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词汇 morozov
释义 morozov
And so would the death of one of the theatre’s patrons, Savva Morozov, who financed Lenin’s newspaper and killed himself in the south of France in1905.
另一位剧院的重要赞助人,萨瓦·莫洛佐夫的死将会让我同样震撼。 他出资赞助了列宁的报纸,最终却于1905年在法国南部自杀身亡。 ecocn

It is politics that decides whether the dictator will be toppled, as in Tunisia, or the bloggers beaten and locked up, as in Morozov's native Belarus.
政治决定了独裁者是否会被推翻,比如突尼斯,或博客被胖揍一顿后关押起来,比如在 Morozov老家白俄罗斯。 yeeyan

Mr Pariser’s thesis is noteworthy because in contrast with Mr Morozov’s gleeful iconoclasm, he is critiquing the internet from an openly progressive starting-point.
和莫洛佐夫的【随意轻快的】反偶像主义相比,帕雷瑟的观点是值得注意的,他从公开进步的出发点批评互联网。 ecocn

His challenge is salutary but, like most revisionists, Morozov exaggerates in the opposite direction.
他的挑战是有益的,但是同大多数修正主义者一样, Morozov过分夸张了相反的方向。 yeeyan

Next year, the top prizes will include an apartment, Morozov said.
莫洛佐夫说,明年的头奖中将有一套房子。 hxen

Other incentives to procreate include an official Day of Conception, declared by Ulyanovsk Governor Sergei Morozov on September12,2007.
其它的刺激生育计划包括官方的受孕节,由乌里扬诺夫斯克 Ulyanovsk 官员 Sergei于2007年9月12日宣布。 yeeyan

Others, such as Evgeny Morozov, a visiting scholar at Stanford University, worry that they can easily be abused by repressive regimes to track and monitor opponents.
其他观察员,比如斯坦福大学的访问学者耶夫根尼•莫洛佐夫 Evgeny Morozov则担心专制政府利用这些手段来追踪和监控反对者。 ecocn

So what does Mr Morozov propose instead of the current approach?
那么 Mr Morozov有什么建议代替目前的方法? ecocn

This reinforces Morozov's point that the internet is a double-edged sword: yet it is also a back-handed tribute to the importance of these new media.
这加强了 Morozov观点,互联网是把双刃剑,但它也反面地证明了这些新媒体的重要性。 yeeyan

Morozov argued that it’s “ not enough” for us to simply join a Facebook group about freedom in Iran or China and then assume that democracy will magically appear.
Morozov认为仅仅加入 Facebook上关于自由伊朗和自由中国的群组然后希望民主最后会奇迹般地到来是不够的。 yeeyan




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