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moreno 基本例句 n.莫雷诺 Odette Tawil and Elie Moreno in front of the cabanas on Sidi Bishr beach,1959. 1959年,欧德特.塔维和艾利.摩惹诺在西迪毕舍尔海滩的小屋前。 yeeyan The editor of El País, Javier Moreno, says not, pointing to critical editorials before the TDT row. 《国家报》编辑哈维•莫雷诺认为没有,他指出早在陆地数字付费电视争论之前就有相关批评社论了。 ecocn The prosecutor, Luis Moreno- Ocampo, said he had a lot of evidence against the three men, as James Robbins reports. 检控官奥坎波 Luis Moreno- Ocampo称,他已经掌握了许多关于这三人罪行的证据。 James Robbins报道。 hxen “ He felt that it was being neglected,” Moreno said. “他觉得她被忽视了,” Moreno说。 yeeyan “ The report we have so far is that it was strong and some structures have suffered damage, ” Moreno said. 莫雷罗表示说:“迄今为止我们得到的消息是,此次地震强度甚大,一些建筑在地震中遭到损毁。” blogbus Bernardo Moreno, Mr Uribe's chief of staff, has been banned from holding public office for18 years for “exceeding his authority” by inquiring about intelligence on Supreme Court justices. 伯纳德。莫瑞诺,乌拉韦的参谋长,因越职向最高法院法官们的探听消息被罚18年内禁止担任公共职务。 ecocn But the Egypt in which he had grown up, the milieu of the country's multi- ethnic urban elite, was fast disappearing; the summer of1959 was the last Moreno would see of it. 但当初他成长起来的地方——埃及的多民族混合聚居地,如今正在逐渐没落。1959年夏天,将是摩惹诺参观故地的最后机会。 yeeyan If Lewin and Moreno are two pioneers of action research, maybe they respectively present one pursuit. 如果勒温和莫瑞诺是行动研究的两个先驱者,或许他们正是代表了这两种追求。 blog.sina.com.cn Last week, the ICC’s chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno- Ocampo, indicated that he will bring charges sooner rather than later. 上周, ICC的最高检察官莫雷诺•奥坎波声称他将尽快提出控诉。 ecocn Lewin leaded the scientific and technical trend, while Moreno leaded the democratic and social reconstruction trend. 勒温引领的是科学与技术的方向,莫瑞诺引领的是民主和社会改造的方向。 blog.sina.com.cn Luis Moreno- Ocampo has also said there may be mercenaries offering Saif al- Islam refuge in countries like Zimbabwe that don't subscribe to the Rome Statute that underpins the ICC. 检察官 Luis Moreno- Ocampo还表示,在诸如津巴布韦等不受《罗马规约》约束的国家,可能有雇佣军向赛义夫·伊斯兰提供庇护,《罗马规约》是国际法庭的基础。 chinavoa Luis Moreno- Ocampo said more than 1,200 documents and50 interviews with key insiders and witnesses provided evidence that Colonel Gaddafi had personally ordered attacks on unarmed Libyan civilians. 奥坎波 Luis Moreno- Ocampo表示,1,200多份文件和对50名熟悉内情者及目击者进行的访问证明,卡扎菲上校个人下令对手无寸铁的利比亚平民发动袭击。 hxen Mr Moreno- Ocampo charges that incitement by politicians and civil servants directly led to the deaths of 1, 200 Kenyans and the displacement of at least300, 000. 而 Moreno- Ocampo先生指控政客和公职人员因煽动肯尼亚民众,从而直接导致1,200人身亡,以及至少300,000人流离失所。 ecocn Mr Moreno-Ocampo finishes his nine- year term next year. 明年,莫尔诺•欧卡姆坡先生就将完成他的9年任期。 ecocn Mr Moreno-Ocampo, for his part, must display the balancing skills of a trapeze artist. 作为莫雷诺•奥坎波工作内容的一部分,他必须显示出空中飞人般的平衡技巧。 ecocn Mr Moreno-Ocampo has hinted there will be only a handful of prosecutions, perhaps a couple from each side of the ruling coalition. 莫雷诺•奥坎波曾暗示,提起公诉的将只有一小部分案子,也许是从联合政府的每一方选择形成几件诉讼案。 ecocn Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo made the announcement at a press conference at the International Criminal Court headquarters in The Hague. 检察官奥坎波在海牙国际刑事法院总部的一个记者会上宣布这个决定。 www.voanews.com.cn So concludes Luis Moreno- Ocampo, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal CourtICC, after three years of investigations into the atrocities in Sudan’s ravaged western province. 这是国际刑事法庭的主控官路易斯·莫里诺-奥坎珀 Luis Moreno- Ocampo得出的结论。 他已经花了三年时间来调查在苏丹西部这个饱受荼毒的省份发生的暴行。 yeeyan The Kirchners want to wrest control of the company from their co- investors— this month, Guillermo Moreno, the commerce secretary, handed out boxing gloves at its shareholders’ meeting. 基什内尔夫妇想将公司控制权从联合投资人手中强行夺走。本月,商务部长圭勒莫•莫然诺在公司股东会上发起了挑衅。 ecocn This week in The Hague, judges in the Kenyan case upbraided Mr Moreno-Ocampo for releasing the names of the suspects before the court had ruled that they could be tried. 就在这一周,海牙法庭的法官莫尔诺•欧卡姆坡先生被谴责泄露那些在未经法庭裁定有罪的情况下被怀疑对象名单。 ecocn Two years later, in 1961, the structural steel company Moreno's father ran was nationalized by Nasser, and his family left for the United States shortly thereafter. 两年后,也就是1961年,摩惹诺的父亲掌控的钢构公司被纳赛尔总统国有化,那之后,他们全家只好暂时到移居美国。 yeeyan Moreno, an Egyptian of Sephardic Jewish descent, had been born in Alexandria and raised in Cairo. 摩惹诺是出生于亚历山大市,在开罗长大的西班牙裔犹太血统埃及人。 yeeyan |