methods8 weeks after swimming endurance training. 用体视学方法研究耐力训练8周后脊髓前角细胞线粒体超微结构的变化。 cnki The infiltration of neutrophils in the bronchial mucosa was shown in control group in the morphometric study. 形态学研究显示对照组的支气管黏膜有中性粒细胞浸润。 cnki There were lager mean values of the morphometric parameters mentioned above and nuclear shape factor in breast cancer without lymph node involved and surviving time was over5 years after mastectomy. 无淋巴结转移及手术后存活5年以上的乳腺癌,上述各参数值较小,核形状因子较大。 cnki Morphometric characteristic and propagation function of Culter erythropterus Basilewsky were studied. 对红鳍鲌的形态特征、繁殖性能进行了研究。 cnki Computer- assisted sperm analysis systems provide objective and detailed information on various motility characteristics and morphometric dimensions. 计算机辅助精子分析系统可以提供精子活力和形态学上客观的和详细的信息。 cnki Conclusion Great morphometric variations were found in occipital condyle. 结论枕髁的形态学变异较大。 cnki Conclusions— The most powerful histological predictor of stent thrombosis was endothelial coverage. The best morphometric predictor of LST was the ratio of uncovered to total stent struts. 结论:支架血栓最有力的组织学预测因素是内皮覆盖率, LST最好的形态学预测因素是未覆盖内皮部分占总支架支柱的比例。 med66 Method With the electron microscope and light microscope ,6 cases of fibro capsules tissue were observed and measured by morphometric method. 方法应用光镜、电镜对6例纤维囊组织进行观察及形态学计量分析。 cnki Methods The expression of TAF and microvascular density count in80 osteosarcomas were investigated by immunohistochemical staining and morphometric technique. 方法:应用免疫组化和形态计量方法,检测80例骨肉瘤 TAF表达和肿瘤微血管密度。 iciba Methods: Conventional pathological technique and morphometric measurement were used for observing the alterations in rat lungs during one to14 months after inhaling DU aerosol. 方法:用常规病理技术和形态计量学方法观察了大鼠吸入 DU气溶胶后1-14个月肺组织病理和形态计量学改变。 cnki Methods By histochemistry and electron microscopy, morphometric quantitative study of neurons and mitochondria of hippocampus was investigated with true color medical image analysis system. 方法应用组织化学及电镜技术,通过计算机图像分析系统对海马神经元及其线粒体结构进行形态计量分析。 cnki Objective To study the relationship between DNA content, nuclear morphometric protocols and biological behavior of pulmonary carcinoma. 目的探讨肺癌细胞核形态参数及 DNA含量与肿瘤生物学行为的关系。 cnki Objective A preliminary study was conducted on morphometric parameters for discrimination between small cell carcinoma and non Hodgkin's lymphoma. 目的初步探讨小细胞癌与小淋巴细胞性非何杰金淋巴瘤鉴别的体视学参数。 cnki Objective: To investigate the morphometric changes in the podocyte foot process during the development of, and recovery from, acute puromycin aminonucleoside PAN nephropathy in rats. 目的:定量研究嘌呤霉素肾病大鼠模型从建立到恢复过程中,足突的形态变化规律。 cnki Objective: To study the regular rule of changes in endothelial cells morphometric feature under steady flow state, and to investigate the effects of shear stress on the structure of vascular intima. 目的:探讨稳态层流下的内皮细胞特征变化规律和血流切应力改变对血管内膜结构的影响。 cnki The results showed that the biological characteristics and changes of morphometric parameters in transformed cells induced by two types of radiation were basically similar. 结果表明,两种类型的电离辐射诱发细胞转化的生物学特性及细胞形态计量学参数的变化基本相似。 cnki The morphometric parameter that best correlated with endothelialization was the ratio of uncovered to total stent struts per section. 与内皮化关联最好的形态学参数是每个节段中未覆盖内皮部分占总支架支柱的比例。 med66 This morphometric and simulation study showed that translaminar screw placement would be possible in practice. 这项形态学和模拟研究显示椎板螺钉的位置是可操作的。 oaopdoc Tissue morphometric results by statistical analysis showed: new bone formation and residual CPC was no significant difference between other two groups of CPC implanted P0.05. 组织形态测量学结果,统计学分析显示:两组间新骨形成及 CPC残留差异无统计学意义 P>0.05。 fabiao |