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词汇 morphine
释义 mor·phine 英ˈmɔːˌfiːn美ˈmɔrˌfinAHDmôrʹfēn' ★☆☆☆☆高M八GCOCA²⁰⁰²²BNC²⁰⁶⁴⁹iWeb¹⁴⁴⁹⁸Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

an alkaloid narcotic drug extracted from opium; a powerful, habit-forming narcotic used to relieve pain来自德语名词morphin吗啡,1816年由德国药剂师 Friedrich Sertürner创造,来自古希腊神话中梦神的名字Morpheus摩尔甫斯,形态制造者,因为吗啡具有梦神一样的强效镇痛作用。morphine sulfate硫酸吗啡碱,硫酸吗啡…morphine methyl bromide甲基溴吗啡morphine addiction吗啡瘾morphine chloride氢氯酸吗啡morphine receptor吗啡感受器,吗啡受体…morphine hydrochloride氢氯酸吗啡morphine benzoate苯甲酸吗啡morphine borate硼酸吗啡morphine acetate乙酸吗啡methyl morphine甲基吗啡碱,可待因…intravenous morphine anesthesia吗啡静脉麻醉…morphine-like substance吗啡样物质dinitrophenyl morphine吗啡morphine poisoning吗啡中毒pseudo morphine氧化吗啡morphine-like factor吗啡样因素, 吗啡样…
词源解释来自德语名词morphin吗啡,1816年由德国药剂师 Friedrich Sertürner创造,来自古希腊神话中梦神的名字Morpheus摩尔甫斯,形态制造者,因为吗啡具有梦神一样的强效镇痛作用。
morph=Morpheus,梦神+ine=-an,形容词和名词后缀,表属性→属于梦神的东西,具有梦神属性的东西→像梦神那样能安神止痛的东西⇒吗啡。近义词 morphia吗啡narcotic麻醉药depressant有镇静作用的…

用作名词He died of an overdose ofmorphine.他死于服用过量吗啡。
Themorphinewas administered by injection.那吗啡是注射进去的。
Extramorphinedoses failed to relieve her pain.临时增加吗啡的剂量没有缓解她的疼痛。as in.opium
同义词 drug,heroin,opiate,poppycodeine,dope,hypnotic,papaverine,soporific,tarbrown stuff,sleep-induceras in.painkiller
同义词 aspirin,drug,medicine,ointment,opiate,sedative,tranquilizeranalgesic,anodyne,dopealleviative,pain reliever
adrenalinenoun state of excitement
opiumnoun narcotic
brown stuff,codeine,dope,drug,heroin,hypnotic,morphine,opiate,papaverine,poppy,sleep-inducer,soporific,tar
painkillernoun anesthetic
alleviative,analgesic,anodyne,aspirin,dope,drug,medicine,morphine,ointment,opiate,pain reliever,sedative,tranquilizer The effects of morphine on the stomach are potentiated by cholinergic drugs.

“The animals have to possess an elaborate enzyme system which enables them to produce morphine autonomously, ” explains Prof. Michael Spiteller from the Dortmund Institute of Environmental Research.
“哺乳动物必须拥有一个完美而复杂的酶系统,这个系统使其能自动生成吗啡。”多特蒙德环境研究所的迈克尔·S教授解释道。 yeeyan

Active euthanasia would allow doctors to go further by, for instance, using morphine to hasten the end of a brief, pain-filled life, if the parents agreed.
若对患病婴儿实施安乐死得到批准,那么医生可能会在家属同意的情况下,用吗啡来更快结束这些婴儿短暂而痛苦的生命。 ecocn

Analysts recommended doubling the number of NATO troops, building a bigger jobs creation program, and licensing some legal poppy cultivation for morphine medicines.
分析人员建议增加北约部队一倍,设立更大的创造就业机会的项目,并允许为药用吗啡种植罂粟。 iciba

Argentina returned cargo to the United States that it had seized from an American military aircraft in February, including satellite equipment and morphine.
阿根廷向美国归还了二月份从一架美军飞机上扣押的货物,包括卫星通信设备和吗啡。 ecocn

But by the end her sufferings were horrible, her abdomen badly burnt by the radiation treatment, the pain from her multiplying tumours far beyond the reach of morphine.
但是知道生命尽头她还要遭受折磨,她的腹部被放射治疗灼伤的非常严重,癌细胞四处扩散,疼痛连吗啡都止不住。 ecocn

