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词汇 Morlet
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In the paper, usingMorletwavelet transform and EOF analysis to analyze Polar Vortex and SAH at 100hPa Geopotential Height.利用NCEP/NCAR高度场资料进行EOF分解;并对冬、夏极涡与夏季南亚高压的面积进行Morlet小波变换.
Morlet, J., Arens, G., Fourgeau, E. and Giard, D., “Wave propagation and sampling theory”, Geophysics, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 203-236, 1982.郭玮明、高家俊、庄士贤,“应用小波理论分析短时波速与波向之研究”,国立成功大学水利及海洋工程研究所硕士论文,1997。
This method is usingMorletwavelet transform,phase compensating, filtering ,extracting the modulation spectrum of radar target by FFT, then radar target is detected.此方法是利用小波变换 ,得到雷达目标回波信号的频率调频指数 ,对信号进行相位补偿 ,然后滤掉信号中的机身频谱和多普勒频谱 ,再进行相位补偿 ,用 FFT就可以得到目标的调制谱 ,由此实现目标识别。
Data of WFD calculated recent 50a is analyzed by means of EOF andMorlettechnique in order to find distribution of space-time and Variation of multiple time scale on WFD.对计算出的近50年晚霜冻害资料进行EOF分析和Morlet分析,以发现晚霜冻害的时空分布与多时间尺度变化规律。
Research shows that the feature parameters by theMorletwavelet transform 3-D distribution figures can be used to distinguish point to point PD,point to plate PD and surface PD.理论和仿真实验分析表明,小波变换三维分布图提取的特征参数可以作为识别局部放电的新特征量,这些特征量作为人工神经网络的输入量可单独使用也可结合其它方法使用。
The high resolution GPR real data computed by using of the GPR wavelets have high S/N radio and hold the construction of the buried objects well than the Cauchy wavelets or theMorletwavelets.与Cauchy小波及Morlet小波相比 ,以这种小波作为基本小波 ,应用于探地雷达实际资料处理中 ,在提高探地雷达剖面分辨率的同时 ,还能保持较高的信噪比




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