

单词 more and more
释义 more and more 英mɔː ænd mɔː美mɔːr ənd mɔːr 短语²⁰⁹⁶

advancing in amount or intensity;

she became increasingly depressed

more cider and less talk多做实事,少说空话…no more alike than chalk and cheeseas like as…
近义词 increasingly逐渐地progressively前进地
The park is becomingmore and morebeautiful.公园越来越美了。as in.increasingly
同义词 more,progressivelywith acceleration
反义词 decreasinglyless
increasinglyadverb to a greater extent
more,progressively,with acceleration All this adds to the pressure on the dong, with more and more Vietnamese selling the currency in favour of keeping gold and dollars at home.
随着越来越多的越南人卖出货币倾向于保持黄金和美元在家里,这一切都压力作用在了越南盾上。 ecocn

Are you ready for more and more of your business to come from other freelancers?
你为越来越多来自其他自由职业者的业务作好准备了么? yeeyan

As you deepen your participation in the industry networks, more and more benefits open up to you.
随着你在行业网络的参与不断深入,越来越多的好处将对你开放。 ibm

Every time you choose the unknown, you win more and more independence, happiness and strength.
每次你选择未知的事情,你会获得越来越多的自立,幸福和力量。 yeeyan

Now they have more and more choices back home.
如今,他们在国内有越来越多的选择了。 ecocn

Those who spend their life moving away from their treasures have more and more reasons to despair.
那些终其一生逐渐远离财宝的人们会遇到越来越多的绝望的理由。 yeeyan

We talked daily. I spent more and more time at his apartment.
我们每天都会说话,我呆在他的公寓的时间越来越多。 yeeyan

More and more organizations are using these indicators.
越来越多的组织在采用这些指标。 worldbank

More and more people are finding themselves in this situation today and unsure of what to do.
越来越多的人正在发现自己身处这个情形,却不确定该怎么做。 yeeyan

More and more voters, both here and in Europe, are convinced that what we need is not more stimulus but more punishment.
在这里和欧洲,越来越多的选民相信,我们需要的不是更多的刺激,而是更多的惩罚。 yeeyan




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