By contrast, morphine and other painkillers such as pethidine and dihydrocodeine are hard to find in state systems in poor countries.
相比之下,穷国家的国家体制中就很难找到吗啡或者其他类似杜冷丁和双氢可待因的止疼药。 ecocn

Cocaine, amphetamines, opium, morphine and others are in Schedule II and can be prescribed by doctors under DEA supervision.
可卡因、安非他明、鸦片、吗啡等位居第二表,且其可于 DEA之监管下为医生所处方。 ecocn

Dr Benedetti observed that morphine falls into the second category.
贝内代蒂博士注意到吗啡被分到了第二类。 ecocn

He started an IV for fluids and morphine in his left hand.
他开始基斯的左手上插上静脉点滴,并注射了吗啡。 yeeyan

Improved access to oral morphine is mandatory for the treatment of moderate to severe cancer pain, suffered by over 80% of cancer patients in terminal phase.
改进口服吗啡的可及性对治疗80%以上的癌症末期患者承受的中等到严重癌症疼痛是必不可少的。 who

In the well- studied poppy plant, scientists suspect morphine acts as a defense against predators.
在充分研究罂粟植物后,科学家怀疑吗啡是对扑食者的一种防御手段。 yeeyan

One helped her daughter fulfill a wish to die by providing her morphine. The other injected heroin into her son herself.
一位给她的女儿注射了吗啡以满足她寻死的愿望,另一位则亲自给儿子注射了海洛因。 yeeyan

Our bodies produce a small but steady amount of natural morphine, a new study suggests.
一项新研究表明,我们人体可持续产生少量的天然吗啡。 yeeyan

Related to morphine and heroin, the Gaza health ministry recognizes Tramadol as a painkiller and allows its sale only by prescription.
由于这种药和吗啡、海洛因有关,加沙健康部门只允许曲马多在医药处方中作为止痛药使用。 yeeyan

Scientists are also developing a clearer picture of how legal pharmaceuticals and personal- care products— from antibiotics and morphine to fragrances and sunscreen—are flooding our waterways.
从抗生素、吗啡,到香水、防晒油,科研人员也在了解这些冲进下水道的合法药物及个人护理用品的情况。 yeeyan

Secondly, the brain has its own natural versions of morphine and heroine: endogenous opioids, such as endorphins.
其次,人类大脑有其自身的吗啡和海洛因的原始版本:内源性阿片类药物,如内啡肽。 yeeyan

Soluble morphine costs only a few cents a dose and Africa gets big money for AIDS victims. A little could be diverted to palliative care.
可溶性的吗啡一剂只需几分钱,且非洲为艾滋病人接收大量资金援助,完全可以将其中的一小部分挪用至缓解痛苦治疗。 ecocn

Strong suffered from permanent ill health and was often affected by the generous use of morphine to control pain.
史强有长期的健康问题,因使用太多吗啡来减轻疼痛而神智经常受到影响。 ecocn

That led Dr Benedetti to wonder if the effect of legally administered pre-competition morphine might, perfectly legally, be carried over into a competition by giving a placebo.
这些发现让贝内代蒂博士猜测在赛前被允许合法使用的吗啡所产生的安慰剂效应是否可能持续到正式比赛。 ecocn

They got me to a local hospital, and I got this gorgeous shot of morphine.
他们把我送到当地医院,然后很慷慨的给我打了一针吗啡。 yeeyan

Without correct information, health professionals and patient families often avoid using opioid analgesics, such as morphine, to relieve pain.
由于没有正确的信息,卫生专业人员和患者家人常常避免使用吗啡等阿片类止痛药来止痛。 who

Morphine is a white bitter substance obtained from opium and used in medicine to reduce pain.

Morphine was isolated from opium in1806, cocaine was first manufactured in 1860, and heroin was discovered in1874.
1806年,从鸦片中提取出了吗啡;1860年才首次制造出可卡因,而海洛因是到1874年才被发现。 yeeyan

Morphine can be easily stored and administered.
吗啡也十分容易储存和管理。 ecocn

Morphine shots can carry many side effects, he said— especially constipation.
吗啡注射带有很多副作用,他说--尤其是对便秘患者。 yeeyan




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