

单词 moraine
释义 mo·raine 英məˈreɪn美məˈrenAHDmə-rānʹ 高TCOCA⁴²³⁸⁷BNC⁷²¹⁴⁶iWeb³⁵⁴²²
accumulated earth and stones deposited by a glacier来自法国普罗旺斯方言morre,鼻子,突起部分,词源可能同muzzle.后用于指突起的土块,冰碛。medial moraine中碛push moraine推进冰碛bottom moraine冰底碛,底碛…end moraine终碛surface moraine表碛石terminal moraine终碛tectonic moraine构造冰碛物ground moraine冰川底部的冰碛…frontal moraine前碛flank moraine侧碛lateral moraine冰川侧碛interlobate moraine冰层间碛中分碛…englacial moraine内碛,内冰碛…recessional moraine后退碛ablation moraine冰川侧碛,消融冰碛…
近义词 debris碎片rubble瓦砾residue残渣terminal moraine终碛lateral moraine冰川侧碛glacial deposit冰积土,冰川沉积…

用作名词We hiked to the top of themoraineand had a better view of the lake.我走到冰碛石顶部,才有拍摄此湖的较佳视野。as in.ridge
同义词 hill,rimbackbone,chine,corrugation,crease,crinkle,elevation,esker,fold,furrow,hogback,parapet,plica,pole,range,rib,ruck,seam,spine,upland,wrinklerimple,rivel
反义词 flat,plain
ridgenoun raised part of solid
ridgesnoun raised part of solid
backbones,chines,corrugations,creases,crinkles,elevations,eskers,folds,furrows,hills,hogbacks,moraines,parapets,plicas,poles,ranges,ribs,rimples,rims,rivels,rucks,seams,spines,uplands,wrinkles Divergent views have long existed as to the origin of the diamictite of the Fengtai Formation, but most researchers consider that it is glacial moraine and glaciolacustrine deposits.
对凤台组杂砾岩的成因,长期存在着几种不同认识,但大多数研究者认为是冰川形成的底碛和冰湖沉积。 cnki

The grey stripe down the middle of the glacier is called a medial moraine. It is formed when two glaciers flow into each other and join on their way downhill.
沿冰川中部而下的灰色条纹被称为中碛,它是由于两条冰河在下坡时汇合在一起而形成的。 yeeyan

To build high earth- rockfill dam on thick moraine cover foundation in high earthquake intensity region will face many new problems such as dynamic stability, dam foundation liquefaction etc.
在高地震烈度区修建深厚覆盖层上的高土石坝面临许多新问题,如大坝的动力稳定、坝基液化问题等。 cnki

The ground is covered with moraine.
地表覆盖着冰碛石。 yeeyan

The ground is covered with moraine. Ice under it is gray and dirty.
地表覆盖着冰碛石。底部的冰呈灰色并且肮脏。 world86

This glacial lake is bound by the glacier snout on one end, and a moraine—a mound formed by the accumulation of sediments and rocks moved by the glacier—on the other.
这个冰川湖的一端是冰川的末端,另一端则是一排由冰川搬运来的沉积物和岩石累积而成的冰碛。 yeeyan

We hiked to the top of the moraine and had a better view of the lake.
我走到冰碛石顶部,才有拍摄此湖的较佳视野。 iciba

What happened in the environmental evolution in the eastern Tibet Plateau shows that climate change, which reflected by quaternary moraine series, has long cycle and great breadth.
这在青藏高原东缘环境演化过程中,说明青藏高原第四纪冰期序列所反映的气候波动周期长、幅度大,并与高原隆升同步发生。 cnki

Moraine gave way to flat grasslands, pine to palm. Windbreaks appeared, then wheat, and finally clapboard houses behind manicured hedges.
石山已经被草原,松树和棕榈树所替代,防风林出现了,然后是麦地,最后有了树篱后的木板房屋。 yeeyan




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