

单词 morning star
释义 morning star ˈmɔ:niŋstɑ: ☆☆☆☆☆高短语⁵⁶⁷⁸¹

a planet usually Venus seen just before sunrise in the eastern skymorning star晨星
近义词 lucifer魔鬼daystar晨星phosphorus磷
用作名词And I will give him themorning star.我又要把晨星赐给他。
Morning Star Farms makes vegetarian buffalo wings, BBQ ribs, and meatless meatballs.晨星农场提供水牛城素辣鸡翅,烤素肋骨,和素肉圆。noun.planet seen at dawn
同义词 Phosphor,Phosphorus,Venus,daystar,lucifer
反义词 Hesperus,evening star At the Morning Star Ranch in Marin, the residents called their way of life“ voluntary primitivism,” a design for living that transcended both excessive affluence and minimal hygiene.
在 Marin的晨星牧场,那里的居民管他们的生活方式叫做“自觉的原始主义”,一种超越了过度富裕,也超越了最低卫生条件的生活设计。 yeeyan

Finally, this paper will sample the comprehensive evaluation results and the fund of the morning star rating company evaluation result.
最后本文将样本基金的综合评价结果与晨星评级公司的评价结果进行比较。 fabiao

The elder awoke before dawn, and saw the Morning Star just rising.
姐姐在黎明前醒了过来,看到启明星刚刚升起。 dreamkidland

The Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country;
读《晨星报》的都是些认为吾大英帝国要被他国统治的人; douban

All the bowls filled with glaze, glaze color was even green, strong diaphaneity, glaze under bubbles appear and disappear, and such as morning star shine.
全碗施满釉,釉色肥嫩青翠,透明度强,釉下气泡时隐时现,如晨星闪烁。 orangelipin

And I will give him the morning star.
我又要把晨星赐给他。 ebigear

Different philosophers agree that something's gone wrong in the Morning Star and the Evening Star case, but disagree about the best diagnosis of where the mistake went in.
很多哲学家都认为,在晨星和昏星的例子中,的确存在错误,但是错误出在哪里,哲学家们却各执一词。 youdao

Here is a morning star of hope for thee, of such exceeding brilliance, that it may well light up the darkest and most desolate experience.
这是希望的晨星,闪耀出无比的光辉,照亮最黑暗、最荒芜的角落。 glorypress

I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
我是大卫的根,又是他的后裔。我是明亮的晨星。 ebigear

Looking at Venus through a telescope, it's magical, because, you know, it is the evening and morning star, and, you know, seeing it as a planet, itself, is kind of exciting.
通过望远镜观察金星感觉有点不可思议,因为它是昏星、晨星,把它看作行星是件令人兴奋的事。 englishtide

Past the Morning Star!
晨星过去了! blog.blog.tianya.cn

Protestors at the congress also raised the controversial Morning Star Flag, a symbol of West Papuan Independence, and an act that carries lengthy jail terms.
在国会的抗议者举起了反对的象征着西巴布亚独立的晨星旗,这是一种引发牢狱之灾的行为。 remword

The morning star was quite high in the sky, and as you watched, it grew paler and paler until the sun was just over the trees and the river became silver and gold.
晨星高高地挂在天空上,你看着它变得越来越黯淡,直到太阳从树丛上升起,河水变成了银色和金色。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn

The Morning Star whispers to Dawn, “ Tell me that you are only for me.”
晨星向黎明低语道:“告诉我,你只是为我而来。” blog.sina.com.cn

The Morning Star is that heavenly body which is the last heavenly body that's still visible as dawn comes in and it begins to get light.
晨星就是,这样一个天体,它是黎明来临,天快亮时,还能看到的,最后一颗星星。 youdao

When the pile was big enough, his friend, the morning star, would come out to let everyone know that the fire was about to start.
当木柴堆得足够多时,他的朋友晨星就会出来让大家知道火就要烧起来了。 tingvoa




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