释义 |
morag 基本例句 n.莫拉格 He even secured a tentative peace with Morag the Tulgah witch, who -- if she had put her mind to it -- could probably have wiped out the Marauders.亚维德甚至与图尔加女巫莫拉格MoragtheTulgahwitch达成了暂时的和平。只要女巫有意,她有能力把劫掠者们全部杀光。 During a severe drought, the evil Tulgah witch Morag captured Izrina, and used her magic to transform her into an actual being of fire.在一场严重的旱灾期间,邪恶的图尔加女巫莫拉格抓住了伊兹里娜。她用魔法把伊兹里娜变成了真正的火人。 |